Is there any point to adopt a bad boy persona in your early 30s to attract more girls...

Is there any point to adopt a bad boy persona in your early 30s to attract more girls, or is it too late because girls that age are more mature and don't like that type of guy anymore?

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If you're trying to "adopt" a bad boy persona, chances are girls won't buy it and you'll just be seen as a douche. Also it's worth noting that "bad boy" only works when you're attractive.

Just adopt a confident, has his shit together vibe. Dress better and make more eye contact. Bad boy persona only works on young girls and not for long

dating options in your 30s:
40% uglies that couldn't find anyone
30% single moms that want you to support their kids and have very little time for you
25% mentally unstable,abused in the past as a child or in past's like walking through a mindful anything can trigger them into flipping out at you
5% unicorns you could spend your whole life looking for your perfect mate

Nah works on all ages but you need to commit for it to work. Do bunch of yayo or get some gnarly tatts and be a cunt. Harder to adopt persona, usually just need to be a dirt bag in the first place

Nigger that shit is for teenagers

They type of women you get though won't be worth it

Every girl wants bad dudes in some way or another I’ve noticed. Difference is a lot won’t commit. And if you going just off looks, most attractive girls I’ve ever smashed were in it 50percent for the yola.

>They type of women you get though won't be worth it
If you had to act like a bad boy to get her, she'll leave you for a bad boy later (or cheat on you with one) because you turned boring once she got you and you dropped the act.
Quality girls might like the bad boy but they don't date them.

Yeah but don’t think you can actually go with an act that’s the point. Pretty easy to tell the difference. Called a mid life crisis when you start wearing tap out and buy a Harley. Do a bunch of coke and go clubbing hard and it rubs off though. Can’t be a good guy then lol


I’m 32 but look 22, do I have a chance with older girls? Most older girls at the club automatically dismiss me because they think I’m a baby. What should I do?

I tried growing a beard but it looks weird and I’m not sure how to groom it

Women don't mature. They just start being really shitty around age 30. If you're out to have a good time then you need to stay away from anything over 25 years old. Otherwise it's crap-shoot whether you have the best orgasms of your life or lose your penis. Be careful.

That’s rough man I’m 22 but look 28 Ihave the opposite problem with women. Just develop a serious drug and liquor problem for a few years it should shape you right up. But honestly if you’re that much of a baby face and there’s no way to manage it you’re kind of out of luck for getting women at the club.

Who gives a shit? If you act like someone you're not to attract women, you'll attract women you don't actually get along with.

>Is there any point to adopt a bad boy persona in your early 30s to attract more girls, or is it too late because girls that age are more mature and don't like that type of guy anymore?
If you want to attract drama queen head-cases, sure. Otherwise, no.

That’s the thing too, I don’t drink or smoke so I’m stuck with a baby face.

My friend is like you he’s 25 but looks 35 and the older girls take him way more serious than me and he always pulls them.

I'll fuck someone mentally unstable any day of the week lmao as long as they are hot or an easy fuck

You don't need to be a "bad boy" just be confident.

plus all women from 18 up

Women, on average, are not very smart so playing the "bad boy" is usually a good bet. Some girls might tell you not to confuse confidence with being an asshole but honestly most of the time they can't tell the difference.

They will certainly go for that type of guy. You will need to have your own goals you're working towards and standards for your life. More than anything women are attracted to men who have a vision of their life they are working towards and things they will not accept if it interferes with that vision. Don't be needy and think "Oh any girl will do if she likes me." as that will make any girls pussy shrivel up like a dried out toad.

More than anything: Never be "nice". You can be thoughtful, you can be romantic, you can be spontaneous, but never ever be fucking "nice". Women don't like men or respect men who try to brighter up their mood, help them out when things aren't going well, or try to put their feelings before your own. They hate that shit, they want to know they have to work for your affection to some degree. The chase is part of the fun for them. If you end up being "nice" then you've ruined the chase, ruined the dance, and ruined the whole momentum of the connection. Never do that shit. Unless you're returning some kindness she has extended to you: Do not fucking do it under any circumstances.

Do these things OP and you'll be plowing pussy in no time. Go to the gym if you're not in shape and shop around for a girl still in her prime, almost all women have daddy issues and love the attention of an older man with his shit together. It makes you seem mature and worldly compared to the guys her age, plus it makes her feel special like there's something different about her.

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It's worth it if you're aiming for girls that just turned 18 or are up through like 26. After that, the odds the "bad boy persona" will be successful goes down dramatically. Sure there will be some bitches who still cling to that whole "I wanna be excited 24/7" thing, but their attractiveness is going to drop & their maturity will not be consistent with their calendar age.

Thing is, once women get close to 30, they start thinking to themselves "ok, I'm not a kid anymore, maybe it's time I start to take this whole 'life' thing seriously & cut down on the partying, what exactly do I 'really' want out of life?".

If you think that last sentence is a fallacy, ask the average 35+ you meet "if you could be any age at all, what would it be?" The universal answer will always be "29." Took until I was in my mid-30s myself before I understood why: it's because you have all the experience & maturity of someone 30+ but you're still "technically" still in your 20s.

So yeah, OP. If you're that insecure & immature that you have to "adopt a persona" to pick up chicks, aim low; get the chicks that just became legal. Because they're too stupid to know better & too gullible to realize you're puttin' on an act just to get in their pants. No woman 30+ worth having is going to be impressed with that horseshit.

Just fuck young girls dumbass

>More than anything: Never be "nice". You can be thoughtful, you can be romantic, you can be spontaneous, but never ever be fucking "nice".
Spoken like a true prodigy.

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Idk that’s half of what keeps girls hooked. When you’re a cunt for 2 weeks, even if you drop half a compliment it’s seen as fire/ice. And that’s the main thing that keeps a girl hooked when this is your appeal.

*minefield... I got yelled at by an ex in a restaurant because I refilled her pop when i went to refill mine without first asking if she wanted a refill or if she wanted something different... days later i found out it was somehow triggered a memory of something an abusive ex did and had nothing to do with what I did... yea minefields

by time you're in your 30s you're looking for someone to wife not a series of flings with crazies that you have to ghost.

It's a harsh truth that not a lot of men or women want to admit but it's true. Us men have weird quirks that I'm sure women find odd and admittedly all it takes is a push up bra and a thong to drop our IQ to the double digits. Both genders need to be aware of what turns the other on and more importantly what turns them off.

Being thoughtful and remembering small details she's shared with you is good. Being romantic and giving her a compliment when the moment is right and it's a good thing to say, instead of just handing it out when you see her, is good. Spontaneously taking her on a little adventure of something she would enjoy from the things you know about her is good.

Being "nice" is not. See for an example of why being "nice" is more often than not just going to blow up in your face and put you in a shit mood.

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Shit gets boring man.

>Both genders need to be aware of what turns the other on and more importantly what turns them off.
That's some sage advice. But unfortunately there are a couple obstacles to fully realizing that mental utopia
>most women can't even convince THEMSELVES what the fuck it is they want, so it stands to reason that if they don't know (and they're in a better position to know than anybody else), how the fuck can anyone else be expected to know?
>The things documented throughout history by those enlightened individuals in the know as "what women want" goes 100% against the mantra that girls have been brought up believing by their mothers
>Since there's that mental block separating what she's been indoctrinated into thinking she wants/needs and what she ACTUALLY wants/needs, there's no way for her to reconcile it within herself. So you wind up with an entire class of people (women) saying they want one thing verbally and saying they want the exact opposite thing through their actions

Having the no-frills truth about what it is they ACTUALLY want exposed to the public contradicts the hegemony that exists in their minds as a result of that mental block, and since they can't understand why people say that, they get really defensive with their denials that there's any fucking truth to it. The proof of that?
>women say they want one thing verbally and turn right around & say they want the exact opposite thing through their actions

Fine I'll bite
>29 yo protowizard
>full on doomer
>own a house, drive a car, full time job
>bitches never gave me the time of day
>manager calls me, new packaging employee has no means of transport and wants me to carpool. Gives me extra %%% for travel expanses
>fine bitch is on my route anyway
>show up to work everyday with a 5 foot nothing fobby vietnamese butterface in my piece of shit peugeot for a month
>she's friendly enough but smells like frozen egg foo yong and burps in public like it's going out of style
>airco doing overtime
>show up to work with fob ching #12528 again
>6 to 9/10 stacies who ignored me before suddenly get friendly
>'hows your day going?'
>'I like your shirt!'
>same ratty old pos I wore the 2 days before
>'what are you doing this weekend'
>'user you could do better'
>mfw I'm not even involved with this random fob
>mfw I wish she would wash her feet
>mfw I have no face

what goes on in the female (((mind)))

I agree with everything you've just said. That's why OP shouldn't listen to the people in this thread trying to discourage him. If listens to the two of us then he'll be on easy street fucking 20 year old's in no time.

I used to be a chump who thought all women really wanted was a sweet guy who listen to their problems, always try to make things better, drop everything to spend time with them, and always try to be considerate. For the life of my I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get a girl, why the girls I could get just ended up cheating on me, or why women in general didn't respect me.

It's because I brought nothing to the table, I had no goals, no passions, no vision, no fun qualities. Just a bunch of sweet but boring as fuck word salad and a willingness to ask "How high?" when told to jump.

The second I accepted the true nature of how things are, the truth that I so desperately tried to fight against, all of that went away. Girls couldn't get enough of it. You have to be more than just a dick but you do have to be a dick to some extent. Without that you're just some guy they could have any time they wanted them and nothing bores a woman to fucking tears than a man they can just have.

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You moron. Girls mature faster then guys. Trying to do a bad boy persona is only gonna work for the women that probably live with their parents and don’t have a job.

Women love a man they think is taken, it drives them crazy. Even more so if they ignored you before because they didn't see you as a sexual object, but thinking some other girl does makes them curious. The only thing women love more than men in relationships is taking those men away from girls that are uglier than them. Who could blame them though? It's the same reason Chad Thundercock ganks some soyboys girlfriend on a whim. It's a nice ego boost to know that not only do you still got the juice, but that people will compromise their morals for a chance with you.

Thanks man. For your ease of reference, the following posts were also made by me:
My gf has a 13yo daughter. I love that kid like she's my own & I'm really enjoying the experience of helping to raise her. She's completely awesome & a genuinely nice person. However...

While she's averse to anything involving physical intimacy (she cringes & whines whenever she sees people kissing, never mind a sex scene in a movie), which gives me hope that she'll never get knocked up accidentally, I know that I have a unique role in her life where relationships go. I've spoken w/ the gf about this & she is aghast and dead-set against me on this, but when the time comes where the kid approaches me about how to deal with boys, I am not going to lie to her. I'm gonna give it to her straight & loud the same exact way I've done here.

Like I said, her mother opposes my thoughts on this subject because, sad to say, she's a typical woman in that regard. But it's SOOO interesting how she opposes my primitive, bullshit, neanderthal thought processes until I ask her about the abusive bodybuilder ex who is the kid's father. Oh, she shuts the fuck up REAL quick because, through her own actions, she knows I'm right.

Her daughter deserves to know the truth, and I would not be doing my civic duty if I withheld that truth from her when it's time for her to hear it.

I find that a lot of men and women don't want to admit the truth because it makes them uncomfortable. They want to think this age of technology we live in makes us enlightened somehow, that we're "past" all this monkey brained shit. The entire 90's generation really got the shit end of the stick because they grew up in the middle of this "feel good parenting" and just lying to kids about how things really work. Then what happens when they grow up and realize pretty much all of that is bullshit? Reality hits them like a fucking truck, they get discouraged, they withdraw, they get into bad situations. All the while the ones slow to figure shit out don't understand the reason they have no success is because they were given a manual filled with lies to make their parents feel good about themselves.

You're right to teach her the truth, even if it hurts. Better for her to sally forth into life armed with the knowledge of how things really work and how to get what she wants than being set up for failure.

You're a good man user.

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