They have to go back!

They have to go back!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Amen, send everyone who came to this continent without permission back to where they came from.

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To what? L.A.?

This. Also get rid of the the fucking gooks while we're at it. They are literally the human rats.

Native Americans walk around the desert eating lizards

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In that case, North and South America, and all of Eurasia would be desolate, since we all came out of Africa.

>pretending that natives can build walls

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I'd trade all our niggers for them.

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stupid thread.

this is america were we have a thing called citizenships something you niggers dont understand. if they have citizen ships theyre good to go but if theyre a mexican and dont have a citizen ship well send em back to nigger land where they came from

most native americans live in a tee pee and act like goonies towards anyone under 12, because most natives are full fledged pedos if they dont have their firewater and topless pow wows.

tfw each tribe used the Europeans to try and kill the other native tribes to gain an advantage and it backfired on them.

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We need to send Chinese niggers back to China land too. Leave their women here for us white alphas to fuck.

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to the Home Depot

No. They must be shot

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>defending illegal immigration by using Native Americans as an example
Liberal cognitive dissonance is incredible

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Mexicans need to kill the white people and steal their land

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Thats the spirit

All the white snowflakes are melting because they're becoming a minority.

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Let us in esse! We're the Indians!

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The funny part is that they don't realize... In fact Native americans DO accept in first place europeans. And then they get into trouble...

Do US liberals wants to live in a sort of "Americans Reserve" ? Like Native does ?

>Liberal attitudes on immigration will destroy your culture, nation and way of life
Got it

is that the fella that was in a boy band?

White people already live in those, they're called Iowa, Idaho, etc.

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this retarded

How many kids do you have to get 50k in welfare?

this retarded

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this retarded

this retarded

NONE. I AM SINGLE, 47 y o, living in the us since 2001

this retarded

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You're going back. The fire will rise on this issue until it happens.

nah, it wont. but thank u

Its pretty funny that the "liberal" side of the argument is pretty much saying that the immigrants are going to take our land, rape our women, give us disease, and break treaties and laws...

Yes, life is so hard in the US, you stupid, dead boomer

still mad little one?

Oh, wait! They had no laws, no property ownership, no defense forces, they'd sell shit for blankets and beads. Almost the same! Shit for brains.

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seriously weak

It will and is.. Are you a fucking idiot or something? You've been here 18 fucking years, never lifted a finger to get legal and think you're just going to stay?

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lol faggot, you do not know me or how the system work. go fuck yourself, see? i learned to curse your teenager ass

post proof of your claim

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u first cletus

why do you make them look dishonest?
are you a racist?

who are you talking to?

The system is gamed and you know it. I'm older than you btw, Paco.

whatever. weak

like this involves you

stupid and fat, to you of course

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To plebbit?


This. Very much.

The people of the US state must realise they are living on stolen land. They must open their borders, and make peace with their history.

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so you're just strawmanning then.

Weak is being an illegal alien, living off the white man. Weak is being so stupid that you couldn't get legal in nearly two decades.

weak and predictable

Fuck you. I'd rather have a fuckin gaggle of Mexican's in my neighborhood over niggers. Mexican's can be loud as fuck every once in a while but they actually care about their homes and don't let them go to utter shit.

No U R

Try not to b8 so hard. Even if you hated americans, open borders never work.

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imagine being this bitter all the time

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This is what niggers actually believe.

Niggers live in their own neighborhoods and have been born here for generations. 'Mexicans' are invading by the millions and destroying cities.

Imagine imagining

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Imagine being this retarded.

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imagine not making a strawman argument.
you already lost kid


They're not sending their best!

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Imagine a dog with the penis of a horse but the balls of a regular sized black man

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Jej so true

So, so?

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Are you fuckin kidding me? The god damn 3 strike penalty in California is sending all the niggers east bound to avoid fuckin life in prison. The amount of blacks in my city has shot up over 150% in the last five years. They're no longer stationary since Niggerfornia is sick of their shit.

kek, y'all getting cucked by mexicans. Using your infrastructure and shit for free. But won't do anything about it.
>Mexico will pay for the wall
sure, orange man, al ratito

They just do that with their countries

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Very accurate comparison
The white man took the land when they conquered the natives.
Now the mexicans are trying to invade America and conquer.

It's straight up war. We need to protect our borders.


They are being displaced by illegals.Compton, is a barrio now.

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so? is there a point to your autism?

Mexican here.
What would you rather, mexicans, niggers or sand niggers?
None is not an option.

this retarded

Maybe she shouldnt pretend to be trans

The problem is that most immigrants aren’t Mexican. Almost 80% are from other nations that over stay their visas.

proof of race

Nope, just good ol american autism at work

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People that have been born here for at least 5 generations minimum. We are full and need a good cleaning.

I bet you in five years time Compton is going to be better off, and everywhere east of Commiefornia is going to be that much more shitty. Mexicans will fix up their shit stealing tools from work. Niggers just nig.

White boys are fucked. These roaches breed like rabbits and most of them love democrats and democracy. They also follow catholic religion not Christian. Also some may look white and will raise up the crime rates of white. You guys need to use them guns

weak as usual
stay mad kid

Dont try to reason with an Amerimutt. Their tiny brains cant handle it.

weak and predictable

u mad cuz u getting cucked cracker?
enjoy your taxes going to prevent dirty mexicans going into your country.
Spoiler alert: you won't succeed

So weak you felt the need to reply.

>They have to go back!
To Home Depot

In 2014, Mexicans made up 52% of all unauthorized immigrants that were in the United States. There were 5.8 million in 2014, which is down from 6.4 million in 2009. (Pew Research)

>born here for at least 5 generations minimum

This amerimutt is so stupid he doesnt realize that his own president doesnt qualify

>none is not an option

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>The problem is

The problem is illegal immigration.
My ancestors waited on Ellis Island before they were allowed to enter.

If you and your millenial snowflakes can't handle the truth then change the fucking laws to abolish every form of border enforcement.

Why the fuck aren't the dems doing this?
Because it's just a fucking game to gain voters.

fuck you

weak and predictable

now he's LARPing as a nigger.
how pathetic

Tried finding your information and hate to say this please source from a creditable organization, if you can’t then you just pull those numbers from the ass like trump

simple badgering
you lost kid

weak and predictable

actual audible kek. Dude should have thought that through just a tiny bit more.

weak and predictable

Ok they never said Mexicans where the problem. They said other immigrants make that total. Did you even read this? Or just cherry picking the first paragraph

he spends his nights on Yea Forums posting amerimutt,
what ever that is.
can you think of anything more pathetic?

the initial statistic was from 2014 - the article with statistics I shared was actually worse.

Lol trying to pretend not to know what amerimutt means...wHaT cOUlD iT PossIBlY Mean

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When was the last time you went to Idaho or Iowa?

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sEnD ThEM BaCK!!1

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whos trolling? whos getting trolled? NO ONE KNOWS. Yea Forums!!!!!

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