No girls ever liked me. ever. i'm killing myself because of this

no girls ever liked me. ever. i'm killing myself because of this.

Attached: Photo on 6-3-19 at 12.30 AM.jpg (1080x720, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ты из CHГ ?

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Start treating girls like shit and they'll suck your dick

no i'm american

>Start treating girls like shit and they'll suck your dick

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too late for that now, that's not true anyways. not for me.

Live stream it fagot

sure i don't care anymore

Over girls man? I know it's more of a loneliness thing, but don't do it because of girls. Have any friends or family who make you feel happy?

Girls aren't worth it in the first place. Killing yourself is 0/10 would not recommend.

Well, help you feel better user

At least go out with a bang. Stick your dick in your mom first. Livestream it all. Become a legend

no i don't have friends. no none of my family makes me happy

Wtf has happened to Yea Forums. Newfags spoiling it

Theyve just made this a disability user. Google it, maybe you can truely become a neet instead

*whispers* it's because you suck

it hurts too bad to be alone and watch all your dreams come shattering down, even though you set realistic dreams that the vast majority of the population achieves

i'm not doing anything like this.

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i have every fucking friend in the world and ill never take that for granted. although ive never had a girl interested in me or actual friends that were girls. i understand your pain but theres more to life than girls. the game out there sucks but theres someone for everyone. trust

googled "incel disability" and nothing legit came up

>Girls dont like me
>Killing myself
>Sure will livestream
>Dont care anymore
>Cares enough to not dick mom


i know it's because i suck.

>not getting laid
>complaining on Yea Forums
>hasn't even considered doing an Elliot Rogers

you're right OP, neck yourself

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CoOl MeMe BrO hArHaR

i never had a friend either so i can't relate with you there

become an hero

Whoever you are, Ive missed you. Too many whitenight newfags
Praise be to oldfags.

/me waits impatiently for livestream link

i don't like close to my parents

If you really think it's worth killing yourself because some bitches don't like you then you should probably do it, you can't be that retarded

i don't want to hurt anyone except for myself

Send a text to your mom and sister asking for nudes.
Post screenshots

Hurry up then..

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Post tits

stop comparing yourself to others. i know its not easy but thats why you feel this way. i suggest taking a break from social media if you use it and definitely Yea Forums. that will alleviate some feelings

have you ever talked to me?

How can 1 user exude this much faggotry

you're gonna have to work on your voice a bit harder, don't think it will work on this one.

Don't listen to this. It's computer generated. Hurry up.

i deleted all social media a few days back. nobody fucking cares if i live or die

Post tits or GTFO




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you are correct.

now become an hero.

don't listen to these neckbeards, most of them don't even get laid either.

my advice is turn that anger inward and kill your self that doesn't get laid, and start new.

you don't know how many dudes find themselves dating a bangin chick with daddy issues at 40. just hang in there man

work harder, you'll get there one day squire trap

Post face faggot

Technically we care

sound like a 12 year old boy
youre being bullied cause youre a whiteknight faggot

Who the fuck is posting those voice links?

Dude I was fat and kinda ugly when I was a kid and a slut took my virginity just because she wanted to take some ones virginity... I don't see how you haven't at least got laid. Don't worry about them actually liking you. Sure they might but you will learn very quickly you can't trust women.

finally! bye faggot


newfags like you have destroyed this sacred place

>just says "maybe" to me
>makes a verbal reply to people who aren't me

lmfao even in this thread i get disproportionately less attention from females

Op stop being a whiny little pussy dude, only pussies take the cowards way out. Man up and get in the boxing ring with life and learn to the the hits.

And because you are boring.

Just fucking stop attention whoring and do it faggot.

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work harder on what


whats wrong with being 12

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Why am I in this?? I was implying something. And you clearly didn't get it.
>implying we care
>we want livestream


It won't fit completely, that's what's wrong.

i keep coming back to this thread to reply to you, clearly someone cares. i want you to take what im about to say seriously. since you want to kill yourself, then you probably dont give a fuck where your money goes. dude just go out and hire an escort/sex worker and talk to them. i mean have sex if you want but tell them you want to have a serious conversation. tell them to be honest with you, they kinda have to do what you say(within reason), youre fucking paying them, in fact theyd probably be glad to be paid and take a break from some all the nasty fucking they get so they might talk you up.

Pist face or fake and gay

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>Paying a hooker to talk

You are doing it wrong dipshit.

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I talked up a stripper in the club once. I thought she was cute af. Turned out to be a relationship after a week. Nice girl.. had a sugar daddy, but fuck it. I was better dick apparently


100 bucks an hour to talk to a dirty whore? Worst advice ever, you can do that on plenty of fish for free

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dubs decides how i kill myself. i don't have a gun.

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thats kinda based

Lmfao wtf is this for real

op is an incel.

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Thanks user

lmao wait is this kid actually 12? dude just go to fucking sleep, probably wont remember this hsit in the morning

cut your dick off

Okay Kurt Cobain, well he kinda lied tho

by old age


Guillotine your sorry head and stream it.

Based white nigger, use gas.

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You dont look ugly..

As a 42 year old man I can tell you from experience no woman is worth more than you are. Besides maybe your mom.

Your drama has to stop dude, you have to care less about petty stuff like girlfriends and pussy. Get a job, make friends, go on holidays and forget about this shit dude.

winner, kurt cobain shotgunned though and i don't have a gun.


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Stop posting this and do it already.

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What kind?

Go sleep mi grandma dies to day this sucks

Lol. I think so.

stab yourself mang, die like a fucking man


Would you kindly fuck off already?

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Dubs get. Hang yourself in your closet.

i got dubs, so you don't get to kill yourself

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Kek he probably doesnt even own a closet


Got another Michelle Carter over here

Fuckin who?

Kek, he probably is the closest.


This is now a get thread

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Die shirtless in the McDonald's by getting the police to shoot you

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Wasted get

He is a boring piece of shit, let him be. Darwin was right.

Hope for stream.

if you don't fucking stab yourself then i'll stab myself you fucking pussy

Go outside, take a long walk. Everyone has needs, not everyone can fill those needs with companions, and that's ok. There's lots of other things to fill the emptiness with aside from people.

First read all books from Kant, then die eating their pages, lazy boy.

Weird flex, but okay

it was always going to be hanging myself with a belt from the doorframe. worked for robin williams, chester bennington, and anthony bourdain.

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/thread dead


why? cuz i gave him advice instead of telling him to kill himself? ive seen plenty threads like this turn into motivational threads with quality content.

go fuck yourself edgelord the world isn't a sacred place

Lay on the highway

Good night op.. we know you wont do it

Isn’t this the same guy that’s been posting suicide threads since 2 years ago?

Just die in the McDonald's, let us have some enjoyment from your death

haha whiteknight chimpin

ok retard

Holy shit your still in this thread , tits or gtfo .
op either pull a elliot rodgers or stop posting and just kill yourself

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You sound like a fat cunt.

post dick

probably is, I hear that low fat girl voice from a mile away

Suicide by police or seppuku.

This but suicide by cop while shirtless in the McDonald's

Jesus Christ grow some balls only a pussy kills himself

Soak yourself in shower.
Wrap penor in aluminium foil.
Stick in power socket.

OP is a fag wanting attention. Real people who want to commit suicide won't tell anyone jack shit. They just fucking do it. I know, I've had to walk into seeing a family member having just downed three bottles of pills. Earlier that day they seemed to act like everything was fine.

Fucking sage. OP is a retard and joking about a serious issue. If you want to do it you would not fucking be talking to us wasting your time.

Holy fuck three dubs in a row the stars have aligned OP do it yourself

I hate it when a cute girl starts trying to peel back your layers, but you know better than to let anyone in.
Why do I do this to myself?
I guess no matter your life choices, it's always a deadend...

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i just can't breathe through my nose properly.

Do it pussy

you and op should an hero

there thread over everyone fuck off

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do it fag boi

Those are your neck folds pressing down on your throat. Fat cunt.

You clearly weren't close with that family member because they didn't give a fuck about how you would have felt

OP may be a faggot in his approach but regardless it's still a cry for help. He hasn't developed enough emotional intelligence to place his values in the right places buy that's his journey, as we all have our own, and we take it alone.
OP focus on yourself, improve every aspect of who you are both physically, mentally and spiritually to be the best you that you can be. Find a passion, join or build a career around it, make the world a better place, and if you don't care about any of that more than girls then learn to change the way you think without dismissing it as impossible because we humans are malleable.

holy fucking shit, if nobody fucking cares about you why the fuck would you make a thread about this if you're not livestreaming? i'd say neck yourself but i fear the ceiling would crash on the force of your weight you fucking faggot

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Draw and quarter

Starve yourself. Drink water but no food.

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Become a trap you faggot and make roasties seethe when you scope up the chads

don't do it, OP