Hey anons

Hey anons.

I don't expect anybody to reply, really, but if you'd like to please feel free.

I'm starting to give up on trying to find a partner, it's just not working and I think I don't really have a personality, any sort of good looks, and no money even, so I guess I'd be the last choice for anyone.

I can't even love myself, or even show an inkling of care or respect towards myself, so how would I even offer that to anyone? How could someone actually want to share their life or at least a portion of their life with me? All these previous girls have wanted was my dick and I just want someone to hold when I get episodes like these, and someone to help grow and support them, cherish them, love them...

But that hasn't happened, I'm afraid it never will.

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I just really needed to vent anons. This shit sucks.

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Kys faggot, on tbe other hand have you tried changing anything?

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I thought so myself for a long time until it just happened, it appeared out of nowhere and on its own, I'd say don't lose hope, someone eventually will show up.

Therapy is your best friend user. Get some therapy. Try to find the root of why you feel like this about yourself. Eventually you’ll gather the courage to love yourself, or at least not think of yourself so negatively. You shouldn’t let these negative emotions hold you down for too long because you’ll stay stuck in that mindset.
Take some time for yourself. Discover some hobbies, try to go out more, and make some friends. I know it’s easier said then done, but you’ll stay unhappy unless you’re willing to try and change that.

>smoke weed everyday

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Force yourself into social situations. Tilt it in your favor to build positive reinforcement. It’s little victories like a new friend or good conversations that start to add up and train your brain to catch the right cues and keep up in the social world. Learn from your mistakes, realize the rhythm of conversation and how to keep up. I was a cringelord all through high school until I started smoking weed in college and playing music. Lighted me up and I realized the superiority complex was getting in the way of me living it up while I’m young, having fun/making love and connecting with people. You have to put yourself on the other person’s level or at least respect their level to open up deep dialogue and interconnection. You don’t have to love yourself to connect, a lot of people escape their self-loathing and low self esteem by loving others. You can still be you and socialize. I can tell from your posts that you have debilitating negative thought patterns. You need to count your blessings and meditate because god loves you and wants the best for you. This is merely a test of your will and belief.

I've been switching up habits and trying tonmake more friends, but there's still a void in me.
I have a feeling that it just won't happen to me, but I'm glad it worked out for you, user.
Would that cost much if at all? I'm flat broke and working two jobs just to stay afloat. But as previously mentioned I have some kind of void, I really need a relationship but it seems too farfetched in this state.

I used to rely on the stuff, but it's a bad habit to me and I've put it aside for healthier coping options, despite them not really working for me.

Idk user, I've already accepted that I'll die alone. The few chances I had at happiness I ruined. I'm done trying

i love you

i want to hold you op

i know how hard that can be, hope u find a better work situation

I know what you mean there. Here's hoping some kind of miracle happens for us.
Thank you, I love you too.
I could use that.
Thank you, I'm grasping at straws here and I'm trying as hard as I can to get a good full time job with pay that's enough to allow me to grow

mhm it can be really hard, i went through about 4 jobs before I finally found this one that seems to accommodate my lifestyle

*hugs you and holds you*
im sorry i cant quite reach u through the screen but if i could i would hold u and be there as long as i could be

Thanks, kind user, I appreciate what you're doing. I'm glad you've found your ideal job, as well.

thank u too, it will probably be rough but i hope you find a better situation soon

preferably with some cute chicks XD

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Yeah, that would be optimal for sure.

learn to love yourself first. Accept your flaws and allow yourself to be loved and to love. There must be some other reason why people don't stay if you say that you get to have sex with them and they then leave uninterested to have a deeper connection.

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My only two exes only dated me for a few days and asked to have sex on the first or second day, but I want at least 6 months and then sex is fine but they never understand and botb left me wjen i told them that.
I'm trying to love myself so i can love others but it's so difficult for me, I'm still trying and trying though.

You told them that they dont understand? I'd say just try again next time don't have sex with them like first day even if you think it would be good. And maybe change type of girl you're into

I'm trying to say these girls, the only ones that have shown any interest in me, were only interested in my dick. I'm interested in girls who want a genuine relationship and I try for them but they never want to be with me, that's for certain. They hid their true intentions also, saying they wsnted a long relationship but wanted to fuck immediately, but I told them that isn't what I want and they left me for it.

Bro why bother? Think about it straight up. What does some random person have to offer you that a good friend and some decent self-improvement cant? Instead of focusing on what other people think of you, just focus on making yourself happy with yourself.

Also who gives a fuck what other people think of you? Fuck em.

we all wanna think that is easy enough to do but we all know deep down it does bother us when others don't like us. because it means something is not right. he should try to be happy with himself, yes. but don't give up on trying to listen to the criticism (the good kind not the "omg kill yourself" stupid shit)

OP its hard out here man im drunk as fuck right now listing to power trip by j.cole on a work night from someone ive loved for 4 years and lost everything with if you want someone you better be ready too look and have some spare time and be ready to hurt alot when some bad shit happens or they leave

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TBH I don't get that. Having a GF/Wife just fucking sucks. Sex is massively overrated and if you want to be generally likable and have friends, the best course of action is to be genuinely invested in something you can do socially. Learn how to play card games or learn rock climbing or something fun like that and meet people. If you're lonely just find something you like and do it with other people, but basing your self-esteem on if you can get laid/get a gf or not is just offloading your happiness on a random woman.

Fuck that. You're awesome. Do rad shit.

I doubt a relationship will help you. Your partner is not your therapist user, and it may be likely that they won’t help you in the way you need it.
If you have health insurance you could probably ask for them to cover most of the fees. Otherwise online therapy may be a cheaper solution

Get a good therapist to vent too. Shit works absolute wonders and it will help you develop better social skills.

Find some hobbies, eat healthy, go to the gym, get a job and make some bank. Force yourself into social situations. Be approachable and have a good mindset.

It takes a while but you'll find love by just being the best version of you that you can be. People are attracted to people that have their shit together, and you'll feel better about yourself too.

Start attending your local church user, and talk to the priest. With diligence, study, and patience, you can learn to love yourself as God loves you. That's where to start.

If you're having trouble finding a job, "networking" is always a good idea. Go out and meet some people. Make it a point that you're searching for a decent paying job. You'll be amazed at how many people offer to help you score something.