Do people realise Nazi’ism wasn’t about hatred or racism...

Do people realise Nazi’ism wasn’t about hatred or racism, it was a natural superior instinct all Germanic & British people poses and still have to this day

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>Stood 5'5

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>Do people realise Nazi’ism wasn’t about hatred or racism, it was a natural superior instinct
That is the most retarded thing I’ve heard in a while. That’s like saying corn isn’t a vegetable.

kys nigger

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Enough said with this pic

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>wasnt about racism
youre a RETARD

Probably 80% of those men are right wing.

No it was about hitler running on a platform of economical problems in germany mostly caused by the treaty of versailles (you know, since germany lost a war they caused and had to pay for the damage...) which resonated well with the civilians who had to bear the brunt of the cost.

So he tapped into the seething frustration and anger of the downtrodden and told them it was the jews' fault and secured leadership on that platform. Got to work on the jews and invaded france.

Thats what Nazism was about. Getting out of a shit deal germany got itself into in the first place. It was purely evil, my dude.

Modern day Europe (the EU) and Modern day America is literally built upon the shoulders of Nazis, prove me wrong

Right wing means something very different everywhere except the US.
Protectionism, nationalism, sure... Anti science? Anti human rights? Anti social policies? Nope... the right in the rest of the world is pretty on board with that... Angela Merkel is part of the conservative party of germany ffs.


Point being?

Very good point, as a Brit listening to Joe Rogan. This resonates

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>Angela Merkel is part of the conservative party of germany
This practically means nothing in 2019. They are neither conservative or christian.

Nazis need to die

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>Do people realise

Might is right. And the people who held to the idea that might is right got their asses kicked. Lol
Hey Nazis, you're shit and you know you are.

Nazism was actually socialism, prove my wrong you cuck


Found the midget.

So germany lost two fucking huge wars they caused, rite? And both losses left them in utter economic ruin, so, I dont know why you think they could do fuck all to shape the world themselves but alright...

So as a result of the second one, instead of the treaty of versailles "make germany pay for everything" approach which clearly didnt work, france and the allies instead decided to create the European Coal and Steel commission.

this was the beginnings of globalism, which was more france than germany. France and Germany's economies were tied together in a symbiotic way to make a declaration of war from either to the other economically impossible. That became the EU.

America was already an empire and economic powerhouse by that time, hence why they did most of the occupying of west germany. Capitalist systems unlike the world has ever seen were already underway in the US. Their wealth came from their own programs and trajectory. The same trajectory which made them such a deciding force when entering the war 5 years in and ending it 1 year later.

The nazis had shit all to do with it, unless you consider "Being the retards that plunged the entire globe into a war that would redraw borders and change empires forever" as completely thanks to the nazis.

Thats like saying criminals revolutionized the prison system. They didnt. they were just the problem that caused other people to make solutions.

no seriously, it's economically socialist, based on Marxism.

Hitler says himself in Mein Kampf, the red of the Nazi flag is red to represent socialism!

Conservative in Europe is a different concept, Conservative in the U.K. is looked down upon, not for political reasons but because they’re anti social. People don’t admit they’re conservative

They are very conservative, and conservatism does not mean christian.
Like i said, it means something very, very different anywhere but the US. Religion does not have to have a damn thing to do with it. Thats just what republicans tie it to because they appeal to american christians who are some of the most dogmatic christians in the world. Associating themselves with Christianity guarantees a lot of votes.

No, it was not.

both is totalitariansim but i never seen how hitler no wait he taken the money and shit from the jews and gave it equal to the germans
nevermind hitler is the ultimate communist

I’m not speaking of boarders and nations, I’m speaking of Nordic people. Not Germany, Germanic people.

To baf Hitler ruined it. That symbol could have been a symbol of peace not hatred.

what the /fuck/ are you talking about? You're just making shit up???

People everywhere admit their conservative you fucking weirdo how old are you??

economically, it was marxism but rather than focusing on class, they focused on race

Hitler directly states this in Mein Kampf, I'm not joking

Where the fuck are you from? Essex? Tory rat. Be ashamed

yeah facist marxism cool but who cares


Nazism, economically speaking, is not fascism either.

fascisim, invented by the italians, neglects /race/ entirely and focuses on nationality.

Nazi Germany holds race above nationality


Found the torie

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ok thx good to know

Read post. Germanic people. Not boarders

I'm not sure who I support actually, I see pros and cons with labour and tories

I referred to race, not nationality

i.e people not borders

The entire history around WW1 and WW2 is so fucking retarded.
>Germany loses
>"We should make Germany pay for everything and fuck their entire country over, surely nothing bad could happen?"
>Hitler starts taking countries next to Germany
>"S-stop that, or we will declare war on you!"
>Hitler keeps going
>Germany has increased significantly in size and now has had time to build up an army
>France and Britain finally declare war
>Proceed to get buttraped by this overwhelming kraftwerk of a country, that they just stood by and watched grow
>Luckily, Japan decides to declare war on the U.S so that they can come to the rescue
>Hitler is a retard and starts a war in the east
>"W-we sure kicked those Jerries arses, eh chaps?"
>"V-viva la France!"

Bonus round
>Ruskies decide that they want Finland
>10 farmers hold off a million russians (with tanks), until the finns finally has to give a piece of land to Ivan
>They still couldn't take it all
>Germany takes Norway
>Sweden continues exporting to Germany
>Germany starts losing
>Sweden asks to switch teams
>"Ooh jaa we were neutral the entire time!"
>Swedish SS-officers
>SS Nordland
>Italy can't into war
>Africa is analsexed

If only someone would've actually had the balls to declare war when they said they were going to declare war, a lot of time could've been saved.

>national socialist
>right wing

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Anti-Science how?

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>still have to this day
and the muslims my friend, if the germanic and british people have this natural superior instinct why they let thousands of fucking muslims enter to their country?

you preach it! Hitler was a socialist! politically and economically left wing!

Good to hear. For your brothers in the north vote labour. For your touchy uncle, vote conservative

yeah it's just incorrect, whether hitler was left or right wing is actually a changing fact at the moment

>because they’re anti social
As in private, or as in they don't like social programs?

Exactly, that’s what I’m saying. In OP. Nazis have become almost a fairytale and a personification rather than the mindset of Anglo Saxons that still exists. To be honest, it’s almost played on in America. Except it’s labelled black vs white opportunity in America.

The literal translation of Nazi is Na=National Zi=Socialist. Fug.

No one mentioned Germany. Germanic people, Anglo Saxons, Britons

Nazis we're scum. Nazis still are scum. Go back to /pol/

Anti-science is as the Left is.

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You’re confusing London with the rest of Britain

How are they anti-science? Like they don't use technology?

>No one mentioned Germany
Oh, I totally forgot that the nazis came from Ireland.

>Superior Instinct
>Lose a war they started
>Blame "Muh Jewz" for all their problems

WE WUZ KANGZ by the Hun niggers of Europe.

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They don't believe in it. Global warming, 58 genders, sex inequality, cultural differences, and any kind of stats or studies involving guns, wealth, or behavior. They believe nothing more than headlines.

As in it’s almost built upon a hatred mentality, naturally socially inverted systematically anti social program. In Britain social programs isn’t supports 10’s of millions of uneducated, unwilling parasites. Its refusing nurses free parking at hospitals, it’s closing schools and staggering teachers wages. Conservatives here are elitest. It’s almost a conspiracy theory, except they announce it on the news

That’s the celts, again though since you forgot the rest. Germanic people. Greaseball


I took the bait, well done.

All people on the right?
Are there 58 genders?
How are the sexes unequal?
All stats and studies involving guns are lost on right wingers, wealth, AND behavior?
These are very broad claims.

The has been the rhetoric on the left, and they'll march in the streets until their city's destroyed to make sure you understand they don't believe in science.

The Left doesn't believe in Science? How so?


He's referencing the Rights resistance to the Lefts widespread scientific claims.


They each call each other anti-science, to discredit each other, which is interesting.

>They each call each other anti-science
Who's "they"?

The Left and the Right of the USA.

Nazis are losers

Are you considering the Right as only Republicans?

National Socialism
Socialism for a single countly and its people only


Yeah. Good luck with that.

SHIT you’re right, my bad

>Nazi’ism wasn’t about hatred or racism

Hey, wait - are they anti-science?

Who? You're going to have to be a lot more specific if you think most the the Right are Rebublicans.

I was just talking with this guyAnd he seemed a little unhinged.
How do you feel about the Right and Left? Are they anti-science?

>with this guy
Yeah, me.
The left, definitely. I don't know who "the right" is. They certainly aren't mostly Republicans. I don't know what Rs believe. They're mostly retarded and don't take a firm stand on anything these days. I believe the Conservative majority believe in science in most part, but there's still lots of antivaxers and conspiracy retards out there.

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I don't mean to be insulting by describing you as unhinged, I just don't think there are more than two genders, man and woman. The rest of it is obviously mental illness. When a man or woman becomes so concerned with their body image that they undergo surgery to try to resemble someone else, it reminds me of someone who suffers from an eating disorder. That is, their idea of who they should be can never fit who they really are, and they attempt to alter themselves until they more closely resemble that image. Encouraging these people is damaging because it reinforces a destructive worldview. I don't think 58 genders helps anybody, and don't think that is anti-science.

Not believing in 832 genders is anti-science?
Also, I don't know why you wrote an essay on what you think about the topic. The Left believes there's a gender spectrum. That's not science, that's opinion and supposition.

>Nazi'ism wasn't about hatred or racism
>natural superior instinct
That's literally textbook racism

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I worded it poorly, I meant to say
I don't think believing there are over 9,000 genders helps anybody, and don't think that my opinion on that issue is anti-science. I'm saying I agree with you. I am very tired and my syntax is every which-way.

Ugly people exist in every race.

>I agree with you
Yeah, I get that. What's the issue here then?

he did nothing wrong, the bad guys won. just look how is the world now, sjws, feminazis, cucks, lefties, rapefugees, sandniggers, niggers, lgbtgqwertys and their 97 genders, all kinds of scum and degenerates... western civilization is decadent and we are beyond salvation

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Yeah except nazis are the ones claiming racial superiority you retard

>They don't believe in it. Global warming, 58 genders, sex inequality, cultural differences, and any kind of stats or studies involving guns, wealth, or behavior. They believe nothing more than headlines.
Some people on the Right do believe in these things, some do not.

So what's it say about muh supreme Aryan genes if you lose a war to a bunch of niggers and faggots?

We must make sure we group together in white neighborhoods and try to force niggers and liberals out no matter what.

I know, but like I said, you need to define "the Right". It's a giant group.

Hitler was not a military tactician, and by kicking out the two men that invented nuclear weapons, he sealed his fate. It had nothing to do with the White Races ability to fight or strategize, and everything to do with not waiting until it was too late for them to be able to escape before killing the inferior races.

If he had waited until he had conquered europe and had nukes ready for the USA, he could have built the largest death camps ever made and dumped all the jews, niggers, and cripples into them and erased them forever. Instead, once he got his first taste of power, he pushed everyone out. This was why he lost.

He was a fucking retard with retarded ideas also ugly as dog shit and a loser in life like every other nazi retard

Hitler would be rolling in his Lederhosen if he saw the world today

It numbers. 30 of the biggest limpwrists on the planet could kick you ass if they all attacked at once. If America had stayed out best the allies could have gotten was a draw with Germany controlling the European continent. They just didn't have the resources to out last both Russia and US using attrition strategy.

He had very good ideas. Unfortunately, his poorly thought-out ideas were so bad that they were his undoing.

So he was too much of a retarded faggot to use good strategy and form useful alliances

no, nazi's are anyone you dissagree with

He was a fucking retarded faggot drug addict with shit military strategy and worse comprehension of economics than an illiterate nigger

Some more than others

The National Socialist party of Germany during WWII stood more for anti communism and anti degeneracy than it did for anything else, it just happened to be the Jews who were funding all of these horrible things.

imagine an europe without crime and rape, with healthy traditional families, no degenerates, no unemployment, no poverty, men and women working together, proud of their race, culture and heritage, a beacon of light for the rest of the world... thats what we lost

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True, user. Thank you for sharing this.

Who cares, pick up a football

Russia and US were the ones using attrition. Except for revolution attrition is the only strategy the US has ever used. That's why the loose now because they no longer have the stomach for it. No matter how brilliant your generals are or how good your troops, if your opponent is willing and able to sacrifice 100 of theirs to kill one of yours your going to ultimately lose. You know you can not like someone and still be able to assess what they accomplished. By just going hur dur Hitler was retarded what does that say about the French, Belgians, Dutch, Poles, Czechs, N. Africa and the Brits in the early years?

I think you're confused big guy




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What did he accomplish, militarizing the entire economy? His retarded "empire" didnt even last 20 years. Cope harder faggot

It says that nationalism is fucking retarded


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Japanese people look like they all have down syndrome. And their women are ugly whores with nasty slanted cunts.

Do people realize Confederalism wasn't about owning slaves, it was about the States having more power than the Federal Government.

Triggered Leftards still claim it's a racist ideology when it's actually favorable to the bullshit marble-cake Federalism the USA currently has.

lol britfag wants to be german so bad. youre still a cuck

OKAY libtard


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>True, user. Thank you for sharing this.

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So deeeeeeeep

>being this inbred


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The left still cant meme

makes sense. which is why Hitler killed all the German socialists and communists

you cannot resist kawaii nazi cuties

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>anyone who doesnt like nazis is left


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>Superior instinct
>Have to have a license for TV, butter knives and everything else

>Superior Instincts
>Allowed Merkel to become leader

lol k

Hey Rabbi, watcha sayin'?


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Gas the Commies, hang the Nazis. Problem solved.

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So Obama lives?

correction, impale niggers too.

thanks user, who else can we get rid of?


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heerdybjeerdy hurdyburdysmurdybjoo

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