

Attached: ben shapiro3.png (320x445, 91K)

Has this trust fund kid ever had a real job?

What did he do that alienated him from the Republican base, though? I can't get a straight answer anywhere on that

There's nothing that really unites the Republican whole, though. It's just a collection of splinter groups that, if pressed, would actually disagree with each other.

would you let him whisper pillow-talk into your ear if you gotta fuck his sister, Abigail? i know MY answer

> Republicans


Nice try, though

I want him to fuck ME

If you consider being a lawyer a real job..

my favourite cute kosher boy

Being a lawyer can be hard work, or it can be billing people for eating sandwiches. It's usually the latter.


Attached: ben shapiro 12 years old.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Huh. Surprised to hear that.

His sister is not the only one in the family with huge tits

Attached: ben shapiro titties.png (600x646, 357K)

Work is not manipulating the language of the law to Jew your will onto others.

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that's the exact same as the democrats though kek

he's hiding his jew gold in there lmao, those are coin pouches

I can't stand this fuck. He's a salesman.

yee haw

forgot the pic

Attached: ben shapiro cowboy.jpg (592x960, 61K)

to pretend to be smart

Why doesn't he sound like a guy? His voice is sprano

I'd say the Dems are more unified, if only because they leave evangelicals out of the mix, most often. It subtracts the "crazy/irrational" element out of things which would otherwise throw things off.

e.g. "As long as we put abortion doctors to death like Jeasus say'd in the bible and make snake handling legal again, Ahhl vote for ya!"

Yep except the democrats are just worse at all of it

One Jew saying something isn't proof of anything. Mental disorder.

Trump. Ben was a hardcore never Trumper back in the day, and supported Cruz to the end. That was what drove him away from the main Republican base when they all threw their support behind him when he won the nomination.

You don’t go through Harvard law school and not learn shit. The guy is way smarter than you, get over it

Lawyers might save your ass one day, watch it

his brain thinks 10x faster than yours

He's a manipulator. He can call something facts and get away with it in his position enough to have anyone ridiculed for calling him out.
Real debaters don't need to cherry pick, straw man, ask loaded questions, and talk over people really fast.

So he sounds like he is smart even though he's just repeating what Republicans have been saying for the past 40 years.

zing lol

retards, jews bad

also retards, ben jewberiow is our savior

his uhhh mind is like,, y'know so like fast maaaaaaaan.