I just put a nail in my foot

I just put a nail in my foot.

Attached: IMG_20190604_185636.jpg (3968x2976, 1.52M)

Timestamp or fake

Gee what a shock. For once wash your feet you fucking degenerate faggot. Look at this fungi. Jesus. You must be fat and cannot reach down there to wash em properly. Better die.

That wouldn't even hurt

So you're saying that I can push a fucking nail into my skin on my foot, but can't reach it?

why arent you wearing certified green label work bookts?

Damn, them some thick calluses. Do you walk around barefoot a lot?

>reverse search
>no other images of this size found

Attached: vision.jpg (640x638, 27K)

Because I'm at home.

only YOU can prevent accidents, user.

Nope. I think it's that thick because I was fat pretty much my entire life.

You should seek medical help for a tetanus shot ASAP

Did you like how it felt going in?

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I do similar all the time. Thick callus buildup. It's just pushed into the thickened skin.

That's true my man, but I did this to myself.

I'm a big fat bastard, and I don't have stuff like that. Except on the sides of my big toes, for some reason. Must be where they rub.

How'd you lose the weight?

Nah. Tetanus is a myth.

I had to push pretty hard and watch out not to push it into the flesh.

But did you like it?

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I have on them on my big toes too. Sorry my english is not that good. Are you implying that I'm not fat anymore?

Sorry man. I didn't like it. I just kinda wanted to finish it when I started.

Not OP, but the sensation can be pretty intense some times.

Yes. You said "was", which implies that you aren't fat anymore.

oops... my bad. I'm not as fat as I was but I'm still fat. I lost weight eleminating bread, and by not eating like there is no tomorrow. I also work in a factory and in a grocery shop.

>not eating bread

I hear that one a lot. I like garlic bread and sketti tho. ._.

>No blood
Bah, it's just between the hardened skinlayers

The biggest problem is when I get high I just don't give a fuck about my diet and eat at 2 in the morning anything I can find. I also drink beer every weekend. I'm not giving beer up.

It's okay, I eat loads of bread and I'm still a skinny as fuck DYEL.

Why did you do it?

What's it like being obese in murica?

I do lift. I'm not weak, I'm just thicc. Thiccer than I want to be. I want my man boobs to be more square than floppy. But I hate cardio and love pasta and bread.

I can't tell you. I guess I'm just bored.

Sadly I don't know. I'm not from the USA.

I feel that one. I can eat endlessly when I'm high. And beer is definitely a killer. I'm just as bad though, I like a glass of whiskey, and a separate glass of cherry dr pepper.

fuck it, I'm just gonna diabeetus myself to death

Are you the same guy that just put needles in his dick in the other thread?

Finally a question I'm qualified to answer.

People are always on eggshells when joking around with you, and that tension results in HUGE laughs any time you make a fat joke about yourself. Very rarely, you'll encounter someone who is actually concerned for your health and speaks up about it, but they're almost always smacked down by people around you. Every food item you buy is gigantic portion sizes, and while it's kinda nice, it also makes it insanely easy to stay fat.

That's not fungi you retard

I don't drink whiskey anymore because it's a bit expensive for me but I like it too. At this point I'm just curious how would I look without 40kg of extra fat on my body.

Fuck no man.

It is pricey, but I also only drink it once or twice a month. Mostly because I always like to get drunk, and doing that too frequently really fucks you up. Especially on top of already being fat.

Also, speak burger for me. I don't know kg.

I was 400 pounds plus now I'm 310 and I want to be 220.

I'm about in the same boat. Good luck to you, user. Hopefully we can both be Chads someday.

Good luck to you too. We will be Chads.