I’m so happy. I never thought I’d be able to say this but I’m happy to be alive...

I’m so happy. I never thought I’d be able to say this but I’m happy to be alive. I’ve been a Christian all my life, and I used to think my homosexuality was keeping me from God. But a friend showed me that God doesn’t care about the gender of your partner, He only cares if your faithful. I’m so happy. I’m coming out tomorrow, no question about it. I’m finally free.

Attached: D77AF4C0-9266-4A77-ABBA-55760103DBDE.jpg (116x116, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


congrats user

fuck off faggot nobody cares

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

there is no room for misinterpretation. God not only hates it, but its an abomination,(unforgivable) so go ahead with your mental illness!
and before you sit there and try to bullshit me and say god died for all our sins, yes he did, but being sexual immoral is not a sin but Reprobate!

Good for you, now the next step is to accept that the god you were afraid of, dosn't actually exists and is just a made up concept to control people. Everything you need to be happy is trusting yourself and the company of people you like.
Beeing a good human shouldn't be measured by the standards of a nearly 2000 year old book, but rather by your own standards, as long as you don't affect others with it.

Also there will always be assholes in religion who thing their own interpretation is the obly valid one.

I mean I have no horse in this race but I would really love to hear the pro LGBT interpretation of Leviticus 18:22.
Please expand my horizons user.

again, its not interpretation, thou shall not lay with a man as you do a woman is pretty cut and fucking dry you faggot!

Shhh. Let the man interpret. It will be an insightful moment.

Happy for you user! I came out as pansexual recently myself!

you got it mixed up user. "god does not care about faggots" is correct sentence. christianity like many other religions have zero tolerance for anything outside what they deem proper. also, whats there to be happy about a shit covered stick? like seriously...

Attached: fag fecal0339827.jpg (480x505, 25K)

Jesus gave up his life for us to be us. We all hold desires in our hearts and enacting on some of them is not good for us. Just like the twelve disciples, as long as you follow Jesus regardless of who you are then He will love and accept you, he lived to know our pain and our desires and wants what's best for us. What we hold in our hearts cannot be erased; as long as you enact on His will then all will be good for you in spirit. I'm happy you've learned to accept yourself, that alone is not a burden against God, but how you feel about it. God forgives you as long as you can forgive yourself, follow a good path for all of His children including yourself. I wish you nothing but happiness

Fuck off from here fag, go back to /lgbt/ you waste of human air.

poor bait.
God knows you're a fuckin gay and your partner is gay as well, and the only thing between the two of you is fuckin homosexuality, that is, a true abomination.

btw nice bait, bruh. I'm bored no less than you. Yea Forums is pestered with shitty threads rn

The point is, that this book is 2000 years old, if i had the time I'm sure I would find other things that were totally fine at that time and are now considerd barbaric or just outdated. Like the barrier between sky and heaven, yeah right. And because of people who think every word is to be taken literally and there's no room in religion for debate or change, I strongly oppose religion (as an institution, not personal belief).
I am an Atheist, straight men, love my family and my submissive, there is no need for a god to make me act like a good person.

Attached: fag Eric James Borges538474.jpg (240x160, 17K)

Do it faggot. Own your fucking statement and prove my arrogant ass wrong or stop making blanket statements like "muh interpretation".

As I mentioned before, not religious here.

I'll give an example for you. "It's not against homosexuality, it's just against bisexuality. As long as you don't lie with a woman the way you lie with a man it's ok"

Show me your math faggot.

I agree 100% ~ fellow gay christian.

Attached: fag41944.png (1220x822, 43K)

Shut the fuck up faggot

God does hate gays. But luckily for you no such thing exists and you can do whatever you want and makes you happy. They way people talk about a “god” really paints him as a narcissistic asshole who demands you be a certain way in order to spend an eternity living that same way, because he made you. Sounds like slavery to me. Like Slavic father-daughter slavery. Idk how a vast majority of the population can believe in religion.

But either way, welcome to the club

Read the whole book of Leviticus and tell us if any of it makes sort of moral sense to you

Morals in general make no sense. It's all fucking arbitrary.
Whole point of religion is not questioning it.

that's right. God only hate jews and everyone that defends them. they will burn in hell like bible says,

No religion likes faggots.

they can be fixed. the jews can't.

Christ spoke with more Authority than Levi.
He said as it is on Earth so it shall be in Heaven.

If Gay Marriage is legal in you locale you would be fine if you married.

Promiscuity is till frowned upon.

Attached: cross23.jpg (951x1063, 70K)

*You're* a faggot

Christ did away with the old law, and there's also a bunch of extremely wacky shit in Deuteronomy/Leviticus that is ignored, like the prohibition on shellfish and mixed fabrics


Lol have fun in hell sinner

/pol/tards deserve to be put in concentration camps

y you too!
Fellow unrepentant sinner.

Attached: Hell hath no greater fury.jpg (615x345, 71K)

Fuck you. You goddamn cock sucker. You stole our digits from another thread. Kys

Prove your god even exists.

He already knows YOU exist.
He will not likely prove himself to you until you at least try to seek him out.

God has spoken

That doesn't make any sense. Either there's evidence or there isn't. If there is, show me. If there isn't, then I don't believe any god exists.

>I can't prove god exists
>its just a feeling I have

Yes, we know

Evidence is the personal witness of those who have experienced his presence in their lives.

But most like you will not accept that.

If you seek him he will make it obvious he is there.

If you don't? He will wait until you can no longer deny him. He is not going to force his way into your life and thoughts.

>Yes, we know
You say it but you never mean it.

Quints of truth.

People frame 18:22 as the end all be all, when it’s just not the case. If people actually read the whole thing, they’d know.

But they won’t, because they’d need to deal with the cognitive dissonance of knowing the truth and believing the lie.

>Evidence is the personal witness
Nice anecdotal evidence fallacy

Then I don't believe your god exists, just like many others. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

What you call evidence isn't actual evidence.

Nice psychobabble.

I'm a Christian. Yes. i've encountered homosexual men and women. My discovery resulted in a finding of generally happy people and those faithful to Christ. So, God bless you all.
I didn't know what image to post so I posted one of myself.

Attached: Yep.jpg (480x640, 88K)

I pray he will hear your complaints and bring you a better teacher.

Nice deflection, but your personal experiences aren't evidence

muslims will invade the world soon, so you'll be double fucked, congratz

Mental illness

Talking to yourself isn't gonna do anything.
I don't need a teacher to believe in nonsense, I don't like believing nonsense. Religions are dumb.

Nice b8 m8

Sounds like you and religion should go hand in hand then

For me they are.
For you they are not.

You need to seek your own proof.
If you are not looking for it you will never find it.

What a retarded attempt to an insult. Only idiots would come up with that.
Enjoy being retarded for the rest of your life and believing in nonsense. Have fun wasting your life on something you can't prove exists.

Please let him know you are not the same user he was chatting with.

I hate to have him think that I would claim to be Christian and then insult him.

Not my style.

Kek, really? I guess I will continue to not look for something that cant be found

As opposed to you spending your life doing...? Again, sounds like you and religion would go hand in hand.

Different user btw

I let him know

Not that dude.

Evidence isn't something that works for some and not others. Your personal experience either is or isn't proof for your god. And it isn't. You just think it is because you already believe your god exists.

If I told you I keep dreaming about a magic teapot and believe a magic teapot created the universe, that would be 'evidence' the magic teapot exists and that its trying to communicate with me. But you would think I'm crazy.

What noble job do you have?

This GIF should clear up any uncertainty about why it's fucking retarded to believe in a god who cares about what you do with your dick

Attached: rPv2g7s.gif (500x473, 771K)

I'm doing other things, like trying to enjoy life, doing what I like whenever I want to. Building a life with my boyfriend. Not that it's any of your business because you feel like my life is worth less than your because I don't pray every day and believe your god exists and all that. But you're wasting your life on something you don't know is actually real.

>For you they are not.

Bingo. Why are you even talking?

No cares that you take up the ass

I could tell you the story of breaking down a door while in a schizo or psychotic drug haze..
Getting arrested. Realizing my mistake and asking for forgiveness. Being released from jail within moments after even though they had me dead to rights.

It is all anecdotal.

Unless you lived it.

I replied.

Your point being?

It's much more likely that there's evidence for any of that than personal experience for some god.

Um not everyone is held in jail until they can see a judge. Most are released the day they are arrested and the court date is months away. You arent special

You dumb fuck. Go read Romans 1

Contrats user, next step is leaving all those idiocies of there being a god and shit

Contrats user, next step is leaving all those idiocies of there being a god and shit lol

Epic fail

I remember when i thought only one part of the bible was absolute law only to ignore almost everything else. Keep lying to yourself you stupid fuck who cant think for yourself.


I was caught red handed breaking and entering.

My reasons were good but I never expressed them to anyone but God in my prayers.

I was released and not charged, no court date.

Interestingly the other inmates kept telling each other "A new law had passed and you were required to talk to the prosecutor." For some reason instead of thinking "shit I am going to have to go plead to some DA before my arraignment?" I understood this to mean I should confess to God. I did and literally not a minute later was called over the PA and released.

Again there is no evidence here just testimony.

That is what you most often get.

Although you can google miracles and healings if you want to try to believe in those.

Miracles and healings haven't been proven to be real.

I like how you ignored to say what the DA said to you when you spoke. The cops prob fucked up on a technicality and had to release you. Again, something that frequently happens.

Protip: magik didnt play a role in this

Oh, so ten commandments are done away too ? Gotcha fam.

Gonna go fuck my neighbor's wife and steal his lawn mower. Idk maybe I'll grave an image into my lawn.

Can't find a pick good enough for checking em

you don't eat kosher user? do you have no faith in the scripture?

At least one real christian ITT

God is an imaginary creature made by the kings to keep their "cattle" in check

Dude, are you fucking retarded? Didn't you read the sermon on the mount?

I put the lotion on the skin

So what you're saying is; you're living a typical average life while thinking you're above those that pray every day or whatever because you find them and their beliefs retarded. Then get insulted when told that you'd go hand in hand if that's the case.

Let me point out the ridiculousness if it wasn't clear enough, you start the engine up calling them retarded and when it comes back full circle suddenly they're the ones who think they are better, funny how that works.

I never saw the DA.
I prayed while in jail and was released from jail.
As I said I was caught breaking and entering.

I broke down a door under the delusion that some one I loved was being held captive inside.

The Cops responded and arrested me inside the home of a stranger.

I was being held in jail and I prayed and was released. Pretty much the entire story in a nutshell.

I have said nothing at all about magik?

Anecdotal evidence IS evidence, it's just the lowest kind. Sometimes that's the best you can do, like when you're relaying personal events or inner subjective experiences. If I'm doing a medical trial for a painkiller and I'm surveying people taking my experimental drug, I don't scream "THAT'S ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE FAGGOT WHERES THE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL PROVING THAT DRUG WORKED" when they tell me how much the drug helped their pain.

The problem is when you invoke this extremely weak tier of evidence when there should be stronger evidence. God is supposed to be doing things that ought to be detectable, like answering prayers. We should theoretically be able to design scientific experiments to detect God's hand at work. Whenever something like this is tried, it turns up nothing.

Do you think this is a miracle?

I don't know how to define it?

So maybe the people you broke down the door didnt press charges and then the police took you away to make sure you werent under the influence/going to harm yourself or anyone else. Once you claimed down in the cell, the let you go deeming you not a threat. Wow an entire plausible explanation that didnt involved magik or sky wizards.

>I have said nothing at all about magik?
You said special words, something "unexplainable" happens to you. You spoke a spell to change the minds of others. Sounds like magik to me. Since there clearly is not plausible logical other explanation...oh wait

You think its God's job to go around answering prayers? Ishygddt.

To expand on experiments to prove creation one way or another, some of the people actually working on those theories/experiments (and that's just the surface since only creation is being touched upon right now) are gnostic or agnostic. Almost as if they don't have their heads up their ass even though they're the ones that discover what you regurgitate.

When it comes to those actually worth their weight when it comes to finding out what's what, there are those that still choose to believe in something be it a higher power or an acceptance that they don't know if there is or isn't one. But of course you know it all, don't you, faggot.

That's exactly where I was going. My problem with miracle claims is they're a contradiction. You're going from "I don't know what happened" to "I know it was God" without realizing that's what you're doing.

You a reaching awfully far yourself?
Occams Razor much?

>If I'm doing a medical trial for a painkiller and I'm surveying people taking my experimental drug
In this example you are taking stats to weed out any non-representative personal experiences that are not experienced by the group in general. That is why clinical tests dont rely on a single person's testimony as proof their drug worked. Also they try to formulate other measures of drug effectiveness to avoid personal opinions of how well their drug worked because of the placebo effect

Nope completely more possible that my statement was true over speaking spells

Sure, but I'm still taking subjective data

>I’ve been a Christian all my life, and I used to think my homosexuality was keeping me from God
>A friend showed me that God doesn’t care about the gender of your partner, he only cares if your faithful
Oh how wrong you are. You’re still going to receive punishment one way or the other.

If you're religious you're automatically a less valid person

If God isn't interventionist then that throws out the Abrahamic religions (to be clear, this leaves room open for deism or whatever). If God is interventionist, the interventions should be detectable in non-subjective ways.

But I did not speak spells.
That is YOUR word.

If you can not accept what I wrote and must twist it with other words?

You are not accepting the simple plain and obvious truth that neither you or I know what happened. But you think you can call it magik and debunk it.

Sounds like he said she said to me?

But trying to relate it to objective data, which was incorrect

You can not make that claim.

If he has faith in Christ and is legally married? He is less of a sinner than you and your unrepentant prom date you never spoke to again.

Hooray for you. No one cares. You aren't special because you're gay.

That's true that either of dont know. But logically, them not pressing charges and the police letting you cool down in a cell make way more sense then speaking spells. And you totally spoke a spell, you said special words trying to appeal to a god to change an outcome. Sounds like spells and witch craft to me

This level of consistency is really all I ask of Christfags

Fags are gay

Based good Christian

fake and hetero

Why even care about "sinning" if at any time you can speak a spell to cast it all away?

You sound like a faggot

I don’t really think one becomes gay without some sort of push be it masturbation promiscuity mental illness or being the loser of the group in school

>homosexuality is one of the largest sins
Along with fornication, both of those chiefly covered in the canceled part of the bible. When you look at what Jesus himself was actually concerned with, it was shit like adultery and the permanent union of marriage

Says the nazi

How antifascist.

More like “was”.

Yeah but don’t let them sexualize your kids

Blessed are thine digits, my son.

Don't demand from people to respect you for being a dead end for your bloodline and putting things in your ass.

The words were not special.
I don't chant.

I just talk about what I am thinking and what I did until I understand if I am wrong or right.

You may think it makes sense but the charges were dropped and I was released the only incident on my record is where the charges changed from "B&E, Assault and several other charges" to "Current Investigation of Obstruction of Justice." this was more than 15 years ago.

And I think you are trolling me.
Prayer is not magik or witch craft.

God bless it feels good to have your freedom doesn’t it? :3

That implies intervention must be constant when called upon, assuming we're staying on topic about prayer.

It is not the prayer it is your attitude that matters.

When asked "Lord, how many times must I forgive my brother?" Christ replied "Seven times seventy thousand. IF HE REPENTS!" Those last three words seem to get left off a lot when I hear religious folks saying that.

God forgives us when we stop paying lip service and really repent. Many men in funny hats and behind pulpits who think they are forgiven are not.

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Yeah magik is all fake jewery

Wait, so proof of a god is that you were charged with something else? Like not cooperating with the investigation, kek. Dude magik had nothing to do with why you got charged with obstruction and not the original crime you commented. And it definitely was a spell, you spoke to a "god" to go easy on you or to influence the outcome. That's a spell and magik. Your religion just calls it prayers but if a druid did it or a voodoo witch doctor did it, it would be a spell by your eyes but prob not theirs because you dont believe in their magik.

I'm not saying it should be like a Harry Potter spell, just patterns.

God could intentionally be making it look like random noise in order to hide himself, sure. But that's indistinguishable from nonexistence.

>I don’t really think

You could have stopped there.

I have been gay since the day I was born.
I have resisted acting on it but I do not deny it.
Prayer does not sure it.

Which is why I defend it especially when some hypocrite quotes Leviticus.

Homosexuality is not a special sin.
The only sin singled out was blasphemy of the spirit. Most have no clue what that means.

It is to stand directly before the Anti-Christ and in front of all men and refuse to say the things the holy spirit tells you to say.

You can not commit that sin until the Anti Christ is finally cast down among us.

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Oh so your magik only works if you both change? So really it has nothing to do with magik, because it doesn't exist, "you and your brother", in this example just need to change yourselves. Why even bring magik in to it when the answer was between you to?

Truly Amen

congradulations man, good luck on it!

I’ve changed my mind. Homosexuality isn’t one of the worst sins.

Proof is that their was no investigation required.

They CAUGHT me in the act.
Trespassing B&E etc.

The oddity is why the charges changed to an investigation of obstruction of justice?
Why was I released in moments after I prayed to be forgiven and on a Sunday might I add.

To the best of my knowledge most jails do not release folks on Sunday. They have to await Monday arraignment.

But yeah you are a troll.

Blah blah blah troll

how can you support those child molesters?

they only try to prosecute slam dunk cases. if they didn't think they could get you on something more extreme, they wouldn't want the time and money.

faggot prayer had nothing to do with it.

>hey you cant use a logical argument against religion
>cries troll
Kek, good luck with life user

>Blah blah blah troll

i meant "waste the time and money". i'm sickened by this gay ass thread.

Hmmm still, I want too believe you but my heart says there is man inside you that is too concerned with narcissistic personality to see the truth we are all dual natured. You choose the side that strands you in 3 headed lust land. God speaks truth to those who act right. I’m sorry I’m a struggling Christian myself, I’m struggling to reconcile this spiteful dissolutioned populace with a good Christian lifestyle I haven’t been to church in 3 weeks please someone pray for me


They caught me inside the home of a stranger..
Tresspass, B&E, Assault, resisting blah blah blah.

It WAS a slam dunk.

>Blah blah blah troll

>Be fruitful and multiply
Hard to do with 2 cocks in the picture.

Blah blah blah troll

It doesnt matter if they caught you if the owner's didntnpress charges. Then the police pressed obstruction on you to take you away to let you cool down and not to release you near the house of the door you just busted. Sorta like a drunk tank where you sober up before they release you. Just admit there are logical reasons not involving god(s) of why you got released.

inb4 your parents hang you from the tree in your garden like a decoration

You were molested?! I'm so sorry OP.

I hate Christianity and most religions. People should live happily and do what makes them feel happy. Religion causes the suffering of others, you can be moral without being religious and it’s been proven. I would rather see people happy than to suffer. Karma is a bitch.

Not to mention all the hypocritical dicks claiming to be Christians.

Kek, someone's so butthurt that they are reduced to this

Attached: FB_IMG_1558927154825.jpg (552x795, 49K)

you forgot to green text, faggot
me 1 : you 0

>Leviticus 18:22

You realise you're quoting several hundred year old probably schizophrenic bullshit right?


Morality is worth suffering for or you will be leveled to dust and desolation

>suffer under my belief system or you'll die by me
Seems so moral

But that is not what happened.

The owner of the home DID forgive me when I went to see him months later after rehab. But he did not drop the charges until after I paid for the door. The charges would have to have been changed long before that or I would have had a court date or some kind of arraignment.

I don't want to give all the details, because doxxed. But the cops took me away to a rehab, and then decided instead to take me to jail after I got violent at the rehab center during processing.

there is room for misinterpretation because is heavily different depending on the version of the bible you quote it from ie the bible is a load of horse shit fever dreams from old ass crackheads have you ever listen to a crackhead speak they make more sense than the bible

No just tired of answering the same question several times.

I’m moral without being religious. It depends on the morals that would cause suffering but you’re right, I’d rather keep morality than to die a nihilist.

god didn't die for your sins dumbass that was jesus how about you actually read the bible instead of googling the quotes retard

I like how your story constantly changes but hasnt changed that in no way could any of this be not explained by logical and reason and not magik. So you werent just released, you were released under the understanding that you would received treatment in rehab or youd prob face real charges. Fuck, it kinda sounds like you were dropped off there and maybe couldnt even leave the facility? That was your punishment, you didnt just get released and didnt have to care about it or do anything about it because of the incident


>I just cant answer your questions
>so I cried troll
Kek, it sucks having to defend delusional points of view huh?

>suffer under my belief system or you'll die by me
What kind of suffering did Christianity do to you?

Woah hold on there OP, whoever told you that, dont listen to them, not that im discrediting them but you should get an opinion or help from a pastor. Here's the thing, God's plan for us isnt to make us constantly happy. Our priority shouldnt be our happiness, but how to not fall victim to true death. Which is hell. You may be happy now but in the long run youll regret it. God wants us to be truly happy and that isnt possible until you let go of your worldly desires. You might think this sounds like anti lgbt propaganda but its not. Im asking you to not misinterpret God's word, so as not to cause others to stumble.

maybe if you actually read the bible you'd realize what kind of garbage it was its just a story book that has gotten people to kill each other nothing more nothing less


It’s like a demon cheering for its fellow fallen - it’s a disgrace that you spread it like that, Lucifer vibes

Stfu hater

I am very sure that deep down, the "conservatives" do not really care about the LGBT or even their position.

Giving you more detail is not a change.
I was arrested. I prayed to be forgiven for what I did that was wrong. I was released. The charges did not change magically some one changed them. I would love to know why?

The owner did not change them.
The arresting officers did not change them.
I never met with a pub defender or the DA.
I was arrested Friday night or Saturday morning and released on Sunday. How has any of that changed from the initial post? Other than to clarify that it was not a case of the owner dropping charges?

Positions like going ass to mouth?

Don’t listen to him he’s just trying to hypnotize you to not believe

Inhibits and injects its self, inappropriately, into science and the teaching of science. I am involved in both

Read the entire thread first.
Then ask again.

Your comment was made before by another and replied to.

Oh shit, such high morals here, I should be more christian like you

So you’re a materialist

I answered the question 3 times.
Then I called troll.

To be consistent?

>Blah blah blah troll.

Suck a fat dick

You were arrested and then instead of going to court/be charged, they circumnavigated it by having you go to rehab. Which if you didn't do you would have gone to court and been charged. Again nothing to do with magik

>ten commandments are done away too ?
Any and all religions/gods/fairy tales are "done away" once you learn to think for yourself.

Nah, not a faggot like OP...or are you the faggot that is OP?

By saying magik

No they arrested me and took me to a rehab center.
I got into a tussle with the arresting officer and they took me to jail.

Rehab was not ordered by the court.
I never went to court.

Your are being just a little obtuse.

>Blah blah blah troll.

I honestly will never understand why a squirting female would be desirable
had 2 squirting fuck partners and to be honest it was not that fun as a lot of poeple would think

And I say unto the that Dacron is abomination and thou shalt were no suit that is not the Holy Abercrombie and Fitch

Fuck you

As I said, "You were ARRESTED and then INSTEAD of going to court/be charged, they circumnavigated it by having you go to rehab. Which if you DIDN'T do you WOULD HAVE gone to court and been charged. Again nothing to do with magik"

>hurr durr magik and spells saved me

Faggot is projecting go figure

Religion is for sand niggers anyway. Congrats OP

So butthurt, kek

But hurdur my materialistic point of view oooh it hurts me that people that believe in God have souls

Gay niggerfaggot

Attached: sh9rdo21pw131.jpg (720x497, 54K)

Still a faggot sucking my dick I see

I did not go to rehab at that time or on their orders..

Weeks later I sought rehab because of the voices I was hearing in my head.
As a further piece of info my so worldly wise friend while in that rehab I missed a traffic court date. I was arrested and processed for that and had to pay the fine to be released. That was when I found out the other charges had changed. The rehab was my choice and had no effect at all on the B&E Trespass Assault Resisting that at some point became investigation of obstruction etc.

>Blah blah blah troll.

>hurr durr I'm mad cause you dont believe in magik because I say you should

So now the police didnt take you to rehab after breaking a door and then you tussled with them and went to a jail cell then eventually back to rehab? Why you got to lie and twist your story user?

Realism will get humanity no where. Focus less on sexuality and instead focus on the great things in life.

where did you answer the pedo / child fucker subject?

Same story, nothing changed.
Optometrist appointment soon?

That must have been a different thread.
Sorry to hear you are a pedo and a child rapist.
May God forgive you.

Cops arrested me, went to rehab and tussled, went to jail then rehab story Followed by I didnt get taken to rehab by the police it was my choice at a later date story Which is it? Did you get arrested and taken to rehab or did you get arrested and weeks later went to rehab?

but i'm not even a priest?

Here let me do this line by line.

Heard Voices.
Broke in door.
Arrested by Cops.
Taken to rehab.
Fought Cops.
Taken to jail.
Other prisoners say confess to prosecutor.
Pray instead.
Released from jail.

Still hearing voices for weeks.
Sought rehab.
Released with meds.

Arrested in a parking lot taken to processing center.
Paid fine.
Released after mugshots and NCIC BCA checks. Only Investigation charge showing.
No court date.

More weeks pass.
Went to see owner of home and apologize as well as pay for door. He said he would drop charges, but none were found to be dropped.

Investigation remains on record fifteen years later.

Same story no different.
See above

I did not say you were.

>Blah blah blah troll.

you didn't have to

>Blah blah blah troll.

at least i don't support child molesters

>Blah blah blah troll.

Oh come on we know you voted for Trump.

hey, i'm an ordained minister with the universal life church; that one you can just join for free.

i don't believe in free will however because i KNOW that the future is predestined. the path proud homos OR christians take is just a bad joke.

Your friend "showed" you god doesnt care about the gender of your partner.
How...unless you completely ignore the bible.

He had to have no pressed charges and forgot or wasnt willing to testify in court or else You would have received a court date when you left jail

Based untouchable user

child molester supporter supporter detected

>How... Unless you completely ignore the bible
1 Peter 4:8 - Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Nah. I don't agree with him. But I agree that he's raping you in this "argument' by not even engaging

See you are the one that keeps making shit up.

He said he would drop them and then that they were not there to be dropped.

He did not forget.
I mean they write the incident report and have him sign it on the spot don't they?

>Blah blah blah troll.

>Nah. I don't agree with him
good for you

>Blah blah blah troll.

stop raping me by not even engaging

>Blah blah blah troll.

say "Blah blah blah troll." if you support child molesters

He'd technically be quoting it, though, not saying it

Fucking troll!
Who wants me to say blah blah blah?

I hope you die a slow death from aids you literal hellspawn shitface

S same to you honey bunny.

Except for the "literal" you have misused that word.

Wanting the death of others is a very Christian thing to do, user.

>blah blah blah
all the necessary words are present. i knew it.

>Blah blah blah troll.