Hey user. what are you doing awake?

hey user. what are you doing awake?

are you going to improve today? what are some aspects in your life do you wish were better?

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My high school graduation is in 2 hours and I've been staying up reallly late recently so I pulled an all nighter. I dont plan on improving on anything today

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I'm gonna level up my skills in Shroud of the Avatar, then farm exp/materials.

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are you ugly?

im actually extremely happy for you user, theres actually tears in my eyes. good job

Well I sleep during the day, and I don't have to go back to the wagie life for another 12 hours

I wish I had time to level up and farm in WOW.

hey play WoW with this guy

Went to work, new client was a bitchy bitch, said fuck this, went back home.

I'm gonna smoke weed with a friend today so probably not gonna improve much. Just gonna relax and chill while I still can, before I have to spend the rest of my life, you know, working a job I don't like to buy shit I don't need to show the girlfriend I don't have that I live a decent life.

Reading about graphite

on the FUCKING ROOF!!!1!1!

Sorry to say I don't play wow. More of an OSRS kinda guy

Sitting at work, hoping to lose more weight this summer. So far life's been going well after a big decline a couple of years back.

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assert dominance
good nice talking to people is nice
whats graphite smart guy
no animehere

I wish my bank account was full
Im already at work

>hey user. what are you doing awake?
Well it's 11:55 I should be working RN.
>are you going to improve today?
Call my sub whos on vaccation, when I'm home and tell her to tie herself up. I'd rather tie her myself, but she's to far away.
>what are some aspects in your life do you wish were better?
I whish I had asked her earlyer or later to be my sub, not the day after she left the country for a month.

it's fucking noon where I'm at

you all should be working. give me money

Juj no

Get work yourself lazy ass

>hey user. what are you doing awake?
It's 12:05 pm. That's why I'm awake.

go back to sleep for 4 hours.

im retired leave me alone, please


Gf cheated on me so i cheated on her, work early tomorrow so lets get that bread