Okay Yea Forums fags

Okay Yea Forums fags.

>Doctor Fucker M.D is in the office. Describe your ailments, and I'll offer professional medical advice.

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Does vaping make my sperm cells retarded

>Does vaping make my sperm cells retarded

user, does your father vape?

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Had the flu, feeling better but now shitting liquid

the skin on my dick is peeling off. i haven't touched in in 10 years and it's shriveling. help me, good sire.

>Had the flu, feeling better but now shitting liquid

Your body is expelling nad jew jew. Allow it to cleanse itself, and proceed by eating fiber rich food and avoiding grease and dairy.

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My genitals keep expelling an oily liquid after strenuous activity

I've started feeling sexual attraction for men and young boys... Can ya help me Doc?

>the skin on my dick is peeling off. i haven't touched in in 10 years and it's shriveling. help me, good sire.

That's just a sign from god that you're a faggot. Look at boi pussy, and all will be cured.

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Keep up the good doctoring, my good doctor!

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I maintain a steady diet however due to my job I often am unable to eat lunch, I include fruit and veg in my other meals but my shit varies wildly in consistency, from hard rabbit like pellets to soft logs to straight up liquid. Sometimes in the same day. Also I tend to get diarrhea for a week at a time regardless of diet.

>strenuous activity

Stop working so hard. Take a load off. Relax. A good stress reliever and anti oxidant is to shove crushed garlic down your dick hole for exactly 30 minutes, twice daily. It also reduces smegma.

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got weird bump on the head of my dick, looks like a white head, what do?

>attraction to young boys.

Relax user, you are a healthy growing boy.

>attraction to men

You've caught Faggotry. Only cure is a stoning and anal deflation.

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two things doc which i probably know the answer to:
1) constant headaches, high heart rate, eyes hurt in tandem with headaches, sometimes heart feels like its pushing hard to move blood (more than likely high blood pressure)

2) snoring, shitty sleep. waking up CONSTANTLY, hard time falling back asleep (probably sleep apnea)

Q-tip, hydrogen peroxide. Just moisten the Whitehead with it and it should go away in a day or two. Reapply after showers

I got the 2nd, I actually have a sleep study scheduled tomorrow to check that out.

Who's the artist?

Help me, doc, I think I might have somthing terrible.

I think I'm turing black. I tried avoiding sunlight for a very long time, but it did nothing to help. I'm slowly getting darker and darker.

Got my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis 10+ years ago when I was a youngster, entire body was affected but it eventually calmed down. I'm not visibly fucked up and kinda feel ok (or maybe just don't remember what actual ok felt like before this shit) but it sure does worry me now that I'm trying to have a normal life. Some joints are still cranky. What should I do?

>unable to eat lunch

First, what is your profession.

Secondly you need protein and fiber in your diet. And keep it regular.

First, clean out your system. I recommend a pickle cleans. Eat nothing but pickles, and when jar is empty, mix pickle juice with prune juice and chug. Results may vary.

After words, find a supplement rich in protein, such as some lean meats or Cum. Plenty of chicken and or cum makes a fine, healthy lunch.

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Recently I have been metamorphosing into a gay nigger. Before this, I was a perfectly healthy straight white male. Whats happening to me doc?

really bad tinnitus, only in my left ear. it goes away for a few minutes if i block my nose and sniff really hard, which makes me wonder if there's something fucked up going on in the eustacian tubes.

My dick hurt.

Thanks Doc, and I’m a bus driver. I think cum is better because I can store it in a cup and bring it with me as I work

Doc I got drunk at a bar and went home with a faggot and had faggot sucks now's I got gay aids. What cream ointment do I need to rub over myself?

Gay cum

Ignore .

I'm the damn doctor here. Get Vodka. Or moonshine. Whatever is available to you, so long as it is a clean, clear alcohol with no spices, bitters or additives.

Drink half the bottle.

I mean it. One whole half.

Once boozed up, you can operate. Pour some booze on cock head, and rub it in with the skin. Circumcised or not, you rub that fucking liquour in!

Then, once sterilized, you take a small blade such as a knife, scalple, or used nail, and hold the blade over a fire. Once that's nice and hot, proceed to pop and or remove white head.

If you desire, you may shave a bit off your own cock head, and or circumcise yourself if jewish.

Once done, pour another swig of your liquor over the wound to cleanse it, and drink the remainder.

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I've legit thought about doing that but scared i'll bleed all over, but will try

>turning into Niggers

I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker.
Pic related.

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I have these lumps on the inside of my upper lip, what should I do doctor

I ded. wat do?

>caught Faggotry

user, before I give you a prescription, was it at least a trap?

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Great idea doc! Thanks!

I was the trap

I have mesothelioma. What could be wrong with me Dr. user?

>lumps inside lip

Do they bleed, user.

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Suck god's white stubble coated, thick cock and balls and beg for reincarnation

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>Was the trap


I see.
Only cure for Gay Aids is to pass it on to other faggots. Use your trapiness to lure one hundred men into Faggotry. Only then will you be free of the disease.

Stop smoking crack, you nigger.

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Hi Doctor fucker. Are hookups dangerous?

>hookups dangerous.

It depends on where and when you meet, and what race they are.

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Doc i cant find a GF i'am a 7/10 1.80 60kg male, i never get out of my house and when i do i think everybody is laughting at me... i also cant go outside without wearing a hat, do i have the autism and how can i cure it?

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Bepis is comin 4 me nd i dont want it to

Help doc! I've recently been having impure thoughts of the teenaged girl next door. I know I shouldn't feel this way for my wife would have my hide. I think you're my only hope

Stop smoking weef


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Yo doc I got a rash on my dick after fuckin yo mama. What be it do doc? I dinddu nutin but fuc dat bitch, know im sayin?

Hello SCP-049, how are ya?

How 2 not be sad

>impure thoughts.

Only solution is to get it out of your system. Rape both of them, but impregnate the teen. Like, really pump her full of Juice, real deep in there, repeatedly or else god will smite thee.

Rape someone into submission. Be a man, grow confidence, even if it kills you, and try. Try until you find a pitty pussy, or a retard to cream pie.

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>dindu nuffin
>fucking fat women

I'm sorry, user. But I diagnose you with Niggatrosis Faggotry. I say you have another two, maybe three weeks to kive.

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Damn doc you woke as fuc. Thanks nigga hope you take wellfare, I broke as fuc you feel me fam?

Free of charge, you hopeless fool

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