Why is over 70% of American adults overweight?

Why is over 70% of American adults overweight?

Do they not understand that it is unhealthy? And puts more strain on your failing health service?

A health service that no longer has homegrown staff above 95%, in fact 20% of staff is foreign, because America does not produce the people needed to do so, because lazy fat Americans would rather get a scholarship through sports than to think.

Resulting in a high % of the populace being ignorant and dumb.

RIP America you have been dying since the 1980s.

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This is why I reject Trump. The majority of voters can't be trusted with their own health yet I'm supposed to trust them with the health of the country?

and his faggot friend with the reply.
so this is what incels in londn do all day?

Probably had sex more than you. The fact you say that though shows you're insecure about your political views

Damn you guys are really paranoid to think someone who points out a fault about your country is either an incel or liberal.

This is why you are one of the 70%, are you that angry to see this truth that it makes your butthurt soother when you try to project or shift blame?

Why do you do it? Do you honestly think the earth is half incel and half your guys? And they let you vote?

Troll threads require at least half a brain ad apparently we dumped those into the Boston Harbor along with all that shitty tea...

Why a troll thread? Because it is a tough topic it must be a troll thread?
Seriously the level of retard on the net is at record levels.

americans cant take any insult to their country, all they will come back with is ''eurofag'' or ''dumb incel libtard'' when are they going to realize no one outside of their shithole country likes them

all of you go frolic with the other politically charged mongoloids.

but yet here you are

thinks baiting is a tough topic

the strawmanning

this retarded

Not strawmanning when it is happening. Learn the word you like to use first.

Mental illness and obesity go hand in hand.

there are bigger problems pun intended

Fatso got triggered

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you realize we can see the posters arent going up every time you post and pretend to be someone else

On average, conservatives are more attractive than liberals. The majority of the fat fucks most likely vote dem. Considering the whole this is proven thing.

the strawmanning

weak and predictable

this retarded

the strawmanning

Imagine posting the same thing constantly and thinking you are winning some battle in your head.

Very sad.

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>thinks you can read a couple of words to form a sentence

the strawmanning

so retarded
stay mad kid

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