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looks like he has teh autism

who charlie ?

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You hear that Yea Forumsros? It's the sounds of rioters outside screaming down with the monarchy.


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yeah fuck these kids better together and all that

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The Queen used to be a trucker during the war

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yup and fixed them herself

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if donald trump wasnt president,i bet melania would of divorced him by now.what idiot would want to be with some fat slob like donald trump

One that only cares about money.

Can the entire royal family get on a plane and die in a crash please? That’d be great.

what money? donald trump has filed bankruptcy more times then you can count

and have a fucking politician as head of state ?FUCK THAT

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You’re right, an inbred family of murderers is a much better choice.

bumpstock boy

it really must burn your ass that he won

would rather see the trump family do that,could care less about a bunch of eurotrash

how do you think they got there.

who care what a moron like you thinks

please explain to me why at this point,you think cadet bone spurs is any better then hillary clinton?

>show us on the doll where charles touched you.

yeah,im the's your president working out retard? cant wait til you lose both the senate and presidency in 2020,you deserve it.donald trump is a complete failure

no proof no problem and no muzzie princes

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hope the Royals get STD tests

funny how you didnt respond,must be because like the rest of trump's supporters,your to stupid to think of a reason why.time of "republicans"to get rid of the trash like yourself

Labour voter. I bet you think Churchill was a nazi.

>cadet bone spurs
When it’s not just a shitpost, it’s pic related.

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Fuck those English dole bludgers look like the back end of a bus.

I think he was an overrated fat fuck who was drunk 90% of his career (whatever that was)

What are you gonna do when trump wins by a landslide in 2020?

they are gonna wait 4 years and then see the first female president

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Not gonna lie, I would fuck 1930s Queen Elizabeth

HAHA - Charlie pooped himself and Camila just caught a whiff

your a bad person user

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wow, that's embarrassing lol

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Who the fuck wouldn't