>sadpanda getting shut down for lolishit
Doremiposter on suicide watch LOLE
Sadpanda getting shut down for lolishit
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whom art thou quoting
sadpanda is up. wtf are you talking about?
also i hate doreminigger. i wish hed commit suicide.
>he doesn't know
oh no... the pedo site is getting shut down... so sad...
how will doremi view his loli scat guro furry doujins now???
he will actually rape a kid.... VERY SAD!
Awww sadpanda is getting shutdown. That’s a lot of data going to waste. The least the owners could do is sell it to someone else. Probably done retarded Floridian Hungarians only in it for the money.
i'm seriously so sick of this shit. i don't even use ex/e-hentai but god damn, when will these governments stop trying to tell people what they can and cannot look at
porn is rape nu-male
>you can't look at naked children
have sex and dilate you incel freak
the /r9k/ discord or tumblr.net?
keep boot licking. you'll learn when everything you enjoy comes tumbling down in the face of pointless regulations
I’m telling RP that he better get his s porn collection saved.
regulations can be both good and bad
banning loli is GOOD
i guess so
It's actually not. There have been multiple studies shown that display an inverse relationship between porn and sexual crimes. Less loli porn = higher likelihood for more child sex crimes.
Also pls check trips next time..thx
how about less loli porn AND less sexual crimes? can't do? no? oh well...
sorry but you know those pedos, they're like wild animals
yup that's just how it is
how do you suppose we do that?
by confiscating their pedo rape island and putting them in jail
will that keep the victims from becoming victims in the first place?
if you actually have it in you to rape a child you would have done it eventually regardless of access to loli porn or not
the people who spend their time on rape island own the jails tho
so you said less sexual crimes, but now you're saying that some are inevitable. is that right?
*the internationale/horst wessel lied (your choice) starts playing in the distance*
dude whatever don't rape eat a grape LOLE
Lole, Gustapo. Should we throw the Mexicans into ICE camps too? Sir Yes Sir! Maybe we should have a wall in the central US? Sir Yes Sir! We need to shut down the internet to protect our citizens? Sir Yes Sir! We need to put chips into peoples brains to ensure their safety? Sir Yes Sir! We should secede from the union? Sir Yes Sir!
ok, but hear me out. what if your goal was to completely eliminate the possibility of sexual crimes? what do you think someone would do?
who caut mr dubbles tho???
invent magic dust and spread it all over the land to make everyone a law-abiding citizen
what if i told u it's possible to do that? pedophilia is a disease that seems to have prenatal origins. what do u think our magic dust would look like?
fair point
another riveting conversation on s4s
this board makes a worldwide nuclear apocalypse seem appealing
kill every single person with an exhentai cookie
oh bugger off, you two
if this is what human civilization has come to then the world would be better off without it
why not just rewire their brains to be healthy once we understand the brain better?
sure? when do we understand the brain better?
when did we understand germ theory?
when we discovered it. if it can be observed, then it can be discovered. wouldn't you agree?
what's your point
good i never could work out how to get on that fucking site
pedophiles are sentient beings like any other and deserve pity and caution. pity for their condition and caution for what harm their condition might bring to others. being a pedophile is amoral, while acting on pedophilic urges are immoral. whatever laws we institute regarding those afflicted should bear in mind this reality and thus be centered around the goal of keeping them from victimizing children.
There's nothing special or sacred about being a sentient being, so just like anything else in the world, when the amount of caution merited around a sentient being crosses a certain threshold, it's better that we just get rid of them
is there nothing special about you?
Of course there isn't, but that doesn't matter much since I'm not a danger to anyone.
would that mean that you do not value yourself user?
I value myself for being sentient because that's normal for a person. Doesn't mean I think my sentience *objectively* gives me any value.
So what would lead you to assume another person doesn't value themselves the way you do? For them, pain is as your pain is and despondency is as your despondency is. All sentient beings fear death and hate pain just as you do. Are you to say that suffering and attachment to life for you is not so great so that if another declared you to be a threat on an essential level that you would allow them to annihilate you?
>So what would lead you to assume another person doesn't value themselves the way you do?
So what if they do?
What's so wrong with protecting myself because I care about my pain, but wishing death on them because I don't care about theirs? I know they care about their pain the same way I care about mine, why should that make me care about theirs?
Would you like for others to care about your pain?
I don't need them to, because I'm not a danger to anyone. Anyone who would hurt someone like me is clearly a danger to others so it's better for us to be rid of them.
So you are a gold standard for humanity then. You would never be a threat to anyone, so anyone who would threaten you would be a threat to others. Since other's sentience is of no value to you, it is safe to see people who would threaten you as nothing more than a threat to be eliminated. Thus, anyone who would be a threat to you must be eliminated. Would you consider this a charitable representation of your views?
Pretty much yeah except this also applies to anyone else who wouldn't be a threat to anyone
So it's really more like anyone who wouldn't be a threat to anyone is your so-called "gold standard for humanity"
kants a nigger
So for future reference, people like you - in that you aren't a threat to others - are a standard for which humanity must be judged. How did you come to be so safe to others then?
Holy Fucker... Shiro post some energy drinks.
It's not something you come to be, it's how you start out. After that, if you do something to hurt people, for any reason other than to protect yourself, you've proven you're not safe to others. That doesn't mean you're automatically safe to others if you don't do that, because maybe you will. It just means until you actually do, there's no way to tell, unless you're yourself. For instance I know I'm safe to others because I, as myself, can authoritatively say I won't hurt anyone for any reason other than self defense. Other people are free to believe or doubt this as they see fit, but I, being myself, will always know I'm telling the truth about it.
So there really isn't much room for redemption for people who have hurt others for any reason other than self defense, is there?
Sup esse can I please get your drug dealer's grandmother's home address in Mexico so I can send my strike team to go execute her right now
I see...
lelmao m90
literally all the people I've seen glad that sadpanda is going down are literal transsexuals and white knight bitch boys who can't get any lmao
like, literally
that line of thinking goes south really quickly
omnicide now uwu