>be me
>19 yr old fem-user doomer
>make thread a few days ago (pic related) about my bloomer bf
>finds out today that he cheated on me with my ex-girlfriend and also with my only friend i have.
>fuck optimism
>fuck people
>i hate you bloomer
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
post your tits if real femanon
Work harder. Nobody wants to pick up your slack
trannies don't count
what if i'm a 36A and literally have next to no titties
sounds like more than 0, post 'em.
I feel you op
I'm fed up with beeing a fucking doomer, I have the feeling that's what I've always been. I'd love to have some kind of control on my life. Any advice on how to evolve into a doomer?
a bloomer* fuck
post em with vag then
Just post tits, holy fuckaroo, flat chest or not tits are tits and you're claiming you're a femanon. You know the rules.
Tits, then state your business.
>tfw yall are requesting titties and i have very little shame left
Maybe if you stopped labelling youself like these retards and just got a fucking life you'd be OK, man up, grow a pair or what ever it is you say to women when they need to just grow some balls
Forgot timestamp. You had one job, OP
I came close to evolving but my life's been spiraling downhill lately so i have no clue
sm0l tt sav
good god, its a tranny. abandon thread.
Nice little titties.
Im here for u bae
Well. Dont discount yourself. Youre like what? 20? I was getting shot at from 20-21 y/o. You'll be fine. Go out and either have some casual or be an adult and move on.
Read some Nietzche if you want to overcome your juvenile nihilism
i have failed all the Yea Forums fags
Also do psychedelics. Helps me out with shit mentally. Get a hobby outside the internet that is creative (i took up baking and sewing) learn to be more self sufficient on all parts.
nothing left to do now besides kys yourself. make haste
stop being a bitch and kill yourself already
I dont think they are trying to fuck their mother
learn how to make explosives
That's Oedipus bro
Post your teeth.
i do a shit ton of psychedelics and my only hobbies are art and vidya
i'm doing it all wrong.
idk if it means anything but if you want to talk I can give you my bullshit email and from there if you can prove its you ill hit you up on discord to talk to you. It's not much but I've been in the same spot and Im feeling shitty about relationships right now too. If not then that's cool too.
Did you read that before posting?
you can kys yourself too retard
If art is just ur hobby then u just a hipster teenage. Want to do art? Go to fine art college and proves yourself that u are not a worthless bitch
fuck it. i'd be down for that. any human contact is something at this point
Fuck relationships. Delete women from the matrix and lets go back to throwing axes at each other drunk as fuck lads
alright. Let me make a bullshit yahoo mail because I don't want to give my *good* email to Yea Forums because, well, Yea Forums. I will need *some* evidence it's you obvi. Do you have a few minutes?
I think I have your measure, OP. You are not dissimilar to this girl I was with... oh, a little over a year ago.
Heh, the mindfuck I performed on that bitch... Your kind are easy pray, my dear femanon. Do your sorry ass a favor and stop frequenting this place.
Gib email address, im a post-doomer human, we can keep up a correspondence
How dumb are you? The tranny fag wont even post a timestamp
i'm free for the next 15 minutes until i have to go wageslave
The email is just to make sure it's op before I give other information. If I give her a bullshit 10 minute email that I delete, it means im not spreading my personal info on Yea Forums. Fucking Pyhrrus would have had that much foresight.
Kek. Just leave him alone user.
I mean, I don''t have anything to lose do I? Worst case scenario I don't talk to them. Oh no! The horror!
Ha you can't even post to Yea Forums successfully
Shieeeeet, thought I had more recipes than this
>im only pretending to be retarded
i bet you do this all day. just as pathetic as op hoping someone talks to you because nothing to lose right?
first. nice tits. they might be small, they're still tits.
but what is important:
your bloomer is, obviously, a faggot. sooner you get to realize this the sooner you'll move on.
It's not him. It's you. It's your naivete, and your readiness to think up a person and let him live inside your bloomer. Your bloomer != him.
Therefore. He didn't do anything he didn't have capacity to do. It's just - you haven't see it in time.
Therefore: cheer up, and choose people you spend time with.
also, moar!
okay, the email is [email protected]
>chose the doomer path at only 19
>unironically bought into the nihilism meme
that being said, sorry your bf was a whore. It doesn't have to always be like this though, you got a lot of life ahead of you. The thing is though, you gotta seek out what you want, it wont be given to you. Put yourself out there more, look for resources among your town socially, whether it be for meetups that match ur interests, therapy, even just dicking around at the park. it's easier said than done, but its not too late. Give yourself a chance to see happiness out.
p.s. i do hope you're not a tranny
i mean, being a doomer =/= being a nihilist. Nihilism isn't what fucking normalfags think it is anyways though so who gives a shit
Yeah he is. /
nihilism is the cure
the healthiest stance towards life there is
dude chill your 19 go fuck a whole bunch of people have fun and see what happens
epic zozzle friend!
No but does reddit really fucking work like that? It can't be that bad can it?
Didn't say it was or wasn't friendo
Get rekt cunt. Also post tits or gtfo.
ah, no. I posted there like a couple of times. I simply felt this extra \n is needed, like a boundary between meanings. but yes, it doesn't really look good. this is better
idk i think it is...
emailed u
Its fake u fucking dumbass
i cant wait until being a tranny stops being edgy
I mean, maybe it is fake. But who gives a shit? What's the worst they can do?
you'll be waiting for a looooooong time
Maybe your bf wouldn't have cheated if you weren't such a bummer to be around.
We'd request for a pussy pic but we all know you have a dick.
>hey mom i met someone today
>ya, online again
>implying that's a bad thing.
Wow. That didn't take long. So funny hehe haha
>implying implying thats a bad thing
ngl i wasnt expecting this thread to get so much attention.
Honestly, that was a good roast. 10/10. Not even mad, good job man.
>end them rightly meme
I see your youtube taste is garbage
that hit where is hurts, user
Google made me select tractors and traffic lights.
If yer a commie then I definitely don't feel too bad.
use that edge to shave the neckbeard, we all know you're not legally allowed within 10 feet of a female.
God, fucking 17 yo summerfags.
Post your kik and show some more tits.
You can be against bullshit that capitalist society does and still not be a commie. I'm a libertarian, so i'm like the prime example of capitalist retardation and even I think some shit capitalist society does is fucking stupid.
>Post your kik and show some more tits.
I like this guy's thinking.
grandma got a facebook now she's hittin up my friends
Full automation is inevatible. Might as well get good at socialism since work will be optional for most people soon.
Hey OP I gotta go so I can't talk now but I'm pretty well read on anarcho and anticapitalist literature and still manage to consider myself an optimist, so if that's a perspective you want again we can talk. I'm bored in general and wouldn't mind a nice conversation even if you do turn out to be a dude or whatever.
chompskyhonkin on kik or largebutt8#7000 on discord
Is she hot?
Let me tell you a little secret about filling that emptiness in your heart. I would know, because I too have felt the same at one time, but no more. I was poor, just finished high school, too dumb for college. All my friends gradualy became more distant till a point where I could not consider them friends. Stuck at a shit job, working day after day going nowhere in life. But then something interesting happened, something that might seem insignificant, but has changed my life for good. An old friend of mine invited me to see a concert with her. I did not want to go—would have rather secluded myself at home playing video games, but thank god I did not, otherwise I may not have become as happy as I am today. That was the first time I saw him, andy sixx, on stage. His singing was soothing to the ear and put me in a trance. After the show I was aproached by someone, a security guard or roadie for andy sixx. He said that andy wanted to see me backstage. I nervously went to see why I was asked to come. I entered andy’s dressing room and he commented on how much he noticed me enjoying his performance. He said that he could see in my eye, that I was the only one who appreciated his music and understood those feeling that he was trying to convey in them, and to thank me he did something that would change my life forever. I don’t know why I let it happen; any ordinary person would have not consent to what andy did, but it turned out to be for the best. Without a word I let andy sixx drop his pants in front of me, bend my face down, and squeeze a fat log of shit into my mouth. It was bliss, and after experiencing it I felt content, and my life fulfilled.
thats even better
>be me
>fuck niggers
>fuck spics
>fuck kikes
>fuck faggots
>fuck dykes
Most of all
>fuck jannies
Even better!!!
Fuck off newfag
Eh. I was a Chad back in high school. I had a long term girlfriend who was a good girl outcast, and her best friend was the opposite- something of a social butterfly drugee.
We started something of a trouple. It went well for almost half a year. Until the good girl (you) blew up and couldn't accept it.
Sounds similar. Hope you and your (old) best friend at least did shit. That way you could have your desserts and eat them too.
> dont do it
>more like borafil
This is all major bs
Yeah sounds like what a commie would say. I agree all of you are idiot fucks for letting something like having to pay hundreds of dollars to get an ambulance happen though.
haha, dumb whore, that is what you get for no talking to that nerd with glasses in high school for. Burn in hell.
Oh is forgot my name. Oh well.
Oh, that is the options filed
my bad