Is a slave a slave if they don't know they're a slave?

Is a slave a slave if they don't know they're a slave?

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What is reality?

One philosophical debate at a time lol

Knowing you're a fag doesnt make you less of a fag

I know I'm a fag, but at least I can admit it.

yes, because you could just sell them, then they would know

Well, if they don't KNOW they're a slave, that means that everything they want to do they were able to do. If that continues to be the case throughout their life, then I'd say "No, they aren't a slave"

Slavery is a concept, not something that actually exist.

What exist is having the right to decide what you want to do. If you don't have the right to chose or if something prevents you from making a selection you might confirm that you are a slave… but it's only a concept.

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the people in the matrix are slaves: the machines exploit them. it wouldn't be slavery if people knew and agreed to being in the matrix.

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

>'s only a concept

I don't follow your meaning. Can't really tell the slave owners to piss off. That'll just get you beaten, imprisoned, shunned, or killed.

> im 13 years old


That's one interpretation for that specific case. But you can argue both cases. Let's say we assume that the matrix is indistinguishable from reality, so there's no way for anyone to actually find out what's happening "for real".

So, functionally, that IS reality for these people. And since they're living in modern-day, first-world environment, they're as free as anyone in the "real" USA.

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Why does everyone think I'm a Jew? I'm Christian lol

>Can't really tell the slave owners to piss off.

Actually yes you can tell him that and the end result will probably be that you will get punished for your actions if the slave owner is not totally shit at what he's doing… doesn't change the fact that slavery is a concept.

The thing here is to prevent oversimplification. There can be many things that make you feel like a slave (A slave to the system, addiction, love, family) but the original concept of slavery is not simple slavery it's the fact that people were forced into labor with extreme violence so that others profits from their hard work.

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And if you are not aware that you are forced into labor with extreme violence while they are whipping your back with a bullwhip so that you pick up cotton faster you must really be a dumb potato.

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> that others profits from their hard work

Isn't that's what happening, though? Acting outside, or to the contrary of what the elite see "fit" is bound to lead to some sort of punishment. Whether it be labelling, ostracizing, imprisonment, or execution.

Take Edward Snowden, and the revelation of Project Echelon/Room 641A for example.

A concept can still be executed, whether it be flawed or not.

We are all slave of the system if that's what you mean. The trouble with Snowden is that his case is 1% judicial and 99% political… those men he pissed off by blowing their big spying project are above the law.

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By strict tautology yes, a slave is a slave even if they don't know that they are a slave because for the statement to apply they must be a slave.

The more interesting question is whether or not a person held or induced to remain in exploitative conditions of a similar kind and degree to slavery without being formally designated as a slave is, in fact, a slave. If one is being exploited due to socio-economic and political conditions then either one lacks sufficient freedom to alter one's circumstances or one remains too ignorant to recognize this condition of exploitation for what it is.

So we come out with two questions. Is a lack of freedom analogous to slavery? Is a lack of knowledge analogous to slavery? If the answer to these is yes then we must view restrictions on freedom and restrictions on knowledge as having the same weight as a set of shackles. If that is the case then we must weigh the moral weight of all of this against whatever benefit is derived from such arrangements, and thus come to a moral accounting of society.

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Ask any working class American

Pretty much.

Checked. Great reply

is a nigger a nigger if they're blind

>yes, they still stink

Let me answer your question by a question

Is OP a faggot if he doesnt know he is a faggot?

Of course. Just like you don't have to know you're a dumbass to be one.

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knowing you're a fag and continuing makes you more of a fag tho,
so I'd lean towards a centre-yes on OP's question.

Already been discussed.

Yes, dumbass

No. That’s called being a follower.

Well, yea. Read first then post.
Even though misses the point of the question. also just subjectivity, nothing really to debate here except that guys opinion

waste of dubs

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go to imagefap and search for lolita
you wont believe your eyes what those girls are talking

Except that reality is a fabrication created to keep the population docile so their own personal resources can be unwillingly farmed for another's personal gain. That's still slavery, even if the slave doesnt realize they are being trapped, manipulated, and used.