Alright. it's time to listen up. Real talk

Alright. it's time to listen up. Real talk

Some of you are going to hate what I'm here to tell you, but in the end, you'll thank me.

Ever had your fancy car deliberately scratched with a key? Or sugar poured in the gas tank? Or something else done deliberately to it, so as to partially destroy your overpriced vehicle in some way? It was probably me. And the reason? FUCK YOU. You don't NEED it.

Now some of you assholes are probably sitting there thinking, "why would some jerk de-value my ultra-expensive car that I worked very long and hard, for?" See the above reason, dickhead. You only need a REGULAR car. Oh, and two other reasons. One, I'm levelling the playing-field. Do you NEED something with fancy gadgets and unnecessary comfort, while you drive around being a poncy, pantomime, pillow-biting prick and a cunt on the road? Do you need to spin your fucking tires and mash on the accelerator as if this gives you some sort of powercharge??


Do you NEED something that travels so far and beyond just about every speed limit in the world, unnecessarily endangering the lives of pedestrians young and old, tall and short?


I'M the guy that brings everyone back to their senses.

I'M the guy who pours paint-stripper down that little gap where the hood meets the windows, and fucks your engine big-time.

I'M the guy who uses pre-planned routes to slip in and out of wealthy areas like a fucking ghost, using soft shoes, gloves and other items of clothing that will never be traced back to me, finding expensive vehicles that patrons park on the side of the road at night instead of in a garage.

I'M the guy who gets away with it. Every. TIME. Deal with it, pussy
I'm the guy who makes you think TWICE before purchasing stupid shit you don't NEED.
Downgrade your stupid death machine to something PRACTICAL

Pic related, I love fucking up classic cars

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Hell yeah brother

Come through and total my car so my insurance will write me a check


Tl;dr- you‘re a fucking miserable fag who won‘t let other people feel enjoyment just because you can’t.
Btw i live in Germany, I can drive my expensive ass car as fast as i want so fuck off

Doesn't matter, cumchugger. Nice cars are insured. So, the owner might get pissed for a minute, especially if its a youngfag. But anyone over 30, who usually are the owners of enviable machines, probably don't care all that much. They'll just get the insurance to fix it, then trade it in for a better, newer model. So, what you're really doing is propegating the luxury car market, putting luxury cars more affordably into the hands of younger people who normally couldn't afford them.

This is Parenting Failure in action, somehow this muppet has never morally/ethically matured past age three.
Snowflake needs some time in stir...

He's British. Whatd'ya expect?

Hey op is that your Monte?


OP is a nigger. Stole this pic from /o/
It's mine.
I sold it back in 2012 after restoring it the best I could for college funds. My first car and everything. Lost contact w/ the owner.

Happened to see it for sale on CL. no engine or trans though.. been sitting for 2 years. Bought it back and now I'm working on it.

But this nigger has been trolling with the pic for some time now.


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oh wow your a stunning endorsement for abortion
your literally getting triggered of what cars people drive lol

I always liked that body style
Reminds me of the first Ace Ventura movie

the car in the pic has a left steering wheel so he's probs not brit


I wanted a Chevelle initially but I fell in love with the long front end. Oddly enough, it's the reason why Chevy remained in Nascar. Chevelles were good but they couldn't compete as well as the Monte on a circuit, despite the Monte being something like 350 lbs heavier. They could hang with the Superbirds. which at the time were absolutely dominating the track due to the LWB

Gtfo, nigger. stop making threads

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Big Block or Small Block?

Not all heroes wear capes.

Do you have a car at all? Because if you do them you don't need it since you have two perfectly good legs to walk on.

They may not need an expensive car, but they earned the luxury and have the right to own it.

If you're posed because everyone has nicer things than you, then get off your fat, lazy, neckbeard ass, get a job somewhere other than McDonald's and work for it.

If you don't want to work for nice things then do the world a favor and kys, commie faggot.

damn havent seen this CP/ bait in awhile, nice job

When I bought it in high school, it was a 350, 4b carb w/ th350 tranny. decent cruiser. I finished everything but the interior. The guy I sold it to fucked the motor and tranny. I'm looking at either a 454 or 496 with a 3.4 or so rear end and th400. I want it to be a daily driver but at the same time I want the T levels of a big block. idk

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What a waste of a good trip dubs...

is this some sort of religious thing or...?


He didn't vandalize that car. The pic is all over the net. You think he yanked the motor and trans, and left it in someone's back yard with the hood removed? Who vandalizes a car that's sitting in the weeds like that? Answer, OP is a fag.

Trips and dubs checked

I agree with that OP. Car cunts are some of the worst humans alive. Especially the fags who drive the jacked up trucks and the cunts who drive their "subies."

nice monte carlo

Subaru's are cool cars. Turning them into race cars, not so much.

Yeah... Fight club is pretty good but you shouldn't live by that philosophy, especially is you're over 17

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People don't deserve enjoyment in the first place, OP is fucking based

Is this what Chaotic Evil looks like in real life?

Agreed, the best car I've ever had was a shitty 2002 Outback with 200K miles on the odometer I got as my first car, the thing was almost toyota-levels of indestructible, which surprised me because I always heard these had a big engine problem and to stay away from them.