>Darwin Who gives a fuck he probably just killed a bunch of coons.
Connor Kelly
Ban them harder!!!! Thatll make this never happen again, again!!
Anthony Russell
>coons You mean blonde female tourists staying in the motel
Camden Brown
>Tourists Fuck off, we're full.
Adam Evans
Well this does send a positive message
Dylan Roberts
>Positivity for foreign invaders Yeah, nah cunt.
Brody Flores
>foreign invaders dat edge
Isaiah Gutierrez
The banning of guns won't do shit. Look at the UK, one of the only countries in the world with a ban on knifes, yet has some of the highest knife crime.
Honduras has a ban on guns, yet a massive homicide rate. Yet Switzerland has more guns than people with the lowest homicide rate
It's cultural, let's see where this guy is from, it's either drug related, drinking related or as previously mentioned he's from a culture very different from our own
I need a shotgun to protect myself from all the crazy people out there with shotguns. I thought the Australians were immune to mass shootings cause they banned guns? Huh. I guess the criminal with the gun didnt get the message about the new law he was supposed to follow. If only one of the victims was armed and could protect themselves. It's a shame the all powerful and all good government couldn't protect them as promised. Oh well. This is what they wanted.
Robert Nelson
>let's see where this guy is from 195cm Caucasian male wearing hi-vis
Asher Wilson
Cunt, are you even Australian? The only "Diversity" in Darwin is niggers.
Isaac Young
>Drug Related/ Drinking relate/ immigrant
Go on then, was he drinking or a crackhead
Brayden Cook
>in custody What a fuckin pussy fart
Noah Kelly
The laws have never banned guns, only restricted them to people with legitimate reasons to own them. This group is farmers, authorised vermin hunters and heavily regulated sports shooters. All self loading guns are banned. Basically single shots and bolt actions.
This needs to be tightened, there have been a number of mass shootings from the above groups and I fear the 'sports shooters' category has become a little too easy to join. I could probably organise a gun license for myself if I joined a range club.
I shouldn't have a gun... I have well disguised depression
Anthony Carter
Probably both. What I want to know is how he had a gun
Daniel Peterson
You should get a gun license and use your gun to shoot all the other gun owners before they shoot someone else.
Us ausfags aren't poofs like the poms, no further bans will be coming in for a 5 killstreak you fucking retards.
Brody Kelly
The gun ban has worked beautifully. Gun ownership is below 1% of the population.
We have no school shootings with dad's war toy. None.
We have only had a couple of incidents outside gang on gang shit in the past 10 years. One was a farmer who shot up his family, then this.
We are doing pretty good. Hopefully this inspires the govt to tighten thins up so bogans don't end up with shotguns again.
Kayden Stewart
If someone breaks into your home... do you sit on the couch with your gun or does he have one in your face before you can stand up?
Oliver Stewart
so what you're saying is gun ownership has been taken from law abiding citizens and only criminals have guns now? that sounds safe. outstanding success. In the meantime any nig nog can break into your house and take what they want because you don't have the right to defend yourself.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Yes, because that happens all the time.
And no even nignogs don't have guns. There are a few in bikie and gang circles but they only use them on other bikies so no big loss.
Matthew Howard
Guns weren't banned, and they aren't even hard to get legally Stop believing the propaganda you're fed
I have uncloaked depression. I've carried a gun every single day since 2012 and never shot anyone. All semi autos were banned, yet you still have mass shootings. Seems like the only people missing out in this equation are the unarmed masses of law abiding citizens.
I have a cricket bat beside my bed and a few things around the house to improvise as a melee weapons. A fender telecaster makes a fine club. I rate my chances of splitting a head open in a confrontation.
Probably not able to get a gun ready and aimed nearly as quickly or effectively.
Plus, not a faggot
Josiah Baker
>on a dollar store mic Sorry i was grabbing food and went afk in spawn.
Our organised crime gangs aren't black. They are mostly Asian or white and I've never seen a nigger bikie.
Plus organised crime is no risk to the wider community. They don't shoot up McDonald's because they ran out of anti depressants.
Sebastian Roberts
Its are god given right to own and express our second amendment freedoms. There are hundreds of reasons someone may want a shotgun, home defence, self defence, adn hell, guns are fun as hell.
Michael Kelly
Also sawed off shotguns were already banned,m so how do you explain this peson getting a sawed off shotgun, here is a hint, criminals dont follow the rules.
Logan Lewis
And good for shooting up motels.
Unacceptable. We are grown up to admit this and deal with it
Evan Stewart
He bought a hacksaw?
Here's a thought - he, or the person he got the gun off shouldn't have had it in the first place.
It was working out so well. Now we have 2 mass shootings in 10 years
Henry Long
That’s what happens when you ban guns. People take advantage of anything. You should start learning how to use single-action revolvers they’re slow, loud, reliable, and will probably take a chunk off a shooter if used correctly.
yeah then some fag comes in and robs whoever the fuck they want because "gun control good". Criminals don't give a fuck about rules. Much like how Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about your feelings.
Jason Peterson
>That’s what happens when you ban guns. People take advantage of anything Yeah because tour widespread gun ownership sure stops the mass shooters in their tracks.
Which one? The one in the UK that works so well that people can't feel safe walking the streets? Being beaten to death or injured to the point of being fucked for life? Or are you talking about austrailia? With a population density of what? Nothing compared to many places in the US and many other bigger countries? sure b/tard
Colton Morales
Sounds like you guys fucked up somewhere. Personally, I love shotguns but it’s used for blowing cans away and self defense if need be. Trust me, there’s a million and a half places where I live where I can use it on people but I’m not a monster. Humans just lack morality nowadays. And that’s an even bigger problem, how can you let loose both barrels on someone like that?
Yeah, real great job at preventing gun violence with an Australian somehow smuggling in an arsenal into New Zealand to blow away people who were kneeling. Or shotgun boi blowing away people who were probably passed it asleep. You wanna be a mass shooter? Go to a place that can really shoot you back.
Ayden Lewis
Bogan (/ˈboʊɡən/ BOHG-ən) is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating.
So it has the same effectiveness as nigger? Or it’s counterpart nigga?
Cooper Long
He went to new Zealand because it was impossible in Australia. He got the guns over there because the sheep shaggers thought it would never happen to them and sold automatics to its citizens.
Not anymore. The kiwis despite the missing chromosome are more clever than you and have now banned guns
Ethan Evans
>people have no morality now a days >be medivial times >wooden horse to slowly split you in two >iron maiden >here come the crusades >"spill blood for the lord!" >native americans slaughtered for not giving up land >native americans don't even take up nearly all of it >africa being africa since the begining
Medieval and now are very different at your not getting your tongue ripped just because you didn’t say god bless you.
Eli Foster
So much leftist latte siping going on in this thread. Aus is one of the most over regulated nanny states in the fucking world, we can't even ride bikes without wearing helmets. Because of cucks who get scared every time something bad happens and want the gov to come and protect them ! The anzac's would be turning over in their graves with the state of this country ATM
Nathaniel Jones
it lasted until some indians joined the french in a war against them. Might be remembering it wrong but it was something like that.
>be america >see indians take side against us >"all indians are cunts" >other indians not doing that shit >"bruh,,what?"
I'm frankly surprised a bogan managed to make it that far north.
Blake Ross
Tell me about Austrialia's rate of Arson of Occupied Structures since 1997.
Luis Hernandez
See: Please get a gun license so you can easily top yourself the next time you run out of meth
I suggest a shotgun
Austin Foster
>1% Stop making shit up Its over 15% based solely on registered firearms. When you consider how many weren't handed in with the semi auto ban, and the number of illegal firearms, it is far higher than that. Just because you don't know people that own firearms, doesn't mean almost nobody owns them
Cooper Green
No, still plenty of guns there, just not semi autos anymore
Jose Bailey
You have to remember that most of the British colonies were full of peasants and thus have an overwhelming peasant mentality.
Wyatt Perry
Nope, but they don't have a gun either. Plus every house I've ever lived in is cyclone barred and nobody's getting in unless they come in through the glass window. If they do then I guess it's a punch up. Pretty confident it's not going to happen to me though.
Parker Kelly
You're describing housing conditions that I would associate with a high crime area in the US.
Are these conditions unusual and you've just had a rough life, or is most of Australia living like this?
Blake Barnes
>ausfag thinks he's safe because of no gun >criminal busts in with baseball bat and shield >whoops your ass like it's 1499 >steals all your shit while you bleed out/dead on the floor
>so in australia if someone breaks into your home you can't shoot them?
If you are a gun owner in Australia, you must have the gun in a locked safe with the key in a separate area.
And if someone breaks into your home and you use that gun, that you obtained with a license, to shoot that person (or kill them with it), you will be charged and convicted as Australian law does not recognise guns as a tool for self-defence or protection (despite police walking around everywhere with guns in their possession in a country "free from guns" for that exact reason)
Australia has more guns now then when they banned some guns. Maybe learn whats going on or dont comment internet hardass. You make us 2a supporters look stupid.
Christian Bell
you're missing the point. The dudes saying that the idea of trying to control weaponry is asinine on its face because you need weaponry to police weaponry. The entire thing is circular logic that some heart string pulling minority feeling thinkers have tried in an effort to trade freedom for security and now everyone acts surprised when it doesn't work after people have predicted just that over 200 years ago. People suck, they do violent things, prepare for it.
Jason Lewis
they do it because other rival organizations are eating there.
Logan Wilson
>has depression >doesn't think he should own gun because of it >implying all depression is the same >personal security taken away because "police will protect you" >most of the time by the time they get there it would be too late >if old/feeble can't defend self with equalizer >will go to jail if do >Trusts govnment completely >never learned from history
>ITT: we should all take advice on gun control laws from an Aussie who starts threads on an American board Fuck off back to your side of the pacific and post on didgeridoo.au or whatever the fuck you inbreds came up with for a website. Why does the ACMA even allow you to access this site, you nanny-state faggot?
Bentley Foster
What a dumb cunt. Tourism brings money into the country. "Fuck off we're full" is reserved for illegal immigrants like me who come steal your good jobs so the only thing left for you to do is work at maccas and visit your local cashies once a month to hock your grand mother's jewellery.