Yea Forums what is the best way to make money WITH money?

Yea Forums what is the best way to make money WITH money?

I'm 24 NEET who recently inherited ∼$1,000,000 and a house from multiple family members dying simultaneously (srsly not kidding - I'm genuinely sorry if this pisses you off and your life sucks, I know I don't deserve this)

Point is I have the freedom to invest a lot of time/energy/money in whatever I want and I'm trying not to live a meme.

I'm willing to do any kind of work, education, whatever to build a healthy and stable future for myself and my future waifu and family.

So far I've got...
- buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business

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> - buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business
lol u are going to lose that money real quick.
not that it maters because OP is full of shit as always

>buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business

you still have to hire dry cleaners and they tend to want to run their own business

Amazon FBA since you have capital

>buy bitcoin
>enroll in a coding college and get a nice 80-120k/year office job you can work from home some days
>art or music
>income properties (multifamily units or storage facilities are both big money makers)

I swear to fuck I'm not kidding but I really can't prove it so just treat this as a business thread.

Why is this a bad idea? It sounded like a good idea to me because every laundromat and dry cleaners I've ever known since I was born is still there, only new ones appear, they never go out of business

Nintendo stocks. The company is only going up in recent years with Detective Pikachu and the Switch

Go to /biz

nah, OP could be telling the truth. When my folks died it was only about a year apart and I was suddenly left with a couple of million bucks, overnight. What I did first was gave myself a dollar limit on something I was going to piss the money away on... something I've always wanted or felt like I wanted at least. Don't ask me why, but I bought a crazy fast (60+mph) electric bike. Why? Cuz fuck you user, that's why! Long story short, I ended up squirreling the rest away in stocks and bonds and... I won't say it's grown to great heights since then, but I will say it's stayed about the same but I've now got to show for it several trips overseas, a couple of houses I bought and sold for a profit and the best of everything is the lack of fucks to give for anyone that says what I'm doing isn't right, enough, or blaw blaw blaw. But I digress... OP asked what to do with a million bucks...? Mmm... invest it into the stock and bond market. Yeah, it'll go up and it'll go down, but it's a trillion times better than any lottery ticket you ever bought and it pays dividends to live off of in the meantime that are taxed at a crazy low rate -- cuz you know... "investment income". Fucking I can't believe I was paying more money in taxes working a 9-5 than I am now sitting on my ass four days a week and working a job I *choose* to do. Anyways... invest . Find a broker that's young-ish enough to be hungry to make a name for himself, but not too young that he doesn't know what he's doing. The old fucks that try to play up the whole "i'm the old wolf of wallstreet" types... fuck them. They're mostly just living off old women who's husbands left them a big 'ol portfolio.

yeah, buy high, sell low

Computer science is the one single field I've considered pursuing through college, I only wonder if it would be even more secure and lucrative to just go right into business

Superconductor stocks are at a low right now due to the tariff. They will cycle back up in 5-10 years.

CS is fine and dandy, but that just makes you a code monkey. Something no one gets to do anymore is work out their intellect -- I'm thinking philosophy, art, psychology to a point even. Yeah, these are "soft arts" to be certain, but they make you sharp as a tack and more prepared for making wiser choices long into the future. Also, do you know how much available high end pussy are in these classes user!?@

Spend it on girls. You'll blow through it in a month and then girls won't talk to you again, and you won't have any money to cause you to worry about it again. It's a self-solving problem.

one million on Twillio. They're up 400% so far, but this company is still just a blip on the screen. They'll be bought out in a heartbeat when it gets more difficult for the larger companies to pull in a profit. Until then, I shit you not, this stock is heading past 200 by year end.

I'm trying NOT to be a delusional king of faggots though

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p.s I already spend a massive proportion of my time learning this shit on the internet

believe it or not... this type of crap is what tech wants now. Turns out after they've figured out how to make the fastest and best widget, they still want to know how to sell the fucking thing and what to make in the future. That, user, is why you study these fields. Want something more practical, carpentry. Never in my life has there ever been a carpenter out of work that did good work.

Manufactured spending
>open up 50 credit cards that give cash back rewards
>use them to buy money orders every day
>use the money orders to pay off the credit cards
>pocket the rewards

Invest in multi family real estate. Learn to do this for positive cash flow. With 1 mil you could buy maybe 5-10 mil in property and have like 70-80k per year in cash flow.

Thinking about it wrong. Most people don't get to do what they want to do because of money. You're biggest live expense, a place to live, is taken care of. What is it that you want to do with your life that is actually productive and not videogames, drugs and partying? Work towards that with the luxury of knowing that, unlike others, you have a 25 year cushion to get there.

user, that how is it back in 2002 when that worked? That's now considered a "cash advance" now and won't work to earn you shit.

>Point is I have the freedom to invest a lot of time/energy/money in whatever I want and I'm trying not to live a meme.

Invest in multi-family real estate. Nothing smaller than a quadruplex.

$1M is not much money. Do not waste your time and money on the service industry.

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>buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business

Those are the businesses opened by faggots who save up $20k and decide hurr durr i want a business. You have actual capital.

technically there is an extra step these days. You have to use the credit cards to buy a vanilla visa debit card then use the debit card to fund the money order since debit purchased money orders aren't treated as cash advances.

also most of my financial knowledge is from 2002 and earlier. Every night in bed I listen to financial talk radio shows from the 1980s. I'm not making this up.

no one is mentioning the obvious? Fuck all this, head to a shit country with decent healthcare and retire for the rest of your life doing who and what you want. I vote Vietnam, but I'm into the hot asian french bitches... think Macedonia if you like the Trump style bitches. user, you're welcome.

I'm looking for safe and steady cash flow for a start at least... couldn't really hurt (that much) right? Also it could make for a good crash course in business, no?

Trips get the tits

Attorney who makes a lot of money here, and had to learn what to do with it all.
>believe what you want

Anyone telling you how to invest your money on Yea Forums is a moron. That goes for stocks, currency, businesses, etc. If you want serious investment advice, consult with someone who does it professionally. With how much you currently have, it'd probably be someone small-time. Otherwise, literally just stick it in a mutual fund -- that's safer than taking advice on Yea Forums. Your bank can help with that sort of thing.

The single thing that I can recommend investing in, if your goal is simply to make the most money in your life, is an education. No idea what your situation is currently (high school only, GED, undergrad, whatever), but almost any degree is going to be a financial positive over the course of your life. Of course, you have to actually go through with it.

Finally, if you can find an attorney that will do it cheaply (good luck), consider an irrevocable trust of some form. This will prevent you from blowing all the money. Depending on the terms of the instrument, you'll be limited in what you can spend annually, and you'll have to petition to a trustee (you pick them initially) to get disbursements. This is a particularly good option if you are impulsive. I don't do trusts/estates, so I can't speak to how much this sort of thing costs, or how much you need. In NYC at least, you usually want 10 million minimum though, if you want a major institution to operate as your trustee.

upgrade yer financial knowledge user. 2019 now... the 80s? the policies and concepts back then are laughable. What works best is understanding the industry a company is in, and if it has legs to move and grow far into the future or is it just a pump 'n dump stock.

I would not move to Vietnam if you paid me another million dollars.

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If you're going to use employees, your laundromat will shortly go out of business.
Unless you're willing to seriously dedicate time and effort to running a fucking dry cleaners with a high quality of service, don't even bother.
You'll be out competed and destroyed by Asian immigrants.

>almost any degree
How out of touch with reality can you be

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No. It's a lot of work. Those business are for people who want to "buy a job" cause they are such fuck ups or don't speak enough english to have a real job.

Also owning a cash heavy business like a landromat or car wash is a quick ticket to an audit. You don't want that.

The most important thing you can do is never tell anyone you have money, especially a women. Never get married without making your fortune untouchable.

I'm seriously looking for an investor to invest in my fast food chain business idea in Malaysia. Hope you're interested.

Say what you wanna... but vietnam is no longer your grandpappy's vietnam. The climate in the north is akin to the grassy hills of northnern California. The food is fresh, cheap, and internet is fast and you can easily get anyone to do anything you want for you there, cook, clean, fuck or whatever for next to nothing. But alas, if you enjoy your bitches white-tight-'n cyborg... Macedonia... the other side of Italy, that's your target.

Have a diversified portfolio of stocks, buy A LOT, as long as you leave the money in, you will only appreciate. If you want to take risks, invest in specific companies. You have a lot to work with.


pretty sure you could make more money with regular methods than the rewards will ever be worth.

i was under the impression that rich people just paid someone to tell them where to put their money. you could probably buy a couple franchises, they basically run themselves if you have good staff.

>buy a couple franchises

you are thinking of the .001% of the economy that you interact with. the real money is in boring as fuck industries and it's made my people who know how to cash checks and keep their mouths shut.

Look into Forex trading

sell the house and put a fat down payment on a small apartment complex. collect rent.

Say that to Quiznos.

Franchises are becoming riskier. I'd probably put some money into delivery companies like PostMates or Grubhub. People are becoming fatter and lazier. Look how well Amazon progressed

Go to school and learn something technical, like Engineering or Environmental Science. Climate Change and Environmental Degradation is only getting worse so being skilled in those fields of work will always keep you busy.

invest in something that pays dividends. Wells fargo (or some other bank thats "too big to fail") is the best bet. I had $10k a few years ago and wasted it all.

It's not a bad way to go. Initially give most of your money to a index manager. They will take your money and choose a wide variety of stocks they think will succeed. Then take a portion of the profits. I think you'll get >5% return on average which is at least $50,000 annually for you to spend. Hopefully you learn to earn more than you spend to account for inflation.

In the meantime learn how it works to do it yourself so you can have some purpose in life. Also you can cut out the middle man and keep it all.

I'd suggest maybe $10,000 to start learning yourself. The rest can go to the investment manager.

I second this, learn and practice forex and options

>mutual fund
top kek

last thing you want is a mutual fund
fees up the ass and returns no better than etf

with 1 million, a large portion should be spread out between dividend aristocrats for yield.

but even at 100% investment, op would need at least 300,000 more to consider part time work another $1.3 million would do it though.

just have to live frugally but that would be doable

You're a fucking idiot. Anybody who puts all their money into one stock is a douche who deserves to lose their money.

Okay, OP. First, sell the house and get a small one you like, in a low-tax area. Taxes and utilities will consume more cash than you would spend in rent.

Get two or three 4-unit rentals, and find a handyman who wants return business. They (the apartments) will pay their own taxes, and ultimately pay for themselves in about ten years.

If you buy right, at a sheriffs sale, you'' still have about half your money left, plus the cash from the sale of the house, providing the new one is more affordable than the old one. When your four buildings are turning a profit, buy a fifth, and so-forth.

You'll be earning about 200k a year on an investment you own, which will also appreciate in price. That is way better than anything the market will do for you on a consistent basis. Year in, year out.

Lastly, don't buy expensive shit, like a sick car, big vacations, or throw it around irreresponsibly. It'll last you your whole life.

A laundromat operates on the principle that fuckups need your place to sit and do laundry. I used to hang out in a laundromat when I was a kid, and I still see kids in there 25 years later. Its a never-ending shit-show of lowlifes, vandals, and vagrants.

>If you buy right

yeah, that's the trick. Not OP but I entertained this idea and found that it's a full time job to do that shit. All the good properties are bought immediately. Only shitty properties are available that take years just to cover costs.

You can do just as good with REITs. Get your yield and no worries about all the operational shit.

Are you willing to get a job?
My advice is put it all in a total stock market index fund (either in a lump sum or over the course of a year). Then live frugally off a job for a few years. Invest small amounts in different projects and see what works. Lots of people say real estate but you really need the stomach for it. Based on your post it sounds like if you lose all the money on a shady business you’ll be pretty fucked, so you need to be conservative.

>yeah, that's the trick. Not OP but I entertained this idea and found that it's a full time job to do that shit. All the good properties are bought immediately. Only shitty properties are available that take years just to cover costs.
Depends on where OP lives, and how far OP is willing to space them apart. OP is not limited to a single town, due to the fact he just got a small fortune and has no immediate responsibilities.

I look at property all the time. Stay out of flood areas, look for small towns that are economically stable with a hospital near by. Older people like to move into apartments when their spouse dies, make the best tenants, and pay their rent. Where I live, a normal suburban area near a 40,000 pop city, has a bunch of them. Stay away from cities unless you want all your tenants to be named Julio and break your lease every four months.

>I look at property all the time.
That's my point. It works for you but you're spending alot of time at it.
Then you have to go through all the other stuff like screening, dealing with tenants, etc...
Then you have taxes, insurance, upkeep, etc....

I would just get a REIT. Sell if it doesn't work or buy more if it does. Collect dividends monthly.
You could vary your capital deployment easier and you can diversify the type of real estate. And, it takes up alot less time.

>That's my point. It works for you but you're spending alot of time at it.
I'm in the same boat as OP. Its not a problem. As you said earlier, it's a job. Most of it can be done online, and you just show up at the date of the event. You can look at a thousand online, and pick one, and not buy it. Or maybe nobody shows with enough money to outbid you.

Again, locally, I have a lot to pick from. This area has four-bangers out the wazoo. Big houses that look like the Munsters, converted in the 50's (or whatever).

The problem with REITs is they're often owned by shadowy gangsters trying to hide their money. You never really know who you're getting in bed with. We have mobsters out the ass here, so, nah.

>they're often owned by shadowy gangsters
um no

They are publicly traded corporations listed on the stock exchange.

Is that mommy milkers? Show her milkies please

Um, yes.
>REITs can be publicly traded on major exchanges, public but non-listed, or private.

Would it surprise you to know how many people who are associated with organized crime are owners or board members of my local hospital, gas/electric utility, banks, casinos, hotels, and industrial parks? Because its always the same ten-fifteen names. Here, as I assume many places, the local ones are fucking dirty. I have a list of about ten names in my head that I will always walk away from. DeNaples, D'elia, Roccograndi, Sardoni, Buffalino, I could go on.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, one of their major buddies who is the frontman for their real estate ventures was sentenced to prison for the "Kids for Cash" scandal, where they were over-sentencing youths into juvy detention to max out the space, requiring a new building to be constructed. The one judge who took bribes for this was sentenced to 28 years in fed slammer.