Share your stories of interacting with Loli's here.
Share your stories of interacting with Loli's here
Guess I'll start. I hang around a fair amount of lolis due to kid parties or just having them over through family. Am pretty comfortable around them cuz of work and stuff. Sometimes I try my luck and do some low key flirting with a couple. Doesn't go beyond that for the most part but I love seeing them get flustered after a few offhand compliments
This is what i posted in the other thread
not much of a story, more of just how i interract with my cousin at family events.
>ITT pedos confess to raping kids
My ex was a legal loli, 18 looked younger, flat, loved cock after I introduced her to it, only too much and she ended up a slut. Said she had a weird itch, broke up with her for /med/ reasons
gonna need some pics her.
No can do my man, her brother is a /k/omando and a Yea Forumstard, he'll know it's me
I keep thinking about a girl I knew in elementary.
It's weird how now shes not a loli and probably a ugly pig.
Same, maybe because I never got to do anything with her back then
I started telling a story the other day about how a friends daughter was using my leg to masturbate on during a fireworks show. Never got to finish as no one seemed interested.
Sadly, its the truth. Cute kids grow up to be whales.
go on...
i watched an 11yo jill off in a hot tub...
well, that kinda just gave the whole story away.
Do tell
>jilling herself like a mad cunt she was
But I can re tell it I spose.
I was around 28-30 and she was the daughter of a friend of my girlfriend. She was absolutely adorable but a complete brat to be around. Her mother was also a complete whore, had 3 kids from 3 different guys, was constantly dating different men looking for a meal ticket and had a part time business selling sex toys.
Anyway, this girl didn't stand much of a chance to start.
She was gorgeous so she always had that going for her, I think she was around 9 or maybe 10-11 around the time I knew her. Again, real brat to pretty much everyone, hard to like this kid.
I started off not liking her but soon I would just start being nice to her because I felt bad for her and kind of felt like she behaved that way because of her situation.
This had to have been a first for her, to receive positive attention from an older attractive guy, she quickly took a liking to me and her entire demeanor when I was around was the polar opposite of her day to day personality.
i was at a community pool area and i watch her get in cuz she's a sexy 11yo. after a bit, her face kinda scrunches a little bit and I realize what she's doing. instahard for me. she continues on until her she tenses and closes her eyes.
Damn, you watched her finish? Lucky fucker lol. Jerked off to that after the fact?
How do you flirt with a little girl?
As a group of friends we spent a lot of time together, they weren't my friends they were more my girls friends. I couldn't stand most of them and I hate kids. I think kids sense this about me and take it as a personal challenge to get me to like them because regardless of how abrasive or mean I am they always seem to be drawn to me like a magnet. And it is always the girls. The boys like me too but I think it is because none of them have a decent steady father figure amongst them but the attention I get from the boys is nothing compared to the girls.
This group has a shit ton of crotch rats within it. Despite my objections and my obvious disdain for them their leech mothers are all more than happy to pawn off their little hell spawns to me to entertain while they go get hammered on mimosas and boonze farm.
Almost exactly the same as any girl. Just some compliments about anything new they got on or even if they're being somewhat funny or smart or whatever. If you make it innocent enough no one bats an eye
So anyway, with her attitude shifting so drastically and her becoming so pleasant while she was in my company her mother saw it as an opportunity for some much needed time away from her and would often trust me with her while she would meander off to go catch up with her lady friends.
I spent a lot of time with her whenever we as a group would hang out. It wasn't long before she inevitably developed a pretty hard core crush on me that actually ended up turning into a pretty serious infatuation.
But to jump ahead to the crux of the story, we had all decided to go see the fourth of July fireworks for the township we lived in.
So the story begins.
... and then ?
Sounds like a stretch to call innocent compliments flirting
Well it depends on the situation obviously. If theres people around you wanna make it sound like anything you'd say to a little girl. One on one is a different story of course
Now, I had tried to warn her mother about what I saw happening with her. Her mother was extremely sexually "enlightened" I guess you can say, and I could clearly see that this openness was being instilled into her daughter. (as an example when visiting at there house it was not uncommon to see sex toys and dildos and vibrators laying about where her kids had easy access to them) Her mother never took my concerns seriously but I felt better knowing that I had at least kept her in the loop.
When we all arrived to the location where we were going to watch the fireworks her daughter, who I shall now refer to as Missy, insisted on holding my hand and being my girlfriend for the evening.
She took my hand and began to walk fast enough to pull us both away from our group. Still near them but out of earshot if whispering.
She didn't say anything to me that was too outrageous but more or less she was just talking about how excited she was to have me as her boyfriend tonight and how much fun she was going to have. I think she just didn't want my actual girlfriend to hear and ruin it for her.
Did nobody get suspicious about the grown man checking out an 11 year old kid?
>One on one is a different story of course
What if she gets uncomfortable and tells her parents?
numerous times. etched into my brain.
loli's what?
anyway, my stories so far:
> click
> rightclick, save
basically that.
...and then
side eye and sunglasses...but, she was the one rubbing herself in a public area
I mean you dont wanna start with anything rash right off the bat. Make her feel good about herself first, make her laugh, basically make yourself relatable to her. She wont necessarily lower her guard but just generally be more comfortable with you. And if she ever seems to be getting uncomfortable just ask her if it's okay and respect her boundaries. You wont be all romeo and juliet at first, takes time
I envy you user lol
Should have went in and helped her, dude.
>she was the one rubbing herself in a public area
Only pedos would notice
Was 13 and she was 11. My first sexual experience. Met up with her again last year and she took my virginity. I still feel the attachment I felt so intensely when I was 13. God I hate my life.
You mean little girls? Yeah reported you pedo fuck
We weren't viewing the fireworks by ourselves as a group. This place we were at was where the whole damn town would go to watch the spectacle. Everyone arrives early, sets up blankets on the ground, has some drinks and there are even vendors there to cash in. Foods, knick knacks and such, and the municipality provides portapottys.
So we are all set up. sitting amongst ourselves drinking and chatting. I am pretty sure missy was trying to get me to drink more than I normally would have. Any time she wanted to do something or go somewhere she would insist that I be the one to take her. When she wanted to eat, I had to take her and stand in line with her. She would be gripping my hand tightly the whole time and then would occasionally put her arms around me. When she had to go to the bathroom she again made me take her, I took notice of the fact that they had been setup at the edge of the tree line for the area and were quite secluded from the rest of the crowd, and it had gotten quite dark. I was thinking that it would be a nice little place to take my girl for some outdoor fun.
And yes, at the time the thought had crossed my mind that it would have been a nice place to take missy if she wanted to push things further with me. This quickly was pushed away though as even with everything she had done and was doing I didn't think things would ever end up going that far.
I was wrong.
we must destroy him so we can acquire the pics send us the address user
Nice try, FBI.
Lolis suck anyway. They have no tits and no ass. Grown women do.
Thanks for the advice. It'll probably never come in handy for me though cause I am way too anxious about getting exposed
..... AND THEN ?
That is a worry yeah. Out of all the girls I've done this with, only one gave me good results. She's a sweetie tho with a kinda messed up family so that helps
So when she finishes and comes out of the porta john I noticed that the back of her skirt was riding up and you could see her underwear, Without thinking I reached out and pulled it down for her. As I did, she stopped walking and I ended up getting a handful of her little butt cheek. She quickly turned around and before I could even mutter a slurred apology she just gave me a sly little smile, grabbed my hand and put my arm around her waist to walk her back to our spot.
When the display was about to get started she asked me if she could sit on my lap, I saw no reason to not let her so I grabbed around her waist and pulled her up onto my lap. It was a nice feeling. She pulled over her mothers blanket and put it over us both.
After the fireworks started, all the lighting in the area was shut off and everyone began looking toward the sky with their mouths wide open.
Music was blaring loudly as the booms and crackles filled the sky. I noticed that missy had shimmied herself over and was sitting straddling my left leg rather than in my lap and that she could not sit still to save her life.
typing it all out right now, I don't have this saved anywhere.
conniption fits
tiny perky tits
she yearns my
dick 'n' balls
And I
her juvenile walls
And so we merrily dance
up in this pedo happenstance
painting of an actual 13 year old
you know she was excited to get sexy for a man
>that upskirt
I was focused pretty intensely on the beautiful display above me, just like everyone else. I couldn't help but take a moment to think about how beautiful of a night it was with this adorable cutie sitting on me as these wonderful colors filled the night air.
My stun was broken as again I noticed that she still was not sitting still, I was just about to lean into her ear and ask her to stop moving around as it was beginning to somewhat hurt my leg when I noticed that while everyone else was looking up she was looking down at the ground in between us. I couldn't figure out why right away but then it slowly dawned on me.
She wasn't just being restless, she was pushing herself down into my leg and rubbing back and forth. I almost wasn't prepared to believe that is what was really happening but that was also when I caught a glimpse of her hand that she was using to push down n her pelvis area.
She was trying to masturbate on me using my leg to stimulate her vagina.
Ok I’ll pretended to have patience
Feel like you are writing book about your incident. Do you wanna publish this?
I will stop then.
Blow your brains out, pedophiles.
Yeah dont. Finish it
fuck off let him finish on his own time, not everyone has to cater to your fucking needs
How did you hide your boner from her?
Nah, dont worry bout that. I enjoy the story very much. It's interesting to read.
Didn't have one. I didn't know she was doing anything. I thought she was just not sitting still and we were watching fireworks.
I think about doing it everyday
Do it then. The world will be better off.
DUde, shut up I’m waiting for the next part
If you dont enjoy the thread, there's a way out. There's nobody ask you to sit tight and read it. Fuck off
For real. Faggot is trying to describe shit around the place. Also the fucking breakdown of the story into pieces is gay. This guy is just sn imaginative writer who chose a genre he can gets published with so he post it here for the rest of us degenerates.
Fuck story OP I'm going back to the thread about the fag getting a bj from his faggot friend
Kill yourself pedo
Poor little pedos. Just kill yourselves and be done with it.
After this I was not sure what to do. Honestly. I know it seems like we all feel like its obvious that you just pull your dick out and start fucking, or start helping her with your own hands but I kept thinking "what is I am wrong and she isn't doing what I think she is doing" It seemed pretty obvious what she was doing but being wrong and acting on it was going to make this great evening go sour really fast.
Also, If I was right, what if she got embarrassed and stopped, did I even want her to finish, what did that mean anyway, exactly how was she going to finish?
I know.
>older attractive guy
>posting on Yea Forums about hitting on children
I dont mean to stop you at all. It's just the way you show your story right here is intensive and i like it
You also have to consider that even if you were right helping her would mean have your life unsalvageably destroyed if anyone found out
Everyone in this thread should kill themselves
Only a fag gets that butthurt from that simple a comment
Author OP is gayyyy
Somebody is being a biiiiiitch...
>>Used to drop pedo stories in threads like this
>>A couple months ago got a month long ban
>>Banned on /b for fake pedo fap stories
Not really comfortable with this sorta thing anymore
In the end though she made up my mind for me.
Before I could do anything or say anything she ended up looking back at me and seeing that I was looking at her.
All she did was smile from like ear to ear and then lean back into me like she was relaxing. She stopped moving around so I believe she had just stopped altogether. I decided that would be a good time to just put my arms around her for a hug. So I did. I just gave her a little squeeze hug and kept my arms around her. Then we both just finished watching the fireworks.
Sorry it wasn't more intense but it did lead to some interesting encounters with her down the line.
Including the guys telling pedos to kill themselves?
At least I'm not a pedophile :)
Aww, the pedo is mad
Yeah right, cuz you a bitch
Would vola work?
So more then ?
>>Sorry it wasn't more intense but it did lead to some interesting encounters with her down the line.
I really don't care about the hate comments. If they read the story they would realize that everything that happened was happening because this girl was doing it, I only realized what was happening at the last like 20 seconds and I didn't do anything other than give her a hug so she wouldn't feel super embarrassed.
Everything happening prior to this was me being nice to a girl who had a shit life and I told the mother everything that was going on from the very get go.
Is this fun for you or something? Get a life, dude
Shit story from a retard.
Next time just get to the kid fucking story or gtfo. This isnt poetry jam dipshit
another time. Perhaps I will write it all up before hand.
Poor little pedo. Everyone is so mean to him.
...made you read it. Could have stopped at any time.
You shouldnt really dont, they dont even know how Yea Forums works anyway. Those faggots must be parading for furries right now anyway.
Your story is good by the way
Graduated college this year. Met a freshman who kind of looks like a 13 year old boy and she loves rough sex.
At least I'm not the one wasting my time autistically screeching to pedos about how much I hate them
Blow your brains out, pedo :)
And I give no thought at all to these people.
no u
Yea because I figured I'd wade through your novelization until you stuck your cock in her. But nothing.
Just like all shitty writers: biiiiggg build up, no pay off. Go get a job with HBO, they love that shit there
As opposed to the pedos screeching about how much you want to fuck kids? Kill yourself.
Blow your brains out, blow your brains out, blow your brains out... Do you have anything else to reply? How bout blow your cock out?? Oh wait, you a bitch, you dont have any
you perhaps just missed the very beginning where I said I had already gave it away.
I am not responsible for someones inability to pay attention.
Spoken like a pedo fag
Kids are hot you pleb
Kill yourself.
Would it be as hot if it were legal or is it just the taboo of society not wanting you to do it?
Just as hot.
Blow your brains out.
when i weas little i saerved the community but the cumminity did n0ot serve me
soo as a remeinder hmm make love not war
It's not my fault little girls are so sexy
gj guys i need extreme love to feel emotions
hmm tahnsk agin have a good life i guess
post girls instead
i mean he could have just made up story and appeased you but im sure youd still complain because youre a faggot
Yes I am a faggot but no I wouldn't be whining like a little bitch if his fucking story got me to bust a nut. And then this little beta cuck writes that it lead to other encounter. Then write those encounters but no we get the story describing the trees and pretty fire works.
This asshole is a fag inept writing and if he wants positive feedback he should take it to reddit
Pretty sure 12 year old niece has a crush on me. She always calls me handsome and is always very flirty and touchy with me when she sees me. She's not as interested in me as before since school has started and she's focused on boys in her class. Shes bothered that her crush doesnt like her back. We occasionally message on snapchat. I want to be the one to take her virginity. She'll turn 13 by end of year.
Any suggestions?
Let the kid live out her life fucking sicko.
If you're that mentally ill then go it in the outside world to someone who won't trust and let you do your disgusting kinks to them blindly just because you're family.
yea fuck me champ
She needs to learn with boys her own age and grow into her own person. She's your family, not your puppet.
>Any suggestions?
Yeah, stop now before you do something you'll regret
Almost had the oppurtunity to jerk for one on emerald chat but my laptop decided to crash when i started recording
It was a sign from God
> Got a 12 year old niece having a crush on.
>Want to take her virginity.
You cannot be a pedophile and commit incest at the same time, right?
And just to add on to my post, you can't truly love her if you're honestly considering this based on some light flirting.
This man is not a pedophile. This man does not truly love this loli. This man is a predator who is preying on her. DIPSHITS IN THIS THREAD LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.
>You cannot be a pedophile and commit incest at the same time, right?
Are you seriously gatekeeping pedophilia?
is this a set or something ?
Haha it does happen quite a bit since my laptop is garbage. Im thinking of using omegle instead of emerald
what is this from ?
Not your website, nigger.
A disney movie. Tomorrowland or some cheesy shit.
You liked his faggot story?
Do pluviophiles try to fuck rain?
Do audiophiles start cumming uncontrollably when they listen to music?
No. They truly love those things. They feel calm around them. They have a desire to preserve them and protect them.
4 chan has been incorrectly interchanging the word "pedophile" with the phrase "child molester" and it's not always true. If someone truly loves children, why would they do anything to hurt them?
People can have morals and self control regardless of their thoughts or personal desires. In fact, good on those people for showing restraint and selflessness.
>Do pluviophiles try to fuck rain?
>Do audiophiles start cumming uncontrollably when they listen to music?
This must be bait
>mfw been dating a loli for a couple years
>mfw she was fresh out of ms when we started
How old is she?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
I liked it and kind of relate
Know a loli around 10 who is a pure sweetheart albeit somewhat of a spoiled little thing. I play it cool and compliment a little every now and then while.
Wears nothing but a shirt and little panties sometimes when its hot.
Sitting next to her once i was just lightly touching her leg but slowly slid my hand up bit by bit. She giggles and tells me it tickles her. I asked her if it feels good and she nodded her little head as i almost made it to the sweet spot
I felt the little cotton fabric of the edge of her underwear when she giggles more and squirms away from my touch. Have to play it cool cuz other ppls in the house makes it hard to get these moments but i know i must behave myself. I dont want her to start thinking of me as creepy or anything so i try to limit touching but she's pretty comfortable with me
I always wonder what she's going to be like when she gets a bit older or if she'll remember little moments like that.
Pls tell me this faggottry is a troll
You all need to post pics to go along with your comments.
newfag get out
No its a sign you are an unrepentant newfag especially being unable to recognize Invader Zim hasent been on TV regularly for over a decade
I've been here since the original thread started and this is the most dead shit like. Fuck someone should just make up something
More like this?
Yeah more like this fucking fireworks boy cucked us
>other ppls in the house
Good God you people are retarded. How do you fuck up this bad? You seriously started touching a girl with NORMIES in the the fucking house?!
Now she's 17 been dating since she was at the tail end of 13
Why are still touching yourself all that long?
Then again who would let a kid be around us autists
When i was 14 I fingered the 6 year old sister of a friend, but only because she asked me to
bruh I'm not even into this shit i just wonder what you fucks do
Drug addicts
Irresponsible parents
People raised in the ghetto
Fair point ill give you that.
its 4 am i should be fucking studying for uni exams kmn
I love the stuff when they get caught
Sounds like a rationalization to me
How did it start? How old were you?
Be me, 15m at the time.
>jumping on the trampoline with my little cousin 7f
>start wrestling yelling WWE and stupid stuff
>cousin jumps up and hits me with her butt on my chest
>fake knocked out I guess she believes it being young
>she hits my stomach, no response
>she does it again, still nothing from me
>she places a hand on my crotch and I start getting hard because virgin
>she starts noticing and moves her hands to under my shirt
>she undoes my pants and feels my now fully erect cock through my boxers
>she hits me again and I still dont move (she was checking if I was still "knocked out")
>she goes for it.
>she reaches back into my pants but this time under my boxers and grabs my cock with her young soft hand
>she pulls it out and is just staring at it at first
>she verbally says, "I'll do what mommy did to daddy."
>she starts to lick it and about that time I couldnt take it anymore
>i pussy out and start "waking up"
>she sees me move and freaks out and jumps off trampoline and watches me from the side of the house
>I put my cock up and nothing else happens that day.
Sorry about it being very anticlimactic.
One other story that happened but it isn't interesting if anyone wants to read it
>Be me at grandparents
>9 year old cousin always here
>I'm playing upstairs on PS
>cousin comes in the room
>she's in a nylon dress super tight and smooth
>she sits on my knee and starts to bounce
>I get really hard and she slides back up over it
>she keeps bouncing and I'm hard as ever
> she spins round and wraps her legs around me
>starts to hug and kiss me while rubbing herself on my leg
>I try to get her off before someone comes in
>she wants to kiss allot and she slips tongue in
>she swirls her tongue around my mouth
The only other one i have is that one bernd und das rätsel um unteralterbach animation where he gets caught by his mom fucking that girl but the filesize is too big for Yea Forums
>In early ears of 2070s robot scientists created a final version of Pocket Loli
>A Pocket Loli is a fully automated, child-like android humanoid of size of a smartphone
>Being realistic at her small size, she is also capable to grow to real-life children size
>Her growing is only available if you show true and real love to the Pocket Loli for at least 6 months
>After period of 6 months, you must enter her desired human-age and you become her lover forever
>Pocket Loli has fully automated personality and human body functions, including pissing and pooping
>No need to feed her to survive, but she will become grumpy without delicious foods
>You can deeactivate your Pocket Loli at any time, but if the period of offline is longer than 6 months, the loli will kill you in sleep
I've been flashed by a loli before but as far as my actual interactions with lolis I don't have much. There's no reason for me to interact with a child who has no familial or friendship relationship beyond maybe helping them find their parents or something when they get lost in a store or holding the door open for them so they learn to say thank you. You guys have a sick fetish you put upon yourself that will get you literally killed if you act on it. Faggots.
Thats not a loli. Thats an elf, or possibly a halfling. Knife ears are fair game.
Don’t be a rapist
>She is wearing loose fitting shorts and no panties.
>She asks me to come into her room because she thinks she saw a spider
>I ask her where she saw it
>she goes into her closet and says in here.
>remembering what had happened a couple weeks ago on the trampoline I start getting hard again.
>we're both in the closet and she "accidentally" grabs onto my basketball shorts and falls.
>I didn't wear boxers or anything underneath
>my cock is right in front of her face but I turn around and pull my shorts up really quick
>she says sorry but I could tell she wasn't
>didn't find the spider but she didn't care
>she wanted me to have a tea party with her so we both sit in the floor
>notice that her shorts are pulled to the side and I have a full view of her perfect looking smooth pussy
>instant raging boner
>I couldn't take my eyes away from it and she catches me but I tell her I'm just looking at the floor.. it didn't work
>she is eye fucking me and I cant take it so i get up and go back into her closet but tell her not to follow
>I leave the door open enough to where she can see me
>I pull my shorts down to readjust my cock so I can leave but as I pull him out she opens the door
>she can't take her eyes away and acts innocent saying I look different than her down there.
>I tell her to prove it and she takes her shorts off and sits down at the door with her legs open smiling at me.
>I hear someone coming toward the room so I freak out and pull my shorts up and tell her to put hers back on too.
>after her mom leaves again I follow behind her and get out of there.
Buy her small gifts periodically and talk to her more often on the snapchat and a proper text app. Offer babysitting or hanging out to see a new movie. Play multiplayer games together.
Above of all, you *have to* have same hobbies and interests. Much better if you don't have to pretend and you're both on the same boat.
Treat her as an adult and talk to her about adult things without much filter. Never point out that she's young, unless as a cheeky joke.
Not in front of them you fucking sperg nor when everyone is there. There are certain windows i take advantage of. Theres a fucking time and a place for everything and every other time its head pats and wholesome stuff never anything where i can be caught
Never do this Don't actually hurt the children. If you're sick in that way where you're worried you might, please go get help.
Damn I got dubs all 3 times I posted
That sounds like “How to Molest 101”
>Don't actually hurt the children
>How to Molest 101
Say increasingly nervous anons, seeing two genuinely happy humans interacting regardless of age.
I know you're going to kill yourselves, but before that all your further replies will be ignored so I can have some fun watching you melt.
Forgot to tag this retard
Thanks for the reaction image
I think you scared them off, user.
Maybe they already jumped.
Children love sex.
Can't read, too blury. Got a clearer pic of it?
Open it in new page and click zoom, text is clear
Get on your pc user, looks shit on phones
you're either a newfag or mobilefag cause it shows up just fine retard
Cmon guys.
Post I already posted a few
of course mr FBI man. i've all the lolis, some over time some all at once.
the newfaggotry is off the charts
Anyway to get it clear on phones, go no pc
I was 7-8 at that time and my neighbor/distant cousin (about the same age as me) talks about some weird story (I forgot) and after that we went to her room and I had to "f" her but there is a pillow between us. She's a weird cousin.
Desktop view is a thing. Duh.
i can green text my story if wanted, let me know if there is interest.
grandma helps put on a summer camp in my town, went to it as a kid, now i work it as a counselor. lots of qt lolis running around. my sister is currently in the camp and has lots of friends, last summer something happened with one of her more cute friends.
Well.... Thanks user.... Dick
sure go ahead
But you know the consecuences
Aye go on then
>he doesn’t know how to delete the m from the file name and change the extension from .jpg to .png to view full size images when mobile shitboasting
been looking for this for a while, thanks
I know a loli who was... 13? at the time who I met in my mid teens. She and I clicked immediately. We've just grown closer and closer over the years. And I can easily say with certainty I love her. She's a precious little thing, and still is a loli. That being said, she's going to turn 19 soon... And she'll have nowhere to go. Sorry if you're expecting sex, but I don't see that happening. We see each other as close siblings more than anything.
Its a png faggot, but that does not matter, its clear regardless.
>like i said be me
>last summer camp counselor
>let establish this is a overnight camp at a local historical place outside of town
>and that the oldest a kid can be is 14
>my sister is in her last year
>friends same age
>i experienced camp
>i know what happens
>as counselor i take advantage of it
>lots of girls there are your typical experimenting teens
>week long camp
>now that its been established let the story begin
>i know lots of the girls
>become friendly and flirty with them first couple days
>one girl stands out
>her name can be cait
>cait is typical loli
>super cute
>tiny af
>she takes the friendliness and flirting to another level
>constantly has to be around me
>tied to my hip
>she gets touchy
>wants to hold my hand whenever we are walking to a new place
>asks for my help with activities
>4th day of the week there and it turns into something
>i got scheduled for wake up duty
>have to wake up 4 cabins of kids
>2 boys and 2 girl cabins
>get to cait's cabin
>everyone is already awake
>but her
>okay sure
>theres a relaxing area and then the bunk area
>everyone is either outside the cabin or in the couch/relax area
>go into the bunk area and cait is laying on her bed
>walk over to her
>"cait wake up. time to get up"
That panty band is going to attract some autists.
12 years old kids don't experience having a crush on someone the same way adults do. It's their hormones kicking in that does the thinking for them at this point in time.
It's kind of like beer googles but for kids and without the alcohol.
>her eyes pop open and smile
>she says hello and then throws off her blanket
>she slept topless
>holy fuck
>my eyes dont leave her tits
>"um cait... im going to go"
>begin to leave and she hurries up and gets in front of me
>she hugs me and then walks in front of me towards the bathroom with the showers
>as she does she takes off her panties
>holy fuck
>literally watching a naked teen walk in front of me
>about to bust right there
>she turns around and blows me a kiss and walks into the bathroom
>literally cannot get this out of my head
>rest of the day shes super extra about everything
>leans against me
>hugs me
>theres 8 total counselors and 6 beds, guess who didnt get one?
>had to sleep on a cot in a tent outside
>oh well i like camping
>that night im laying in bed
>my mind etching the image of her naked body into my permanent memory
>i hear a voice outside
>"hey user....."
>i sit up and unzip my tent
>its cait
>"uh cait what are you doing? youre supposed to be in your cabin..."
>she smiles at me
>"i cant sleep.... i was wondering if you wanna talk?"
>i looked around nervously and nodded
>i couldnt refuse her, the image of her naked body still in my head
>"listen cait, ill talk for 10 minutes then you have to go back... i dont want to get you in trouble"
>she nods and agrees
>we actually did talk for a bit but then she got quiet
>"cait you okay?"
>she nods and then begins to explain that she has a crush on me
>literally one of my sisters best friends
>dont know how to respond
My niece have become more and more flirty lately... Makes me uncomfortable tbh
>"user, did you like seeing me naked earlier?"
>"cait that wasnt okay, youre my sisters friend and younger than me..."
>she frowns
>its like shes waiting for my answer
>i didnt want to tell her tbh
>"fine.... yes i liked it..."
>she smiles wide at me and giggles
>i was confused but then she quickly took off her shirt
>"CAIT!" i said as loud as i dared
>i shook my head but somewhere deep down i didnt want her to stop
>so i let her
>"what are you doing??"
>she smiled at me again and then scooted closer to me
>"will you touch me?"
>i was so confused
>but i nodded
>i couldnt let this pass
>my hand reluctantly reached up and sat on her chest
>her eyes closed and i kinda played with her nipple
>she opened her eyes and smiled at me
>then she grabbed her shirt and put it on and left
>blue balling me right then and there
>i was so hard
>next day she continued to flirt
>but she took an opportunity to touch me more
>my chest
>and she acted like it was an accident but stood in front of me and turned to face me and her hand landed on my crotch
>i could feel her fingers grip it
>it was super brief
>another time in the line for lunch she was standing in front of me and backed up into me
>put her ass right into my crotch and looked back at me
>i had to move before anyone noticed
>rest of the week was more of the same
>she never came back to my tent
>but she became more and more flirty
Mobilefags probably, I have a hard time reading this shit too
When I was 20, I met a just turned. 15 year old chinese international student with her own apartment. The year dating her, I turned her into a complete slut. Fucking raw, pregnancy fetish, facials, recording everything, public sex. She was 5'8, c tits, fat ass and small ass waist with a beautiful face. Obviously it didn't work in relationship terms but it was fun while it lasted
got any good stories from it?
or pics of a similar girl that's legal?
Sauce and/or moar? I saw this virtual loli before but never quite like this
How old is she? What is she doing to you?
keep going my guy, just letting you know that we're lurking and reading
>last day of camp and pick up was around 3pm
>her parents didnt come until 5pm and so some of us had to stay
>like i said my grandma helps run this so we didnt get to leave until everyone was gone
>had to pee though
>went into the dining building to use the bathroom
>little did i know she followed me
>it was kinda chaotic and nobody noticed her follow
>i get done in the bathroom and as i turn to wash my hands shes standing there
>"CAIT!!" this time i said it louder
>she legit scared me lol
>she was smiling and hands on her hips
>"user, youve seen me naked twice... i wanna see you too..."
>i shook my head, couldnt believe what she was saying
>"cait there is no way"
>she cut me off by taking off her shirt again
>no bra
>i couldnt look away
>then she took off her shorts
>"cait please.... i cant"
>she smirked more and turned around
>she locked the bathroom door and walked to me
>she stood inches away from me looking up into my eyes
>"user, i really like you...."
>i swallowed nervously and took a deep breath
>"cait thats cool but like i said...."
>she leaned up and kissed me mid sentence
>i couldnt believe it
>but i kept kissing her
>she was bad at it, but we started making out
>this girl wanted me so bad
>decided fuck it
>my hands explored her body
>from her collar bone to her ass i touched everything
>her hand found my bulge and actually moved inside my athletic shorts and played with my dick
>i was so hard but we continued to make out while touching each other
>i was so nervous about someone trying to come in
>had to remind myself that she locked the door
>she broke the kiss and looked at me with the biggest smile
>"can i.... um.... suck your..... umm... penis??"
>i almost came right there
>i nodded though and she instantly got down on her knees in front of me and gripped my dick in her hands
>be 22
>mother has a fiance
>he has two kids
>girl, 9, boy, 12
>The boy just really thinks it's great that he'll have an older brother and doesn't see his dad often so he thinks I'm great and we play videogames together.
>The girl is a total brat, obviously used to getting her way all the time at home
>Initially don't give much of a shit
>warm up to the kids after a bit, think they're great
>The girl's personality changes completely around me, realize she's actually a pretty good kid, just needs someone to tell her no once in a while and explain why.
>Talk to the kids as if they're on the same level as I am, explain things they don't understand to them as patiently as I can
>curl up in bed one day
>the kids are tired and want a nap so they both curl up with me
>totally non-sexual at the time
>girl snuggles right up to me, moves in such a way that I have to have my arm around her to be comfortable.
>because of the size of her body my hand sits right on her hip
>again, nothing sexual about this so far
>this becomes routine, the kids like me to tuck them in and curl up with them for a bit every now and again
>I honestly think they were a little starved for attention, since their dad was absentee most of the time and their mom was kind of a bitch
So many crazy stories. The first night I met her, I offered her and her friend a ride with my boy. We ended up going to a nearby city and getting alcohol. Her friend (black, 14, DD tities) and my friend hooked up. And my girl, got drunk, sucked me off, got naked and fucked me in the back of my car.
One time, I had some extra money. The girl who we'll call Juliet, basically looked 22. I looked young for my age at the time and I looked 18. So imagine an older asian girl with a young looking guy walking around. Anyway, I took her to the mall and to Victoria Secret. She picked out sexy ass lingirie and I paid $80. Brought it home, she tried it for me and we had the most loving crazy sex. We kissed, licked and sucked on each others bodies. She gave me head and we made amazing porn. Finally fucked her raw again and this time she begged me to cum inside her while she was ovulating. Told me to get her 15 year old asian slut pregnant. I passed out after
>wake up one day with the girl snuggled right into me and my hand has somehow ended up on her butt
>her hand is in my lap
>try to move gently to leave without waking them
>no go
>girl cuddles closer
>her palamas slip down a bit
>my palm is now touching bare butt
>can't move
>her hand flexes and grips my crotch
>can't help it, going hard
>fuckfuckfuckfuck what do?
>settle back down, hope it goes away
>it doesn't.
>she wakes up, gets up to go to the bathroom
>comes back without a word, settles back down to where she was, grabs my hand and puts it back on her ass...under the pajama pants
>puts her hand back on my still-semi-hard penis
>confused as fuck
>"uhhh...should i move?" I ask
>"Nope. I'm comfy" she says
>"even with..." and I squeeze my hand on her butt
>"you're warm" she says
>oooooooohkay then
>this continues for a couple months.
>she looked up at me the whole time while slowly and awkwardly started to suck my dick
>i couldnt believe it
>used every bit of stamina up trying not to cum
>she could sense it though and decided to go faster
>"cait im going to cum...."
>i moaned it out and she took my dick out her mouth and slowly rubbed it until i started to cum
>it shot everywhere
>she giggled and told me "that was my first time"
>i shook my head and breathed out heavily
>"well thanks..." i told her
>then she bit her lip and lay down on her back on the floor
>she spread her legs and patted her pussy for me
>i gulped and got down on my knees between her legs and leaned down
>i started to lick her and kiss her when i could
>i ate her out for a few minutes before she came and then we both kinda realized that we had to go
>anytime her parents could be here and then we would be fucked
>so we got up and kissed some more but she told me she really liked me
>a week later i hear my sister and mom talking about cait staying the night
>oh fuck
>my house is 2 stories and im at the back left corner of the top
>the office next to me and the bathroom across the hall
>that night after hanging around my family cait knocks on my door
>i knew it was her
>i open it and she walks in
>instantly we start kissing
>it was weird
>probably 3am and i guess my sister fell asleep
>soon we were naked and she was sucking my dick again
>we fucked that night
>i took her virginity very softly and for the next 5 months we did everything we could when she was over at my house
>it was amazing but then she moved
>my loli fuck buddy left and now im sad
>such an amazing time though
>gets me off every time i think about it
>apparently shes supposed to be coming back for camp in a few weeks
>i really hope so
Girl around 7-9 basically groomed me (M) when I was about 12
I was naive and not interested at the time but she got fully undressed for me at a party. It was a surprise and kind of embarrassing, her mom had to fetch her in front of everyone.
After that event, her slightly older loli friend explained to me that she had wanted to have sex with me. (she didnt say 'have sex' instead used the finger in a hole motion). She herself ended up bending over right in front of me in a casual way.
But this girl loved me, whenever I would visit she insisted that I kiss her on the lips. I would reluctantly and her parents thought it was cute.
She filled a shoe box of her drawings which depicted us married.
Nothing really happened though, I have a memory of her sitting on my lap then her mom picks her up and she sits on my lap.
Imagine commandeering a family by taking control of the man, while the wife and daughter give themselves entirely to you in front of him
>her mom picks her up and she sits on my lap.
Please tell me this is real. Was the wife bangin' at least?
>one day I fall asleep with the kids, and end up rolling onto my side, facing the girl.
>looking back I think she rolled me towards her
>wake up with a raging hardon
>her pajama pants are down, my zipper is open, and she has my dick between her legs
>making soft "hmm" noises as she gently rubs herself along my dick just behind the head
>says "ouch" and then stops
>grabs my hand as I pretend to be asleep and places is on her butt again
>snuggles right into me, keeping my dick between her legs
>gently knead her buttcheek
>she makes more "hmm" noises
>she reaches up and gives me a long, soft kiss on the cheek
>think about this for a while and fall asleep, still hard as a rock
unfortunately their dad and my mom called it quits a few weeks later.
So basically
>tfw no follow up
Here you go.
She really was. They were very warm and open personalities with long dirty blonde hair. Decent christian family.
To spice it up the dad kind of hated me, I think he saw the 'subtleties' of how his wife and especially daughter treated me and was jealous. Cant really blame him
yeah. if only i knew what opportunity i had at the time
Wait, that's illegal.
I'm a little late and I don't know if this counts but here it is.
>Be me in 3rd grade
>Sister is a year younger than me
>We are playing in her room one day when she suggests a dare game
>Basically we dare each other to do challenges and if you fail you have to do a punishment
>Sounds fun.exe
>It is completely innocent we are daring each other to do hand stands for 10 seconds and punishing each other by making them lick the wall.
>Kid stuff
>Next day we are in her room again and we start to play the game again
>More innocent stuff blah blah
>My sister dares me to walk across her bed frame without falling off
>I fall and I need to get punished
>She laughs at me and then starts to smile
>She slowly lifts up her shirt until I can see her nipple
>I'm weirded out because I was young.
>She says that for my punishment I need lick her nipple.
>She says I have to do it because I fell.
>I do it reluctantly but for some reason I liked it.
>The game continues and the punishments start getting more intense.
>She made me touch her crotch I made her touch mine
>We both were confused but we both liked it.
>Soon the challenges were getting sexual
>At the end we were both naked and aroused.
>We played together like this for a long time and nothing happened other than I ate her out.
>We stopped eventually and we both are adults know
>I sometimes wonder if she still remembers because I sure as hell do.
Oh well maybe in another life.
Calm down, its just a sexuality.
How can it be rape if she initiated it?
>Thats not a loli. Thats an elf
Yeah, I was gonna say. So she's probably at least 50 years old in OPs pic. Totally legal.
Reverse rape.
It's not rape if they're both screaming.
And the followup
Not a fan of cuckshit tho
You should have fucked.
got any lolidom?
I think i just had a stroke
>Wearing a bikini over a skin tight suit
Want some good loli to watch, suggs?
So basically, the world is filled with pedos? Why doesn't that bother me?
ITT: actual uncharged sex offenders
>All these ignorant responses.
If you fags actually read a book about history and other cultures you'll know that there's nothing wrong with young girls fucking their family members. It's the ideal way to teach them about sex. Girls have traditionally lost their virginity to their own fathers. There's literally nothing wrong with it. My gf lost her virginity to her father with the support of her mom. What fucks girls up is when they have to keep it a secret from other family members. It's the fathers duty to take his own daughter virginity. If not her father than her uncle. Samurai in Japan do this all the way to the Romanians and Jews
bumpity bump
She's suppose to be an unpainted doll
No need for moral arguments. It's illegal and therefore society has deemed it degeneracy beyond reconciliation. Besides your examples about the past mean nothing. Just because we did it in the past doesn't mean it's something we should have been doing in the first place
Not with her brother asleep next to us, and also I'm not usually into kids that young. Anything younger than 14 seems really fucking wrong to me. Hell, the youngest I've dated was 16 and even that was a bit weird.
Goddamn that pussy fit me like a glove though.
That's pretty hot
Just because our ancestors fucked their own daughters and what not in the past doesn't justify doing it now. There were about a billion other things we did back then that we don't do now, such as eating our own shit, slavery, etc. If you want to justify something, at least use a plausible argument that isn't just
>Oh, the Samurai in Japan did it
>I'm not, but i am
That's what i read
It just occurred to me I should call my congressman so someone will introduce a bill making it illegal to share stories like these with fellow pedophiles. It will force them onto the darknet to even talk about stuff like this
>if I add elf ears I'm not a sick fuck
Close one, artist-san
great idea
Or even better, get back to facecuck
It was illegal to be gay a few years back, now is even praised.
We have our own month, and even better companies are on our side.
>implying society creates laws and not the elitists
With social progress, there's been movements. Is there a reason pedosexuals can't even have a protest march?