Why the fuck does everyone feel the need to always bring me down?

why the fuck does everyone feel the need to always bring me down?

>people around me constantly call me virgin and other bullshit
>my best friend constantly gives me shit for being a virgin
>people make plans to hang out with me and then just ghost me

should i just fucking end it?

I never go out of my way to hurt anyone else.

Yet everybody feels the need to fuck with me.

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if only u werent such a virgin

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Get new friends

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Sorry to hear what you're going through OP. I'm guessing you're in high school. It's not very helpful but at least this shit will be behind you once you graduate.

Only reason people make fun of you for being a virgin is because it matters to you. When it stops mattering to you, they'll stop mentioning it.

Idk user but this type of problem goes beyond high-school. The insults just changes over time

You just have shit friends, fucking get rid of them and find new ones

Get laid
No longer a virgin


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