Be me

>be me
>through mutual friends meet a really annoying girl (don't know if she qualifies as an art hoe since she aint a hoe or is into art really)
>punk/biker anarchist style
>hardcore anarchist and leftist
>practically identical to pic related with fewer tattoos
>everytime we go out and she is in the group we always argue
>politics mainly since I'm a nationalist/rightwing, but we also argue about a lot of other things since everything I support she likes the opposite (Sometimes I don't know if she is doing it in purpose tbh)
>me and the crew were going to go to the beach and she along with some other girls were invited too
>the other fags cancelled so it was just me and that girl
>we hang out and surprisingly don't fight that much
>ff to nightime (like 1 AM) we light a campfire and stay around it to dry out after swimming
>we are arguing about pharmaceutical companies or some shit
> she says
>She grabs me by the neck and kisses me
>After it's over I just look at her stunned and she is like beetroot, anime girl levels of flushing
>She leaves and I am left speechless

It's been kinda awkard now. We haven't really talked ever since that happened and every time she looks me she gets embarassed and flustered. What do I do? Does she love me? Do I love her? Even though I am very extroverted I've been a lurkfag and a virgin for so long, I don't know how to react to this. I'll try talking to her about it at some point next week.

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yep shes in love with you, so act accordingly and get rid of the vcard(but since i expect you to be b&, you shouldnt rush it, it will play out itself, or she will make the moves in time) but yeah, good luck op

Holy shit just fuck her you gigantic faggot wtf

anarchists are retards. she needs some pure daddy marx and lenin to show her proper.

If I wanted to bait, I would have posted on r9k to gage funnier reactions from the incels. I am just asking to see what you people think. I talked about it a lot with a few really close friends but didn't feel comoftable telling my other friends about it. Believe it or not, amongst the crap, I do get good advice from this site once in a while and this is the only board I think is worthwhile really.

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that's a hot story, you can probably be sex friend with her but I won't recommand you to get in couple because it will probably not last long and will probably get annoying and toxic seeing the girl

This is what's keeping me back. I think that if we get in a relationship we will just argue all the time, although I would like to point out she does want kids which is rare for punks.

You fuckin retard this incel fantasy stinks like daddy's fishy dick

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one of my friends told me the exact same thing

So I was casually playing Fallout 3 when I hear my doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting any friends, so I looked out the window, and saw a man standing at my door, and I didn't recognize him. So, I went on over and answered the door."Hello there" I said nonchalantly. He responded with "Hi, I was wondering if you had a few minutes to hear the word of God?" So I said "Unfortunately, no, not right now. I'm a bit busy, but if you give me your address, I can swing by later tonight and I can tell you about Atheism." So he says back "Well, sir, um... I don't want to give my personal information out to random people..." So my response is "What? Why? You don't want a random stranger knocking on your door in the middle of the day and trying to shove their religion down your throat? Kinda hypocritical, don't you think?" He just looked completely befuddled as he turned away and started walking down the street, off to his next house. As he stormed out, a couple of the passerbys started to whistle and cheer, soon my neighbors joined in and even some drivers. I gave a wave and went off with a feeling of accomplishment.

if this is real...and thats a big if... she is obviously into you. Dont be a pussy, this is your chance . take it

Yeah but you can "try" just fuck her regularly, doesn't mean that you must invest yourself.
But maybe you're afraid of attaching yourself to her, I can understand that

I said it before. If I wanted to bait I would have gone on r9k. Why would I bother posting it on b? Nobody cares about bait here.

My bestfriend had a girlfriend a few years ago, she was kind of the same profile (kind of punk, colored hair, tatoo etc), and she led him hard life, lied (about having a baby), sickly jealousy etc,

So whatever you do bro (OP), don't invest yourself and always think about you first! :)

I mean call me a faggot all you want but I am really not into the whole casual fucking thing. I think you should save yourself for being in a relationship that's why I haven't pursued anything like that with her.

no. your just a fag

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nah bro you do what you want, but it would probably be a good fuck if you have an hate/love relationship -> so a hate/love sex

just bee yourself

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again you do what you want, listen to your heart lol (but do you prefer to have remorse or regret? in the case where you want to fuck her but you don't do it)

>"You know I really would like to shut you up sometime"
>She leaves and I am left speechless
she won that round

kek that made me laugh

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She's basically waiting for you to take her out.
You's the man's job usually (society's a bitch ? yes)