Rate me out of 10
Why am i so ugly?
Rate me out of 10
Why am i so ugly?
cause you look tired. Get some sleep.
7/10, btw
Post a pic of you then.
Wtf like an 8.5 fr. If you can't find some dude to fuck the shit out of you try looking at your personality instead
How are we supposed to rate you without a pic, faggot?
Your facial features are very good, but you are a bit fat, lose weight and you can be an 8-9
This is me.
Ive timestamped so many times before
Rate my body, am i a giant whale-atron? Was at work here, thats why im wearing these ugly manrags
kys larping fgt
Forgot to post my selfie
How the fuck can I rate body if it's a face selfie with huge jacket
Yeah you should lose weight
Lose weight fatty
Ive posted on /soc/ threads and i get bombarded with 3 to 5s out of ten lol
It makes me feel like im grotesque but i dont know why
>rate my body
cant see it,post some nudes
Dude, hit the gym of you want to be a 9-10, you're a 7-8 , chill
Have you really learned nothing. Post nudes already or fuck off you self conscious skank
Honestly? If you were to lose weight/tone up, you'd have a killer face. As it is now you're not obese, but you're a little too big...
Dude, you're a 10/10. Ugly, my ass
Im working on it
It will take me atleast a year to be a skinny and attractive
They’re crazy. 8/10 easy peasy. You have beautiful eyes! Maybe tweeze your eyebrows, that always makes me feel more attractive. You definitely don’t need to lose weight either, anyone saying otherwise has an idealist view about what a body should look like
Maybe lose a little weight. Even if you dont there are plenty of boys who ain't afraid of big girls.
Fat bitch face. Cannot be fixed, I'm afraid.
How dare they have common preferences?
fucking full of newfags here
tits and time stamp, or get the fuck out of here, larping faggot
We all know that girl is sexy, and you want compliments. But if you want the truth, post pics of yourself.
Or at least post nudes of that chick.
I’m sure we could all stand to lose a little weight, but I’m saying OP doesn’t NEED to, regardless of preferences
Finally, someone speaking some sense.
i mean you prob have a pretty fat ass so you have that going for ya
Thank you user.
I do think to look generically attractive i need to loose some weight tho, im working on it. Ive struggled with my weight since i was 12.
I dont want to be with a bbw chaser, im like a fetish or something it isnt right lol
Its seriously me. Ive post here before too and timestamped. Promise im not a larp or whatever
at least you don't pluck your eyebrows and draw them back in. that's a sure sign of batshit crazy. i'd say you're a solid 7/10. now show bobs and vagene.
Yeah just exercise and eat better, you'll look way better
Mehhh . Not ugly but nothing special...
what's the bet this guy was dumped by this bitch, now he's spamming this freak.
At least you seem very large breasted.
Drop nudes or fuck off. Nobody cares about your bitch ass compliment fishing you larping twat
yeah, and we need to see them before this thread can continue
you're currently a 6.8/10 in this pic.
Lose 15 lbs, do something with your hair and smile. Then you will be a 7.5 - 8/10.
youve got an insanely pretty smile just work on eye makeup to brighten up your complexion youre by no means ugly or fat the internet is the wrong place to look for whats wrong with you lmao go into an ulta or other random beauty supply store and ask for help with makeup choices there youll look good and feel good about yourself when you talk to them :) hope this little bit of serious advice helps
dude your smile is 10/10 though
>pink eye
Srsly. What are doing on here? You look pleanty hot, probably pretty hot with the hair down. Youre appropriatly curvy. You look young, but Frankly too old to be posting all nervously seeking appoval on /b. Stop reading any more of these virgin responces. Post tits cause you started this thread and you knew better.
Frankly, I think you're pretty cute. Can't really tell what your body looks like from your pics but you don't look obese by any means. I'd date/hook-up with you.
You're not that big. Maybe a little on the plump side but I think just getting in shape would be enough, you look naturally curvy so I could see you being the type to get tight and toned with a flat stomach and still be extra curvy. Do something nice with your hair and you'll be driving boys crazy if you already arent.
I dont like ratings out of ten but i mean, id fuck you. I think you have a cute face, but your hair looks kind of oily like you dont take care of it much, also from some of the body shots you posted you have a decent body but your fashion sense seems like you dont want too much attention drawn to you. look at what sexy women with a similar body type as you are wearing.
4/10 mostly average. no striking features, and dull glassy eyes
Look, if you're going to come back every day and whinge about your looks, you should at least post tits or gtfo.
Thats not her you retard, its some catfishing faggot from /soc/ still butthurt that she ghosted him
Youre like a HARD hard 5. Idk why, prob bc them unibrow hummus genetics
If you smiled and put off a nicer vibe im sure you could find an ok guy. But who am I to say. I never smile and it feels so fake to force it. Maybe as a girl ur expected to be more sociable and approachable.
Would enjoy/gladly receive head from, just not look at you too much
Practice on your eyes, they look sad and full of anguish. Maybe look in the mirror and memorize the contractions of your face muscles after genuinely laughing at something you saw on the ineterwebz
oh, she timestamped yesterday
OP your face is alright, you have good skin. Look more lively in your eyes though. Body doesn’t seem that bad imo, but can’t tell too much with all that clothing. Post half- nudes or nudes, need more to work off of if you want more opinions.
Now show us your bubies.
Also you have good teeth. That’s a plus. Hardly anyone likes a stereotypical Brit or a saggletoothed bitch.
You're not ugly.
You have amazing, very piercing eyes. Lips that are extremely kissable and since I don't know much about your personality except the fact you're insecure, you seem very grounded. To grounded.
First> Look in the mirror more.
Second> love what you see.
I'm guessing you've had people in your life who've kicked you while you were down. Overbearing parent. Most likely a mom. And you go out with absolute dickheads.
shes a femoid incel and shes wearing contacts LOL
You're a loser and waste of energy.
because you are god's mistake.
1 out of 10
Maybe cause you don't smile at all, bitch.
Faggot. Why u keep reposting same shit again and again?
nigger, I saw the thread
Not sure why i get comments on my eye brows so much...i think theyre pretty tidy and overly thin eyebrows can really age you so i leave them as they are. Thank u tho user.
How can i improve myself apart from weight loss?
Atleast? Lol
Thanks for the advice. I need to loose 20kgs.
Thanks user, i am wearing makeup in pics but its very minimal and natural maybe i should go more glam.with it.. Thanks user
Thank you, i never had a bf though.
I was at work thats why im wearing these ugly clothes lol
But thanks for the input..im quite shy so i cant have the confidence to show loads of skin...my hair isnt oily either its the lighting
4/10 is ugly...am.i really that off putting? I always felt anything below 5 was grotesque and 5 was just bearable
Is the only u attractive feature you can pic out is my eyebrows? Everyone keeps commenting on them
Im not sad. Just bored and unbothered though. Does my smile look fake?
Thank you.
My mum was quite controlling...she would never let me cut my hair or dress in a revealing way...just recently i coloured my hair and she went ballistic...ethnic parents are nuts. Also,ive never had a bf.
the date on it said 2/06/19
you're not ugly wtf, if you want people to tell you you look good go to gone_wild, reddit
here you'll find only tears and pain
In case this really is OP posting this same thread repeatedly, I'll rate her a
definitely would date/10 as long as she has never had a penis.
>Also,ive never had a bf.
No way, you're like 20. You've had a bf even if it wasn't serious.
what ethnicity are you?
also, 7/10 - have enough sleep, stop worrying about everything and relax, and you could get to 8 9
Tits and time stamp or gtfo
what if it isn't larp? somebody should tell her a word or two
0-3 is grotesque and 4-6 is average
I think you are a cute 6.5. You just need to wear more flattering clothing.
OP older dude here you're a 7+ for any guy who isnt a complete fool. I'd gjve you an 8 at least and your eyebrows are perfect. Now do us all a favor and let us see those tits of yours I can tell they're spectacular.
You look like you moonlight as a dominatrix
Would let you sit on my face / 10
>skinny and attractive
skinny does not always == attractive.
shut the fuck up fat cunt
amerifag detected
You look great miss.
I would totally date you, but I am 39
>Why am i so ugly?
Attitude. Rate me, rate me, rate me. I rate zero because you have no self esteem. You said you did this here yesterday, you did it on /soc/ and it's a thing you do quite often. Anybody who needs that much affirmation is mentally fucked, and I wouldn't care if you looked like a Vic's Secret bikini model. Dating a girl who thinks she looks like a dog is worse than dating a dog. You can't fix mental problems with a fuckin' hat.
4. Sandnigger
Your problems come from within. Seeking some sort of confirmation on the internet is never going to actually help you. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and within your own eyes, you are not beautiful. You need to either drag yourself out of your self-depressing hole you have dug, and find the drive to search for someone who loves you, or you need to do what I have done and dig deeper until you hit rock bottom. It is a lot easier to survive down here where everyone is ugly and broken. Also, just so you know, I'd fuck the hell out of you and people say I'm handsome.
fuck fgt
Honestly, I'd say you should make yourself appear "darker", but not in some faggy cringy way. Make your outside appearance match who you are inside. I can see the void in your eyes, but you hide it everywhere else.
Adorable face, eyes and smile.
I’m aroused.