Land apes are too incompetent and stupid to be surgeons and dentists

Land apes are too incompetent and stupid to be surgeons and dentists.

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>Land Apes
user.....the term land apes would imply that apes usually aren't found on land and instead fly or swim, but that's wrong.

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Haha. Awesome thread. You know who else is stupid? The typical Yea Forums user.
Are u telling us you will be a surgeon or dentist when u grow up?

Name one black docter. You can't. It's impossible. Only asian or middle eastern.


Or live on trees (core of the message still valid)

if only they could be like the far superior sea apes who were clearly born to be surgeons

Doctor Ben Carson. He's Conservative too. Get fuckd.

James McCune Smith
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Daniel Hale Williams
Solomon Carter Fuller
Ernest E. Just
Louis Tompkins Wright
Jane C. Wright
Charles Richard Drew
Marilyn Hughes Gaston
Joycelyn Elders
Ben Carson

Have you read any medical history books or are you just upset that someone cheated on you?

>land apes
You mean gorillas?


If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey. Even if it has a monkey kind of shape. If it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey; if it doesn't have a tail it's an ape.

>gorillas have strength that is unreachable for humans
>compares gorillas to black people
you are some dumb niggers

Nigerian/.... immigrant surgeon, from a great Medical school, why not
African-American affirmative action Doc, hell the fuck no.

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The energy in these threads gets lower every time I see them. What happened to you?

Mom and Son Sex Education

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most apes are land apes

There's a theory about us being aquatic apes.

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because whites know how to wash?

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Anyone want some Nier Automata?

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Not a real doctor, it's just a nickname.

black people look more like horses than gorillas. nice try OP

Don't be gay

flying apes. that's all we need.

bait is gay

As opposed to the famous water apes

aquatic ape it's called. They make excellent dentists.

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To be fair, the extent of their medical knowledge is packing mud and straw into a compound fracture.

Dr Ben Carson is dumb as a cinderblock and has a Tijuana velvet portrait of himself with Jesus. Not a doctor.