Anyone here have any experience with lucid dreaming?
Anyone here have any experience with lucid dreaming?
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I think Delta has a guide on how to lucid dream
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
imagine calling him delta LMAO
Who's Delta?
u can do what I do and watch someone else talk about it ig lole
>dhammapada 19&20
his name is triangles and he has read books from 100 years past
Yes, I Dreamt Shiro poster rode in on a security guard bicycle and tried to rape me. I had no means of fighting back and was overwhelmed.
they were shiro posters
there was nothing you could do
they were shiro posters.
>he has read books from 100 years past
I just wanna hear about the things everyone has done in dreams while lucid
I tried having sxe but all I did was look down at my body and enjoy how dark and cold it was in my room.(I was on the ceiling btw)
Like laying down on it, spider-man style, or hung?
everytime I lucid dream I like to travel to different places by using anywhere doors hbu guys?
kinda like I stole fizzy lifting drinks and was floating, I really enjoy dreaming and I've done things like write dreams I want on paper multiple times and then happen often
It's kind of like when you play a video game for hours on end and then dream you're playing it in real-time.
I used to have a dream journal on my phone a few year's back i'd try to make it as detailed as I could
But that phone broke got a new one now
I had a lucid pizza dream
Go on...
I had a dream that I was with a bunch of s4s l
posters at my high school library and we were bullshitting around and harassing girls when I went to the water fountain to get a drink but someone learned over my shoulder to drink the water closer to the spigot then when I tried to do to the next fountain he sort of jumped over me to drink that one too but ended up slipping and busting his head and I picked him up princess carry and vowed to take him to the nurses office and he said he was sorry but I forgave e him and said I thought it was funny. Anyway my dream high school had apprentally blended with like Disneyland because we ran through a bunch of exhibits like a Jurassic park one and a deep sea one and we also saw Patrick Bateman twice and finally made it to the nurses office and she saw his head to look at the wound and she was cute and I woke up.
God damn that's such a power move from dream chad
I've only ever had 1 lucid dream and I beat the shit out of the people around me then set the world on fire. Then I woke up and had coffee
*slipknot plays in the distance*
yes, and it often ends in sleep paralysis for me, do not recommend.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Sorry to hear than man. Do you sleep on your back?
>yen slip into fortune's room and sexually assault him only for him to blame it on sleep paralysis
changes every night dood; usually sleep on my pepper though.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I mean, it could have happened, who knows. Sleep paralysis generally involves weird looking figures doing things to you while you can't move even though you are awake so ya know.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
you're getting some good fortunes tonight
Yeah it’s usually when everything is going to shut or something awful is going to happen I just realize I’m dreaming. After that I just force myself to wake up. It’s rare outside of that.
i have realised im dreaming a few times but it wasnt like i expected and i couldnt control my dream, except one time i managed to levitate and touch the ceiling. but really the dream was controlling me
I know I can play isochronic tones from my PC to trigger them. I made some patterns myself. It just seems that they only work if done rarely, else I either get a sort of tolerance to them or the dreams become charged with anxiety and become unenjoyable. If anyone knows more about this please tell.
When I put on this hat people actuallly take me seriously
tried though
but god damn
never fucc'n works
pisses me off tbh familia