Hey B, i have this on my dick. Anyone know what is ? Thanks
Hey B, i have this on my dick. Anyone know what is ? Thanks
I'm no doctor, but that doesn't look like anything you want on your dick
Go to see a doctor. i could be nothing or It could be something.
My STD exam is negative but idk what is this thing
they're moles.
Dermatologist or proctologist ?
it's aids, kkthxbye
Hum, never heard about. look a like
Std negative
i would start with a dermatologist. what i am not an expert. Any way if its not the correct doctor he is just gonna send you to another
Medfag here, that's aids.
You can remove it with fire
A vampire sucked your dick whilst you were sleeping.
are we just going to ignore the fact this cunt's dick is growing hair?
It's called "hair" and consists of the same material as the stuff (also called "hair") that grows on your head. You can remove it by either shaving or pulling it out, be aware tho as it will grow back.
all dicks grow hair but op just has an ugly gross overly hairy dick
cancer there user, get your dong to a med prof' pretty quick... might just wanna make your peace with your bestie there while you have time...
Actual medical advice.
I assume you're asking about the "brown spots." Those are 2 moles, also called a nevus. It's hard to tell over a picture vs with the naked eye, but they both look non-cancerous.
The one on the right in this picture has some minor color changes and is uneven compared to the left. The more irregular a mole is, the more likely it is to be cancerous.
Now what does this mean for you? Just mention it to your family doctor and they will take a look and likely refer you to a dermatologist for further evaluation. Most likely it will just be a, "if you notice any new growth or changes we'll do something about it, otherwise just keep an eye on it for now."
You stupid fuck, go to a doctor.
HIV will never come up in a normal STD/STI test.
Gangrene, you're going to have to cut it off
tumor lol
It looks like hair