Whats keeping you from smashing pussy sun up to sun down?

whats keeping you from smashing pussy sun up to sun down?

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I'm fuckin' 31, I've smashed enough pussy. Twice a week is plenty, you young cunts get out there and get after it sun up 'til sundown, I've got shit to do, fuck you.

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I'm bored with tbh. Been doing it for 36 years now and frankly I've got more interesting stuff to get on with in my shed. Haven't given up completely though, still like to get some once or twice a week depending on mood, horn etc

> you're lonely and pathetic

Yeah, that

I gotta make fucking money and so does she.

Together we make a very decent living. but we have lofty financial goals that demand decades of hard work, saving, and investment. We work harder than anyone else we know and still spend less a month than most people, but we'll be able to retire when we're 50 and spend the rest of our lives traveling and in luxury.

Cause butthole feels better

traps and trips dont count faggot

I like female asshole, no homo

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Because it's very rare that beautiful women come after me, they do every now and than but it's years in between. I'm not going to degrade myself by changing my attitude and energy for some idiotic bit of gash. I just don't care

My personality fucked off and I forgot how to have fun. I'm at the top of my game career wise, but I'm no fun. Not unless I'm full of sniff, then I'm wild and out of control.

I get sex, just not often and I have no friends. Help.

Fuck man, way to piss your youth away chasing improbable retirement dreams. The retarded never retire at 50.

Working from sun up to sun down

lack of tolerance of the volume of bullshit one has to put up with


And gf, if you mean strange.

I work sun up til down fixing fuck ups on the street

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Work, uni, political work, masturbating

i hate myself is all

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POV smashing OPs face

I’m not a retarded whore

Man, I'd be pretty nervous about literally any one single thing fucking you out of your idealistic vision of the future.

I have had blowjobs every morning for the past 13 years from my mom.... i am not interested in little bitches