Libs are nszi facists

Libs are nszi facists

Prove me wrong.

Protip, you can't

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No argument there boss.
Then again, so are the ultra right wing conservatives who pretend to be religious.
Both sides are fucked, as is anyone who follows both.

Kill yourself.

Cant wait for this to hit 300+ replies

Honk Honk.

This has happened to tens of thousands of American men because of domestic "abuse" laws enacted by right wing pussy-worshiping simps.

Extremism, in general, is cancer.

That happened in the UK right? No way in hell that could’ve happened in the good ol USA

They are completely idiots !

>a number of black people arrested every day for little reason other than being black
>no one bats an eye
>then there's this

In general it is, especially when it comes to politics.
The two party system we have now is corrupt, and the only things both sides agree on is A: the other side is the bad guy therefore making them the good guy which self reenforces their extremism and B: there shouldn’t be any other parties.
Until people take back the system, and quit allowing outside influencers to continue to push their agenda to keep both sides to the far left and far right extremes, nothing good will come from any of this.
I don’t think it will be a full blown actual civil war, but the societal unrest and associated acts of criminal extremism is going to continue to rise.

Damn you even swallowed the reel

Just wait

Yep all the blacks that dont statistically commit more crimes, just innocently thrown into prisons, None of them convicted by juries of their peers, all robbed of due process. Essentially slaves still.

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What are the functional differences between our "two parties" at the federal level?
Both parties constantly March towards centralization of power. Both parties borrow money (at interest, to be paid by taxpayers) from the same private central bank. Both parties perpetuate or accelerate foreign entanglements. Both parties have marched incrementally "liberal" for 60+ years.
I--big govt------------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, socialists, communists(socialists), fascists all on the same end of the spectrum. When the outcome is the same, do the names and mascots really matter? No. Rhetoric is just that. The two party system died as soon as it was born. This country and its citizens lost its sovereignty in 1910 and 1913.

Must be the UK. Also if you are a "trans woman" youre a dude. You got a cock. Fucking stupid people today. This is going to end bad. People are about to snap. Biological there is a man and a woman. Fucking fags

>Only reads titles
>Even then, he read DailyMail

No saving brainlets like you who consume sensationalist garbage and then complains about the world with other wastes of skin on a laotian drapery imageboard

About the only functional difference there is now is what they claim to support: one side wants to openly disarm the populace, the other claims to support the 2A, but as we saw with the bump stock ban, and the orange turd’s willingness to suppress due process before disarmament that support of the 2A is just hot air.
They just want good little unthinking wageslaves to pay their taxes and go to the voting booths to keep these assholes in power.
The system is fucked.

>OI VEY! Shut it down, they know!

Going into public spaces and harassing people, including online, is illegal and you will be embarrassed in public over it and possibly have legal consequences.

What's the problem? Don't you believe social media should be regulated? Your God Emperor does. I do. Fall in line or go to jail.

And if the system is fucked why didn't you organize a revolution again?
Surely there must be a lot of like-minded people around

Fucking trannies... We should make a country for trannies, muslims, SJWs, alt-right faggots and kikes so that they kill each other. That would be kinda fun

Fuck off CIA/ATF/FBI nigger
enjoy you're shitty paycheck
government cocksucker

Because a revolution, an actual war in the streets and military action would be far, far more devastating and financially crippling to the Us today than the first Civil War was.
Far, far too much to lose and not enough to gain by going the route of violence. It’s still possible to save the US, and everything it used to stand for, without all out war - it won’t be easy, and it won’t be pretty, but there is still hope.
Anyone who calls for violent revolution is hoping for that, because that would be the final death knell for this nation - we wouldn’t/couldn’t recover from that today, not like after the Civil War and the reconstruction period.

What they claim to support is called rhetoric. Rhetoric is not a functional difference.


We don't know for sure if the transgender was a Liberal.

Name one conservative transgender, please.

some would argue that importing a million foreigners is somewhat extreme

It is, especially unvetted, unskilled immigrants who more than likely would be a drain on local economies.

Funny how you failed to say anything about this "saving of the US" without going into any detail.

Face it, the only way to change the US system is with a revolution. The constitution will not allow any other type of fundamental change.

If you're wondering, I'm no revolutionary, I'm content with the status quo.
I just like pointing out how people who claim to want to "shake the foundations" and "change the system" are either idealistic morons or little bitches too coward to take arms and action.

US sovereignty will never be retaken. Warburg was the greatest conqueror the world has ever seen, yet you dont know his name. Enslaved the most powerful nation the world has ever seen without firing a shot, yet you've never seen his face. His legacy, of which you are a willing participant, grows stronger every single day, yet he doesnt appear in children's textbooks or on the evening news.
I'm sure it's all coincidence. No man or group of men has ever sought to control the world. Hitler and stalin were poor, uneducated men. I wonder what would happen if power hungry souls of the same tapestry were born into wealth an priviledge.
Naw, I'm sure it's all just coincidence.

i wanna punch that guy square in the face so damn bad lmao

You sound like the type of person hoping for bloodshed because you promote an agenda - you’re part of the problem that needs to be removed from play to make America a better place again.
Fuck off extremist - don’t really care who you work for or support, the sooner your group finally is recognized for the criminals they are, the better off normal people will be without your asses.

You have no idea what kind of middle aged retards read the Daily Mail, do you burger?


Thank god we have a constitutionally minded high court here in the US, and it's unlikely that freedom of expression will be restricted as it appears to be in the UK.

For now. Few more deaths during Democratic presidencies and that will go out the window too.
Sotomeyer and Ginsburg is an example of that.

You sound like someone who can't read

I'm not a revolutionary, I'm not even american.
You're still not giving me any other way of changing a country on a fundamental level in a way that is not inherently revolutionary.

And I mean a country with a rigid constitution as foundation for its law.

>it's unlikely that freedom of expression will be restricted

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The public have discovered Viscount Rothermere's redpill! shut it down before they gain the
f o r b i d d e n
k n o w l e d g e

Burger, the Daily Fail is a clickbait rightwing rag. Fox News for 60yr old impotent British blokes who need to feel angry at foreigners and THE YOUTH OF TODAY.

Fun fact it also supported Hitler

I never claimed you’re an American - I said you’re a problem that needs to be removed from play in American politics.
You meddle, you promote divisiveness and advocate for violence.
Fuck off, and learn to read.

>lets use Hitler to back up my argument, that will surely work!

>OI vey! Mention Hitler and Nazis to shut down the goyim! We got to stop them!

some would say importing a lot of people with other cultures and/or religions is promoting divisiveness

>it's unlikely that freedom of expression will be restricted as it appears to be in the UK.
By the government. This is why we need to keep direct pressure on the media companies. Our government doesn't regulate them. They listen directly to us.

Nah, they're more stalinists. Similar outcomes from different motivations.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
The chains of our enslavement are extreme. I do not promote violence, but I am extremely against the mechanisms of enslavement.
Populations are not conquered by the sword anymore. They are conquered with debt.
Name me a 3rd world country that is not saddled with debt from the IMF/World bank. Name me a first world country that isn't saddled with debt by it's own central bank.
I wonder how many organizations are put there that are capable of loaning money to the US government. The EU. China.The world? Surely all the controlling debt is diversified between dozens or hundreds of institutions.
Oh wait.....

Unfettered importation is.
I like immigrants - as long as they are legal, pay their taxes, and learn English to fit in and don’t attempt to make America into the shithole they escaped from.

For an American you're really bad at reading your own language.

Why are you running away from my question?
Is it because you have no answer?
Is this the reason why you are projecting onto me all the ideals that you don't agree with?

I don't promote divisiveness, I'm not advocating for violence.
If anything, I'm proving that the only way to change things is with a bloodbath that noone wants, thus advocating for the status quo.

I'm not saying that one side of politics is better than the others, that's another argument entirely.
I'm just telling you that the system is here to stay.

Your goal post moving and strawman tactics isn’t really fooling anyone.
Fuck back off to whatever hole you live in.

This is the most correct and intelligent statement I have ever read on Yea Forums in a decade.

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Oh I know - it’s why the Federal Reserve has never been audited to find out just how corrupt they really are, since they’re a private bank.

>I like immigrants - as long as they are legal, pay their taxes, and learn English to fit in and don’t attempt to make America into the shithole they escaped from.
Its a shame it doesn't work that way, which is why a lot of stuff in LA is in Spanish. We have the same thing here in the Netherlands. Polish immigrants going to Polish barber shops, polish stores, attend polish weekend schools, go to polish church, don't bother learning Dutch.

I'm glad that you learned to shut up and enjoy the system.

Keep being a little bitch that barks against it in anonimity and then hides away when asked for solutions.

you can be detained for 24 hours for no reason whatsoever in the USA ... soooo.... why is this a story at all?

Continue to spew your bullshit strawman tactics. Surely that will work.

Netherlands that land of cucks

I think if you move to a new country, you should learn its language if you don’t already speak it.
Call me crazy.

LA really is a prime example. Not just the Spanish shit, but if you go to Korea Town of China Town mfers will look at you like you’re garbage for speaking English around them when they should be the ones talkin in English

I support the libs in this. Fuck anyone who is right wing. Right wing aren't people and their lives are invalid.

lol, fair enough about Hitler / Godwin

My point is, to British people like me you sound like a total mong when you talk like this about the Daily Mail because the Daily Mail is a bit of a joke here, just clickbait to wind up old men.


btw I'm not Jewish, but you probably already know that. Maybe UK culture is hard for you mutts to understand

I--big govt--------------------------small govt---I
I got bad news for you friend. Liberals are on the same end of the spectrum as fascists.
/close curtain


>btw I'm not Jewish
Just what a Jew would say to throw the goyim off the trail. Stupid gentiles!


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Your angry, we understond.

Not only is the federal reserve a private bank, Its founders, and the movers that enacted its facilitating legislation, are the same people that set up the central bank in England, germany, Netherlands, France. The forerunners of the central bank of the EU. Later, Keynes, a name I sincerely hope you recognize, set up the IMF/World Bank. These bodies act as the central bank of the globe, backed initially and unbeknownst by the citizens of the charter countries citizens, and finally, by the citizens of the US. You, the American taxpayer, pay interest to private bankers, for debt foisted on 3rd world countries. Dictators. Warlords.
These are the chains of your enslavement. Your children's enslavement.

America is a prime example of what happens with to much multiculturalism. Individualist society that cares more about profits for bussiness than its own people. The government is a prime example of that, with their never ending debt spiral.

I know all this. I’m hoping for more automation and intelligent AI soon(ish) to throw off the yolk of banking and money.
They’re pushing hard to stop it, but once no one has to work unless they want to and can still live with all their necessities met, their hold will be broken.
I don’t expect it in my lifetime or even great grandchildren’s lifetimes. Perhaps 200, 300 years down the road, maybe.

Multiculturalism is a symptom, not the problem itself.
Government does not have debt. Its citizens do.
Your government is not the enemy. The central bank that owns your government is the enemy.

We disagree starting here then. I believe the most powerful men on the planet are constantly working towards immortality, AI being the current means to that end. The "we" that you talk about, all of us outsiders that aren't "them", will cease to have utility, and therefore will not exist. There will be no utopia for us. We only exists as slaves today because slaves are needed. When human slaves are no longer needed, we will be tossed aside as easily as our sovereignty and free will was 100+ years ago.

What's 13% but also 50%?

Once someone develops immortality, it will get out to the rest eventually, especially if it’s electronic in nature.
Nothing is truly hidden.

The cure for hepatitis C was discovered years ago. I know dozens of people personally that still have hepatitis C.
You cant even call someone a name on the internet anymore without being imprisoned. You vastly overestimate your own freedom, and certainly the freedom of the Market.

Tell them to go to Canada - you get free cures there for HepC

Sorry, meant “free” since it’s all taxpayer funded.

Cananda has compelled speech laws. I'd rather die than be imprisoned for pushing air out of my lungs and making sounds with my throat. You got your poison, I got mine.

I won't even try because I agree.

Exactly. Those dollars borrowed from the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve to finance this "free" care come with interest attached. These banks created these dollars out of nothing, and expect more dollars in return from you than are in existence. Canadians fight in wars and die for these banks. Canadians live under the thumb of debt for these banks. Canadians lose everything for these banks. Just like everyone else.
They will give you all the pieces of paper or extra 0's in your bank account that you desire, all that is asked in return is your life and the lives of your children.

>domestic "abuse" laws enacted by right wing pussy-worshiping simps.
>abuse laws enacted by right wing
If you keep mouthing off with stupid shit like that, I’m going to slap some sense into you, cunt.

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Please, you are too much of a coward to do anything. You'll just whine and cry about it when you are covered in milkshake

Here you forgot this.

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No he’s not.


This /thread

You can’t start life a dude and switch to a chick and expect everyone to fucking care, that’s utter retardation

Not that I support the disease known as the modern left but you are confusing libs with progressives.

You failed PoliSci.

>this is what black people actually believe

So you want to be able to say hateful things. This is why we need to change the first amendment.