What would you use the holodeck for?

What would you use the holodeck for?

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Holographic orgies with whatever I wanted to fuck that day.

Same as the people on The Orville.

Sex and clubs

Probably waste my time playing Solitaire for days like I already do.

Peace and quiet alone on a desert island.

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Yup, pretty much blowjobs from pretty, slim 12-year-old girls, that'd do it for me.

Thanks, made me chuckle

You misspelled boys.

Cheese Pizza

sure you would

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Sex and gaming, maybe testing theoretical stuff, or role play books and movies n shit.
Mostly sex.

Tons of activity,hot females/males,and memes on this discord server!


We all know what we'd do with a holodeck.

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jessica alba. i'd use it for jessica alba

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Fuck a horse

that would violate the safety protocol.

start my own electric-synth neo-classical band

Good thing you can turn that off.

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for him or the horse?

please state the nature of the medical emer….

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Impersonate a gestapo member, and or become a SS Officer during the better parts of the war

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It would be a consenting horse

Doctor, please sing an opera while I bust nuts in this horse.

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Vulcan Love Slave, Volume 3

Check em

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officially checked double dubs

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boardgames with frens no doubt

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To jackoff. Be stupid to use it for anything else.

To watch a hardcore BDSM scene by Worf and Wesley Crusher.

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fetish fantasies, obviously.

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Every girl unwanted IRL I'd make a program in a holodeck.

that would violate the Prime Directive