Celeb thread
Cumpfy edition
Celeb thread
Cumpfy edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Dese thighs look pretty comfy to me
>walk down the street
>see this
wat do
Cumpfy? That seems kinda lewd ...
Total perfection.
maybe let's limit this thread to attractive celebs
I'm not sure what you mean ...
my penis smelly for you and hard
>iwn fall asleep with my head nestled between riris thighs
like three of us hold your legs spread open while a 4th fucks/nuts then we rotate until profit
I want to push VJ off a cursed flesh and blood Ouija board
I agree completely.
But you might be awake with your head between her thighs
>inb4 gay shit
It's too late for that
no. just. no
The prodigal Jen returns!
Hopefully some day.
CUM-pfy O_O
you don't want to limit it to attractive celebs?
I'm very comfy right now c:
Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated
aww, maybe next time
But that's totally degrading and not wholesome ..
damn it how did you survive
Hopefully this doesn't spook you too much.
You think jenna would go on a date with me?
but 4 hard cocks for your bucci
look we all know you love dick you dont have to pretend
I want some some space for high level of lewdness celebs.
I want to push VJ back straight to hell!!!
she needs to suck my soul
if it takes 3 of us, you're doing it wrong
Ok bck
...from my walk.
What Dıd İ mıss?
may I suggest another thread?
If you can conceive etc.
"How do you kill, that which has no life?"
ok mr rape expert
I have no idea what you're talking about, user ...
eww no. never stick your dick in crazy, that shit doesn't come off. it's like aids.
all need to dominate me
duct tape is also useful
Crazy is unironically the BEST flavour of girl
Vick-bruja would haunt you, burn your pecker with hexes till you go mad
Luck favours the bold.
so do STDs
No. The fırst tıme İ watched ıt ın slow-motıon, so ıt dıdn't scare me, ıt was just exıtıng.
Then İ watched ıt normal speed, and ıt was mesmerızıng.
But now İ need a cold shower, brb.
ah you know bruja...
well, İ'm watanon, and İ wouldn't exactly call myself brujo, but...
...İ stıll need to take that shower ımmedıately, before İ overheat...
emma's a great comfy celeb
I want to push VJ off the edge of green fart mountain
the guy that, well, whatever brb
>ywn jerk off Emma's thin phantom cock
oh shit i have a way higher quality one
checking your dubs
I'll say this for Watson: she does have nice foots.
other watson user here, i'm not a foot guy but yeah seen her feet mentioned a good bit
nothing more comfy than jlo's ass
user, feet are dirty you know
must be nice being a boomer
She looks comfy af
If she was actually a pre-op HRT-using trans girls I would masturbate to nothing but pics of her for the rest of my life.
I can appreciate the feet as part of the whole. Like that pic! The whole Wikifeet super close up isn't that good for me.
Will we be blessed with JLo webms this thread?
Not as dirty as me.
why not?
Ok bck
İ survıved
What dıd İ mıss?
She has definately broken the internet at least once
I like it when cara looks nerdy
That is Billie Eilish!
belie elish has multiple identities
I like when she looks pretty
would you skip spaghetti dinner and use olive oil to raw dog her rump in the back yard on top of the wet grass drunk on whiskey and bellies full of lobster from the atlantic ocean
Fuck MK11 is getting dull already. Where's my bitch Sindel at?
I wanna make out with her butt
I don't even like her feet but I'd fuck them tbh
while she shidded and farded?
Dead or Alıve 6 has many good characters ın ıt...also a good game
No, after she does that, then showers and cleans up. THEN I make out with her butt
I want to be her toilet
OK ıt ıs gettıng spookıer
I guarantee you that my Tina would ruin your day.
you'd fuck anything
nerdy ıs also pretty
İ dıdn't ımply she was gross
Already my job
Not "anything" but pretty close.
maybe she can use my tongue as toilet paper then.
Gonna need those riri toes.
Tına has cool moves
earıng looks lıke a coın
Would Definitely lewd for Kylie
Oh, ıt ıs a coın, lol
İ have somethıng sımılar ın my drawer somewhere, unless a nınja took ıt
The fruit isn't going to eat itself yaknow
Certainly my good user
Who do you play?
lube up then im already aching to cum in your ass you slut
So that's why she puts acorns in her ears...
so its easier to talk to squirrels..
god riri let me eat cum off those udders
heavy penis
did i scare all the squirrels?
more jlc pls
You need to work on your mating dance, user. :p
Apples and bananas n stuff ...
When the thread is done, i need a nap. I have to be up in like 2 hours
>eat cum
You do you friend
More GG pls
You called?
>apples and bananas
Now were THOSE euphemisms?
Ok thread is done. I have 5o go bye bye
as if you wouldnt if she said to
>did i scare all the squirrels?
All skinned, jerkied & beaten into pemmican by Melissa-fag
Reconquista is hungry work.
Mate I'd have completely Jim-from-American-Pie'd myself if I ever DID meet her. There'd be no need.
ok those are perky
lmao so you get my stance
nething 4 u ggboi
She's perky all over
Yeah, even an adonis like myself would be a total beta boi with Ri
And for me...?
asked for qt JLC yesterday and didn't get many, sad times indeed
lewd outfit
>Now were THOSE euphemisms?
One of them ..
Such whining
idk u nigy
I got you playboi. what do you like
an adonis eh?
>black and white
Lewd, user. What's gotten into you?
just any of her, the most adorable thing ever
unlike you over there, booty soles :3
Why the moors though?
I've been hanging around the wrong anons I guess...
Plus I'm drinking a bit atm, so ..
>me on the left
You're breaking my heart here, user.
As if carved by the Greek gods themselves.
KEK I can be classy too, you know. I type with my pinkies fully extended at all times.
Well now you're handing around with me. And that's ALWAYS the right choice.
Do you have disc, btw?
sounds like riri should be domming me to be used by you
i'm watsanon, not to be confused with Watson-user
the way she goes
does that cancel out the bent over pop sloots? maybe.....
based, thank u fren
Sorry it's in Portuguese, but reconquista is also a portuguese word
Please. I'm completely out of Ri's league.
This is going straight in my journal.
OK gn
whos in her league
I like to think it does. We've all got images to maintain, after all.
my pleasure
who u be bruddah? Rihanna is the reason I almost went to Barbados way back. went to Belize instead but fug
exactly, innocent wholesome anons, all of us
Billionaire oil kings, platinum selling music artists
You know
Just your friendly neighbourhood Riribong! Who be ye?
Belize is quite some way from Barbados user, how did those plans change?
Cabbage Patch Celebs
Now I'm gonna post Vicky in hopes to get some (You).
Yea, I'm cheating
I just want to push VJ very hard
good heavens would you look at the time
it's lewd o'clock
thats my favorite time of the day
It's a bold strategy Cotton let's see if it works out for him
time to suck cock for kylie
You trying to get your dick sucked?
You've been doing good work lately, thanks for the thicc piccs
I'm going to kill myself once I pay off my credit card
Thanks, I guess.
same honestly
I can't change the time fren, got to go along with it
I want to become gravity and push VJ back down to Tera frima
I'm Chad. gud2meetu família.
based Bateman poster
So, what happens now?
why would you wait until then? lmao wtf
I'd guess aggressive sexual thoughts, if I was a betting man
Who is this big snake?
Christ, what a masterpiece.
Them miles, mah nigga
Aye and you. both those posts you replied to were mine so, go me I guess.
That sounds like something I'd like to hear more about!
Sorry if I offended you :(
Did that grill punch you in the balls?
Goodness, is the whole woman a masterpiece?
He got his balls crushed
I want to pick that metallic booger out of sexy Lily's nose and the push VJ in front of a bus
hahahaha omg. what's the plan? why are the miles significant?
yeah I can already tell you're the shit. you've got a qt pep in your step
wait he enjoyed it
nah still F
Lucky SOB.
What happened to you?
You'd never offend me qt :)
That's for you to decide
You know
I think we'll get along just fine
Frequent flyer miles. I want to jump out of an airplane and crash land on to itchy Jenna boobs :3
>What happened to you?
My world came crashing down
What a tasty piece of meat. I'm hungry now
Are you trying to rebuild at least?
I think so too qtpai
lmao you sly son of a bitch
Nah I live within the rubble and empty beer cans now. That is a very cute Lily
Well based on what you've shown so far, it's a solid yes.
Bon appétit!
Hope you're enjoying Ashley. Vigorously.
She hit the wall hard
That would explain why you're so erratic, being drunk.
It's safe to say that it's not only the "yes" thats solid.
I love those sexy Lily legs
She's evolving
Hope that's all that's sublte, tho!
mucho amor
I want to push VJ into that arrow up GU background
Millie's rose is in bloom
Definitely nothing subtle about whats trying to poke out my boxers, thats for sure. Ashley has a hell of an effect it seems.
A beautiful toothy, big titty angel will never bite my cock clean off on the Craig Ferguson Show
All I want is for Ash to sit on my face, is that too much to ask?
your moms did?
I understand everything except for the Craig Ferguson part. Why specifically there?
It's only natural
You'll have to wait until I'm done. I'll only be about 99999 years then it's your turn
Dragon slut
You've missed soo much
You clearly have forgotten the music video of pon the replay. She looks like shit now.
Christ, at this rate I think i'm gonna have to lose the boxers altogether.
I feel dumb :(
It's worth the wait!
No u
Re-watching Interstellar. Admit it, we all cried at this part. DON'T LET HIM LEAVE MURPH!
; n ;
Heart warning on this pic boys
Point at this user. Point at this user and laugh,everyone.
It's ok. Just let me give you a kiss :3
> Ash 47 Inches of Perfection.webm
I don't think you can be perfect when you're legally a midget
she got older nigga. she was like 17 in that video lul
That's highly likely.
Worth making you wait, too.
Thanks for the warning doc
Almost fell in love
that's her ass measurement you literal retard
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Please, leave the jokes to the professionals. It's dangerous
Thats the whole point nigger. Glad you can follow.
Thanks, I was crying because I'm so dumb.
thats even grosser
Shake dat tooshy OwO
>mfw image limit reached
Why do you like fat girls? Fat is gross.
uh, predator 2?
Kitty butt :3
>mon visage quand
faggot OP