Be me

>Be me
>Some friends kid came over to my house let's call him JJ
>I let him in and he plays with my little brother
>I was playing Black ops 2 while they goofed around
>Two guys with a scar-h and an94 keep destroying me
>Just as I get killed by him again I decide to watch his killcam to see what the hell he's doing
>JJ comes in
>"Woah user that's the scar from fortnite"
>I just sat there with a sad expression on my face as he watched me play
>"Is that pubg?"
>I fucking hate these kids nowadays.

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You killed a Thread for this ?

Popular culture and forms of entertainment evolve user, it's part of life and growing older. Don't feel sad.

>Be me
>Not played Xbox 360 in 6 years.
>Find old games and scratched up xbox in storage
>Start playing old games that have like 25 people in the lobby
>Feel old
>Get bored quickly and realize my efforts are better wasted on pursuing a career.

Videogames are gay.


>omg people of different ages may have different experiences
Get over yourself? If you're old enough to have friends who have kids and you're STILL thinking like an angsty teenager that may be a sign of mental illness or atrophy.


Attached: pls.jpg (276x294, 36K)

are you retarded?

FUCKING YES I can eat now, quitting while ahead


Haha fag