i’ve been interested in DMT for about 8 months now. i’ve tried other psychedelics like shrooms and LSD but DMT is something i can’t find. sooo anons my question is how do the machine elves look like? what’s the closest picture out there? how was the experience? i really wanna try this shit one day for a spiritual awakening. i can’t wait to try DMT one day but for now i gotta keep looking for it or wait for it to find me

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or just extract it

Dont layer a bowl like one would do with kief. That's wasteful. Dab it via a dab rig. Bonus points if you actually do dab some wax with it. I "dabbed" or "freebased" dmt and that was the ultimate trip. Make sure to do it with good people or if you're by yourself that you're in the right environment, right mindset bc it can go bad quick. Great learning experience regardless. Be safe and happy trails!

OP here, i have a one hitter pipe. could i use that or just buy a crack pipe to vaporize the powder? and i already planned out the perfect setting to take DMT. i just need to find it somehow :\ i might extract it

Neither. Do you have any friends that smoke dabs? And have a dab rig?

a crack or meth pipe would work but you don't want the temperature too high. also just note anything you hit dmt out of is gonna smell and taste awful until you clean it well

the best thing to use by far is a concentrate vape with temperature control. the problem is that DMT burns super easy

no but i do know a shop around town that sells a dab rig. i’m probably gonna buy one since it’s my best bet

Get a dab rig don't listen to the nigger suggesting a crack/meth pipe. Using one of those itself will trigger a bad trip. Get a dab rig and a torch. Doesn't have to be an overly expensive heady rig or anything

just need to be able to vape it. using a certain pipe will not trigger a bad trip lmao

best way to extract? ive read some different ways

spicy tek do a kg extraction and spread the love

Not literally but I mean what would one think of themselves if they're there hitting a glass dick to get high??? Its just trashy as fuck unless you're trailer park type then by all means

idk I'm not that self conscious lol
and if you actually blast off I'm pretty sure the pipe is gonna be the last thing on your mind

Every time I've seen it, it was direct from the manufacturer. Some headshops carry plants for extraction

yeah but its not crack
its DMT
the tools to get the job done doesnt make it trashy or not. You seem like you'd freak out on psychedelics quickly

There is actually a thread right now where someone is basically going thru the steps of extracting dmt check it out

I'm just trying to suggest the best way to do it without looking/feeling like a nigger with a crack or meth pipe but by all means if that's what kinda person you are go for it

imagine smoking dmt and still thinking this way

Imagine being a junky piece of shit and thinking it's cool

Seems like you got some shit to work out budd

It was the most amazing and terrifying experience of my life. Everything or "anyone" you see is beautiful. What you experience will be practically unexplainable due to how unknown it is and the fact you forget a lot when sobering up. The reason I say terrifying is because of how real everything seems when you breakthrough. It definitely has mad me question most of my own existence and the reality around me. I used what they call a Machine, made from a glass bottle.

It's obviously not about being cool though

lol nothing cool about buying a meth pipe but it does the job and who really fucking cares? I think you're missing the point of the dmt experience

Nah seems like you're just white trash is all

So seems this is kinda controversial here but who honestly suggests to the next man to smoke anything from a crack or meth pipe??? Dmt or not, just seems like shitty advice period but then again this is /b

Anyone else see puppets like creatures while tripping? Pic related

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if you don't have a rig or anywhere to buy one a pizo will do in a pinch. it's literally made to vaporize which is what you want to do with dmt. why are you children so hung up on this

ty just read through it, seems not as complex as i woulda thought

Hurr durr cuz it cam also b uzed fur crack

I mean by all means but you're gonna feel niggerish doing it is all I'm saying

It must be a white trash thing #maga

just smoke the damn thing out of your favourite bong along with some dank ass weed
a big hit and you'll definitely trip balls even tho a bit of the spice will burn
the hassle of getting the right piece to do it it's not worth it imo

It's worth it if you want to feel the maximum effects. Layering it in weed like its kief only gives a mild trip. Dabbing it from a rig sends you to a different realm

I'm just trying to get OP to experience the real deal and not a watered down meth pipe version of dmt

Where did you get the DMT?

where the web is dark

Machine elves are fallen angels dude. They're demons.

jimmy carrs face turned into a puppet hitler on LSD for me

Yep lots of demons.

Everyone that uses Yea Forums is a faggot to begin with. Are you trying to prove something to yourself?

>DMT is something i can’t find
mate you can literally buy the bark on the normal net legally. or find some of the right kind of tree in your neighborhood and rip the bark off if you're a penny-pinching jew.
then it's just $50 of shit from the hardware store, a stove top and a freezer and you can extract it yourself at home.
the webm guide on how to make it gets posted all the time, not gunna spoonfeed you because you're clearly a "SAUCE PLX" fag from /gif/ that just wants to be spoonfed.

if that dude has ever smoked dmt he clearly didn't get the message

I agree, I don't really wanna smoke anything out of a meth pipe, especially dmt because of the imagery before the trip, if the last thing i think about before being sent to another realm for eternity is meth, its gonna be a bad time