Trust me my dudes
what the fuck is this shit, jesus jus go kill yourself
No callum you should kill yourself
excuse me wat the fuck?!
do i know you you little shit?
i bet youre just some neckbeard in a basement
No you don’t know me.
But I know you pretty well.
But I know you pretty well callum jones, how’s your mom?
And no I don’t live in a basement, i do know where you live though.
Birmingham right?
jokes on you i dont live there
now shut the fuck up you fat fuck
can i get uuuuhm the rare dog ?
Who am I, then?
Im scared to click on this - what is inside?
absolutely nothing special just a webshop with weird stuff
Callum Jones
Lower loveday st, brimingham b19 3sj. United kingdom
Now shut up
It’s sold
Looking for anything else?
I still gotta put the drugs and weapons on there
Unless you wanna buy something I really don’t care
nah im good just wanted it so that my own rare dog got someone to play with
So you have drugs?
Hm alright, I’ll go see if i can get another one imported. They sell pretty well
Of course, what do you need
Ill have 2 number nines , a number nine large a number 6 with extra bullshit number 7 ,2 number 45s and a L A R G E scam
this thread gave me alzheimer
We sell a cure for that
im going to the police
What's up with faggy rp?
You do that
It's a shitty site that even "partners" with SCP.
How childish.
I thought this was a legit thing before I saw that