Can someone help me, i created a facebook account to be able to make a Tinder account and find a fucking gf, it took me like 25minutes because i'am using a bloqued cellphone wich i can only use an old version of google and after creating the facebook account and trying to make the tinder one i insta got banned for no reason, can someone explain me why this fucking shitshow named tinder banned me? Sorry for the broken english (pic related)
Can someone help me, i created a facebook account to be able to make a Tinder account and find a fucking gf...
get fucked u piece of faggot
I literally used badoo and 3 other apps but you gotta pay just to talk with people and it's a fucking scam i wont fucking pay for something i can do everyday... i mean who the fuck though "Hey lets make TALK a privilege to ones with money so we can get rich using people who just wanna be happy" fuck this shit it bothers me a lot how this fucking shitshow of world works
Lol try talking to girls in real life.
Fuck off cocksucker, Yea Forums is making money out of you saying that kind of trash and you dont even know kiddo, go play ForkNut or something faggot
have you heard of human communication
I dont have social life since i dropped out from school years ago, and i'am pretty sure if i talk to a girl on a bar or anything i will end up in court being accused of sexal assault because 2019 is such a good year to meet people irl besides 1/3 couples find each other online so...
I was good to talk to people irl and keep conversations alive but i cant start one, the first day i meet my ex i end up talking walking with her the whole day but i cant find a normal way to start a conversation with people on the street or on bars
Checked, do you know what happened to that user?
>pic related
>use an old version
That's what it is, an old school seductive style is more interesting then some social network peeping tome shit, you give that advice to yourself without noticing
Dude i literally cant use discord with this fucking google version, i cant even fucking turn the cellphone to watch videos
The pornhub videos dont play and if i wanna keep using the cellphone i gotta close it and go back to select wifi connection and find an external wifi from and then connect bacl to my wifi, thats the only way i can use google and no i cant update it because the cellphone is bloqued with a google account so fuck me
stop stealing phones nigger
I have no idea, but looks like a car accident or something like that doesnt look like he got attacked by someone or something, pretty neat tho
Just use a phone emulator you fucking retard. If you're too poor to buy a decent phone, you won't be able to find a girl anyway. Nobody wants to go out with a broke nigga.
Didnt steal it, was from my father when he was alcoholic and he forgot his old google account... any smart man dont keep the cellphones he steal that's just being a nigger
It's not a car accident, some of the anons made a thread with topic "ask a murderer anything" then he was claiming to do this shit to some pedophile who was molested a young girls
You're fucked, been banned for over half a year now. Probably because a random girl decided it was fun to randomly report me. Even sent a ticket to tinder to tell me why I got banned and then they hit me with the 'we value privacy' bullshit so basically just get a prepaid cellphone, one that costs like 25 ish bucks, and then use that number to get a new account.
>That is just being a nigger
>Use a stolen phone
>Trying to pick gurls from it
You really have some mental issues nigga
Nigga i aint broke i got like 50k on a bank account but i cant touch that money, and just make 400$ per month (my first month working) also i'am not a retard i prefer food on the table over a fucking cellphone... that's how it's to be on a 3rd world country
user what is that you didn't understand while reading my reply
I was thinking on the old school art of seduction, go outside to the pub or something similar and hunt
Ye man, i also have over 50K on the bank. I just need to broke that shit up to get it
hai user!
femanon here!
i have a cuteee tranny friend looking for a bf- would you be interested?
Girlfriend in tinder?? muahahahaha
Are u fucking retarded? Tinder is for bitches and retarded people.
And..why u want girlfriend? Wait for the girls to do the job...
Sure, why not!
Yeah the problem it's that i cant check sms or my number because the cellphone is blocked
Already said the cellphone wasnt stolen, was from my father and i just miss a fucking social life or talk to someone its fucking sad crying myself to sleep everynight while listening to Lo-Fi hiphop so nobody hear me cry
>Old school art of seduction
*tips fedora
Sorry femanon i dont like traps
>50k in bank
>3rd world country
>50k in bank
The money was from my father when he was on the usa, then my mother stole everythig from my father and started to date a narco (now mom on brazil prision and its eating ebin dicks) those 50k are for me and my father (if my mother didnt stole em somehow)
Iam not black faggot
i borned on USA btw but when my mother stole my father's shit she send me to this shithole (i was 8months old)
>Son of 2 thieves
>Claim to not steal a stolen phone
Why do you use that retard hat¿ That is like fedora`s evolution
It does not matter where do you have born. You are still a nigger
epic memes, us gamers huh!? tips fedora, le any1
Lma0 my father has never steal a shit he been working his whole life on heavy vehicles and similar
yes it is and i always wear
Hats because i cant go outside without one
I aint no nigger my fellow faggot
Anyways i'll never find a gf like everybody in here, rate my english btw i know it's shitty but i'am learning without a yeacher
>yeacher 11/10 english
Oh ok! Discord?
Thats not OP and i saddly cant use discord with this shitty cellphone br0
Just use one of those phone number generators or real free phone number services... I dont even have a telephone card ... but for registrating on many websites i simply used a fake phone number thingy. Yes they are data mines but who the fuck cares. Privacy is for neckbeard faggots who think that them having maximal privacy doesnt make them stick out.
Tried but they dont recive the msg for somereason, will try again tho, if you know one that send you the msg to your email send link please
Yeah doesnt work for many services but some genuinely work. It's just hard to find a good phone number generators. I havent registrated on a website for like 2 years so unfortunately i don't remember the URLs of good generators anymore srry user