I'm really tired of the same old data mining threads about secrets, how about we have an actual secrets thread? Specifically about shit that you would never, ever tell anyone about?
I encourage you to write down your utterly demented childhood secrets, or specifically shit that you'd get the electric chair for.
Don't worry, this isn't an intelligence agency thread, rather a normalfag one.
Sometimes I don't tip the wait staff at restaurants when I eat out. I feel so guilty but I can't stop.
Noah Ross
fuck those obnoxious arrogant pieces of entitled shit. They do a job, they get paid for it. They should take it up with management if they don't like the money
Chase Gonzalez
camgirl. looks like mom. jack off.
Aiden Fisher
>I was once awake in the room as my parents had sex (they thought I was sleeping) >I've had incestuous thoughts about my mom and dad >I have macrophilia >I've nearly killed my dad before by throwing a baseball bat at his head
Oliver Ortiz
I was the child prostitute. Someone asked how did it start.
It started with me watching porn, seeing how the girls liked it, i wanted to try, met a guy on yahoo custom chats when it was around. Then he knew a bunch of dudes and it went from there.
Juan Smith
fucked my sister, 5 of her friends, and one cousin.
David Mitchell
Yeah, and management are usually jerks too. They pay their waitstaff well under minimum wage using tips to justify that.
Levi Stewart
Tell mom Tell her today
Jeremiah White
Fucked my cousin a lot back in high school before she moved.
I secretly have given up hope on life and other people
Noone listens anymore. Everyone just circlejerks about CNN/NPR or Fox News.
Christopher Campbell
did you ever reach a nirvana'esque state of mind from being overfucked?
Nolan Taylor
did daddy do stuff to you?
Nicholas Evans
tell me ill listen what's the prob
Joseph Bailey
I feel like I was. I was never attached to the guys, but just addicted to the feeling of being overly pleasured in my ass
Nathan Gonzalez
>have cousin from single midlife crisis aged aunt >aunt goes out on "dates" comes back the next evening, sometimes the one after >cousin gets thrown around at our place >home alone with her numerous times >im a degenerate piece of shit >cousin is a lamb to the slaughter >make her sit on my lap as she watches stupid shit on youtube >grind her against my dick numerous times >finally grow the balls to escalate it to full blown fucking >ended up sluttyfying her for 4 years >fucked the living shit out of her >"our little secret" >years of maintaining secrecy >she turned out just fine >came very close to being caught about 100 times >5 years of adrenaline and fear, mixed with unbelievably hellish orgasms and debauchery >I love her in a strange bonding way
Julian White
I mean sometimes pleasure feels like more than an orgasm, it feels like if it continues something would happen have you ever been fucked beyond that point? beyond loss of control? beyond just having a prostate orgasm?
Ever been fucked into a different mindstate?
Noah Price
lrn2 quote faggot
Dominic Long
I dont think so. It would sometimes feel like i was in another world or something. It would be blank but just pleasure in its place. It was remarkable since there were more than one dick during the sessions.
Lucas Ross
Restaurants aren't for poor people. Know your role.
Ian Perry
As far as secrets, I have a 3 year relationship with a teen starting when she was 14 and I was 22
Christopher Powell
and how old were you?
>you fucking homo
Oliver Phillips
Tampered with schools Bell system by playing Loli tentacle hentai, music, that one baby song, Trump saying we need to build a wall, one time I pulled a big one by playing a loud ass fart for a min, school couldn't do jack shit since the bell wasn't connected to anything other than my computer I used to tamper the speakers, when we did the moment of silence I played out that one alluha Akbar song, our school does this thing called a tardy sweep, when it happens I play out that run meme or run bitch run from scary movie last day of school I decided to play pumped up kicks
Nothin wrong with that. Keep it on the downlow and enjoy that shit.
Nicholas Torres
How did it start?
Camden Harris
Sometimes yes. I felt like the dudes that were hung sometimes got too far in and it hurt me. lol.
Wyatt Thomas
cucumbers since i was 9
and im bi now, living a normal life with gf
it's a little disturbing how early I started with anal stuff, i dont know the reason why
Brandon Baker
did they at least pay decent so you to catch AIDS and have a loose anus for the rest of your gay homo life?
Evan Moore
Got paid very well actually. Never caught anything. Had a sugar daddy, went to college for free and got shit i wanted.
Logan Wright
The first true sexual fantasy I ever had started before jr high. It was basically a real life version of Dexter's Lab, except instead of taking over the world, I would find clandestine ways if gaining enough viable genetic material to clone girls I went to school with. When the clones matured and were removed from their vats, I replaced the real people with the clones, systematically brainwashed my victims, and made them part of my ever growing slave harem. I would rotate through a different girl each night. Popular ir bitchy girls were favored, as seeing them turn into willing fuck toys was that much sweeter. Sometimes, in the fantasy, they would suddenly realize that something was wrong, and I'd have to brianwash them again. The ones I imagined to be more fiesty would remain in a permanent drug haze. No amount of degradation was left unexplored. Some, I would breed like livestock, and then send the resulting children out into the world.
Never heard of anyone else having something similar.
Camden Fisher
>Got paid very well actually. Never caught anything. Had a sugar daddy, went to college for free and got shit i wanted.
shit man, well... good for you I guess then. at least you got something out of your degeneracy.
no more questions your honor.
Jose Thomas
I was raped in high school by a group of niggers.
Oliver Howard
go to bed mom.
Jackson King
Proud of it. Would do it again too.
Caleb Allen
My gf is a teacher of highschool 18-19 students, i have the fantasiy of sharing her with them and see them having her, i think they would go crazy
Jordan Collins
Well I'm hoping to marry hr someday tbh so eventually I'll come out with it. Obviously once she's 18 or older
We met online. On some dating thing. And tbh at first I just wanted to fuck a cute little teen. And we met and she was very naive and kidlike in a lot of ways. But she had these sexy budding breasts and the whole emo teen look which I always found hot. For the first month or so I just wanted to fuck her and worked my way to doing that. And then I wanted to keep fucking her and also didn't want her feeling used and turning me in so I kept seeing her. But over time she just started winning me over and really has been blossoming when she was initially this really insecure girl
Ayden Morales
how old are you now?
how did you keep it from your parents?
what was the very first time?
Henry Price
she already is. lol
Logan Garcia
im 33. Started at 11 when the internet was young, yahoo had custom chats that was super easy to meet others.
Too easy to keep from my parents - I just said i was staying with friends and they never questioned it. When I got in trouble once for something unrelated, i just had one of the daddies pretend to be the dad of my friend for a sleep over. Besides that one or two times, it was simple.
Isaiah Cook
Nah dont think so, shes totally agains that
Ethan Murphy
I fucked a high school teacher when i was a graduating senior. She made the first move on me.
Aiden Hughes
Lucas Howard
>I just said i was staying with friends and they never questioned it. When I got in trouble once for something unrelated, i just had one of the daddies pretend to be the dad of my friend for a sleep over.
jesus christ man, that IS fucking easy if true. lol.
so how was the prostituting thing start? did when did you start to get offered money and how was the first time? werent you scared at some point?
also, for how long did you do it? and did any of those men have wives, etc?
thanks man. you should write a book about it or something.
Xavier Evans
Jaxon Butler
>be you >"jr high" >have to go in group showers in gym class >everybody sees your tiny wiener >affects you way into adulthood >post sad story on Yea Forums >only accomplishment in life so far
Gabriel Baker
I never tip. Tipping is a fucking scam, and if u work as a waiter u shouldnt feel entitled to peoples generosity. I just make sure to never go back to the same restaurants because they definitely fuck with ur food. More than just spitting too, like boogers and sliding their hands down their cracks and then slabbing it over the cutlery. Which further deincentivizes me to tip.
Grayson Fisher
Exactly. If they dont like the risk of a job based on tipping, then get another fucking job
Tyler Jones
Im so glad the people in my circle dont watch the fucking news.
Nolan Sanchez
It was. I have trusting parents, god bless them. Never did anything to break their trust so I was never really questioned when i would go out.
The first guy i met said he knew guys that would love to pay for me to play with them. I said sure, i didnt know what i would do with money but i wanted to anyway, and i loved the sex. I was only scared if the house or the guy seemed off. Only a few times, I would break it off because the guys would be into strange kinks that made me feel uncomfortable like hurting them or whatnot. Those guys did have wives, girlfriends or husbands. I actually would have both husbands together at once actually and it was fun. I did have one woman when i was 15 and i actually keep in friendly contact with her on facebook still. I did it from 11 till i was in my early 20s. I had a sugar daddy into my 20s so it was easy from there. He paid for my college and other tech shit i would need. Plus, I came from a poor house hold but had good grades so I had a lot saved up from grants and whatnot.
Logan Allen
Well, stop being a faggot and tip you fucking degenerate. I work in the food industry and faces get passed around. They will know youre not the kind to tip and thus, they will not service you well.
Evan Nelson
That's fucking amazing man Really
Landon Johnson
exactly the age you have in mind
Jackson Taylor
Does her family know about you? Who does?
Austin Reyes
Neighbor had a daughter, used to beat the shit out of her and her mom, police got involved and they took him away, the mother became a church freak and the daughter became a junkie cutter.
I used her as a personal cumdumpster till she took her life She told me her dad used to throat her
Christian Phillips
I had to move across the country to escape my stigma. I was 10 and had been being molested by my cousin for two years. I got mad and tired of it. So next time he put his limp dick on my lips, I bite down on it as hard as I could. Part of it came off and I panicked and swallowed it. They couldn’t make me vomit to expunge it and I wouldn’t let them so he never got it back. He still has most of his penis but most of the head is gone from my bite and then surgery. From then on I was the girl who ate her cousins dick. I considered killing myself many times. This is the first time in 25 years I’ve mentioned this in any way. My husband doesn’t even know.
Michael Johnson
Thats crazy fucked. I had a personal cumdumpster as well before she went to prison for life. She was damaged goods so i just used her to my pleasure.
Hudson Roberts
Did the cousin get in trouble? Why would it be a stigma, it should be considered a fucking accomplishment for attacking your molester.
Aaron Kelly
>stop being a faggot How does one learn this power?
Owen Rodriguez
I'm not going to lie and pretend to be a faggot like others here, it really fucking hurt when she did it man. I didn't have respect for her, nor did I fall for her, but I did fuck her endlessly and there was that warmth between us and to see the ambulance go made me crash down 7 layers of self hatred.
I didn't help, at all. I could have, and I didn't.
Adrian Ross
Andrew Parker
Ur a cunt for not telling ur husband Also tits or gtfo
Angel Davis
I masturbate to pictures of 11-16 year old girls on Instagram.
I turned a girl into a lesbian, I still really like her
Joseph Martinez
I cheated on my boyfriend and hate my self because when I had better sex I realized I wasted 2 years of my life with him. Size is everything.
Andrew Adams
Hey man, any loss of someone, even if you were using her for your own pleasure, is gonna hurt in someway. You could think of it as you brought her moments of joy.
Carter Lewis
Tits or gtfo u fucking larping faggot
Gabriel Fisher
Her family kinda knows. her mom knows me ad our relationship. Her psycho brother is in the dark. And her other siblings know about us but I don't think they know my age. My family has no clue at all. I even took the family car out to see her one night early on in our relationship and left some cumstains in the backseat. Its still there to this day. kek
Chase Brooks
yeah write a book and give pedo gaylords their version of 50 shades of gray
Carson Ortiz
Wow u should really talk to a therapist jfc
Luke Collins
Why wouldnt ur cunt ass just break up before cheating? Women are literally inferior to men
Jaxon Bennett
I would not mind writing my story for pedos to enjoy. lol.
Mason Rogers
Lmao how?
Samuel Ross
Hate to tell you, chucklenuts but the kitchen doesn’t give a squirt of piss about some untipped hag and her vendettas. They have other concerns, and probably are sick of listening to the over paid hags stand around and bitch while they are busting ass in a hot kitchen.
William Evans
I’m not harming anybody so don’t see how it’s a bad thing.
Landon Campbell
go to bed dad.
Aaron Thomas
For me it wasn’t necessarily about size. But having sex with someone that knows what he’s doing changes everything. Once you find that person you’re hooked. I’m not ashamed of cheating and instead I moved to the best relationship of my life
Jason Bell
But what if the pictures stop being enough and u want to experience the real thing?
Joshua Ward
Now this is gold. Sorry for what has happened to you, but it is a great story. You did gods work, femanon... even if it doesn’t feel that way.
Charles Garcia
>They pay their waitstaff well under minimum wage using tips to justify that. Not true. They have to pay you the minimum wage if your tips and base salary fall under the amount you would have gotten if you were paid the minimum.
So if you're making $5 an hour, only getting $1 tip per hour (this is an example mind you) and working 8 hours you would only pull in $48 dollars. At an hourly rate of $6 p/h.
If the minimum is $7.25, the employer has to cover the gap and pay you an extra $10.
Andrew Anderson
You could make some serious money on a book of the story of the 11 year old homosexual boy prostitute. Publishers would eat that up, potential to get optioned for a movie too. Not fucking around either. You just need to write about some obstacle you over came and sprinkle it with true gay pedo stories. lol
Juan Jackson
U should be ashamed. U should consider suicide, seriously. Why cant u fucking degenerates break up beforehand? Why is decency so far removed from the character of women?
Easton Scott
She's said I was the "test". The relationship wasn't serious by any means, but fuck man I really liked her for some reason. The sex was also great
Oliver Sanders
Your secret is that you're not homosex...?
Nathan Nelson
Nice trips. But was it great for both of u, or just u?
Josiah Williams
That’s true. I never overcame obstacles other than I aged out, got money, and currently living normal. But I’d make one up just so people can throw words like “bravery” or some bullshit.
Ayden Hughes
I'm ok now, that was ages ago. But I wanted to let this secret out to air, then to drag it back inside.
Jeremiah Turner
Women don't understand the concept of a code. They're motivations come from in the moment feelings and impulses.
Wyatt Rivera
Because I was tempted. Why even lie on a Yea Forums thread. I was horny and the thought of being with someone else excited me. Deal with it.
Juan Evans
I have a gf that i have had for 10 years, but i also lost my virginity to her. I really REALLY want to try having sex with another woman, or at least want to interact. I feel bad about it, but im so goddamn horny all the time...
Ok so imagine the dude ur with doing the same to u... ur saying u wouldnt care? Fucking meme gender
Henry Thomas
Look guys, it's simple, the guy who's better at sex is the guy I marry. Sex is literally everything. If it's good. And the guy is confident and can take care of us then I'd cheat all over again.
Andrew Myers
Enjoy getting dicked down in the trailer park waiting for your meth dealer to call back.
Joshua Myers
>the guy I marry Remember, what goes around comes around.
Oliver Ortiz
Literally in the same position as u, been with her about 7 years, never had sex with anyone else, lost virginity to each other, but i really wanna fuck someone else just for the experience. We have great sex, but still. I even go on tinder and other extramarital websites just to flirt, but once its time to meetup i always flake. I guess im too loyal, and ill never know what its like to go balls deep in other pussy.
Alexander Watson
It’s not all about sex you dumb bitch.
Adrian Brown
You literally have to be good at it too, otherwise i will buy a pocket pussy and jerk off to vr porn for hours. Tell me girl, are you able to ride the bucking horse?
Sebastian Robinson
Dont be in a fucking relationship dumbass. Kill yourself
Sebastian Cook
I would care. But if I got cheated on I would prefer not to know. My experience was supposed to be a one time thing, it blossomed into something more. I’m happier now.
Hunter Stewart
Well I mean she told me after the fact that she didn't enjoy dick lol. So it was good for me
Daniel Thompson
I made a tinder once and it was after we had a bad fight and i made it super easy to find.....man i treat her terribly sometimes...she is even down to indulge in all my weird fetishes
Jayden Wright
Is your current guy aware you cheated on someone when you were with him? If so, he has a pass.
Michael Howard
The self awareness of women is tinier than a subatomic particle holy fuck.
Ayden Scott
They live in a world where if you can't prove it, it didn't happen.
Chase Green
I coerced and bribed my 11 year old sister into giving me blowjobs, handjobs and facials when I was 14. It’s my biggest regret
Xavier Kelly
Wtf how has ur relationship lasted 10 years then? The only reason mines lasted as long as it has is because i truly love her and treat her as best as i can, and it’s reciprocated. Why are u treating her like shit? Do u feel complacent with her? Like uve already got her so whats the point in trying type shit?
Jacob Miller
No he doesn’t know and he doesn’t have to know. I haven’t asked him anything about his past relationships either
Chase Taylor
Jason Hernandez
I don't seed my torrents.
Brody Hughes
You bastard
Christian Collins
Wait her mom is okay with you wtf??
Carson King
>be me, age 16 or so, maybe 13 years ago >have 3 cousins, 2 boys age 6 and 4 and a girl of 5 >we spend one day a week at grandpa's house, we eat all together and then we split kids in one place, adults in the other >i'm the oldest of the kids but not adult enough to be in the adult conversations, so i'm stuck with a bunch of cousins playing stupd stuff >this day there were only these 3 cousins and me >the 2 boys were playing soldiers and the girl wanted me to read her a story, to which i agreed >she sits on my lap while i read >normally it would be ok but i've been on Yea Forums for a while now so i begin to think about her sitting there and get a hard on >she notices, of course she doesn't know what that is >now she needs to know >i take the risk and tell her it's for a game where she needs to lick a strange lollypop with her eyes closed to win a real candy >she wants the candy so she says she'll play >she closes her eyes and licks the shaft of my dick >sofuckinghot.exe >i let her do it for a good 3 minutes, then i tell her she won and go to the kitchen to get her the candy >she isn't supposed to eat those, so i tell her to keep it a secret and that as long as nobody knows we can do it every time we meet and i would give her more and better candy >she's giddy about it, she loves it and promises to tell nobody >she kept on licking my dick for 2 or 3 more weeks
Nicholas Myers
I had a long distance fling with my cousin. I was 25 and she was 22. We are actually related by blood. Our entire relationship began through snapchat even though most of our conversations were saved so I have no idea why we never texted. She admitted to having romantic feelings for me after a few weeks of bonding while I was bedbound after a foot surgery. When I would come home to visit, we'd usually hang out in groups of people and sneak touches and quick, but intense kisses. We only had sex twice because of the distance and difficulty finding time and places to be alone, but it was really passionate and I think we liked it so much because we knew how fucked up it was.
She eventually started seeing someone in her college. We ended things, but I knew she still got a buzz from it because she wanted me to meet him and when I did, she nailed it in really hardcore on how much she "loved me, her best friend and family." The looks she gave me kinda gave me hint.
Eventually, he saw the entire relationship we had through snapchat one day. They had a big fight and he was obviously grossed out. But somehow she fixed it and they're going to be married soon. She asked me to be in the wedding, but I had to tell her that wasn't appropriate. I always worry if they break up if he will spill the beans that he knows about us. Oddly enough, him and I share the same birthday so the whole family wishes us happy birthday in the same Facebook posts, so that HAS to piss him off.
Easton Sanders
Yeah it’s so wrong of me, she began enjoying it and was curious at the start but eventually it was just me acting out porn scenes minus the penetration.
Andrew Harris
Probably gonna be in this position soon too Yea Forumsros. Love the hell out of her tho
Levi Myers
yeah because you wouldn't want your current guy to know you're a betrayer. It will come out eventually when you realize the only thing you have in common is fucking.
Samuel Peterson
I think he should know that you cheated on your previous to be with him. Don’t be a fucking cunt coward and tell him.
Hudson Lewis
I do, at 10 kbps. lol
Jaxon Foster
We both came from abuse. I'm an alcoholic piece of shit. She screeches and gas lights me sometimes. Its messy, but i love her and we are figuring it out. Shes an epileptic with a temper.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Bitches like you are why men have trust issues with u cunts. >doesnt have to know Yea, i guess honesty and transparency arent important in a relationship is it? Sincerely hope you never get married. Whats the point in being in a relationship if u dont wanna hop off the cock carousel? Look at my dumbass, asking logical questions to a woman and expecting a logical answer.
Adam Cox
Aaron Russell
Just carry a strobe light with you. Instant fight ender.
Levi Cruz
Thats inconceivably fucked. Like the true gravity of that still has yet to set it in..
David Nelson
well she didn't know my age to start and I sorta got on her good side. Then she figured out my age and she sorta tried to get me arrested but my cute ass little sexdoll refused to cooperate or press charges. And then we have developed a great and loving relationship and her mom sees we're serious and is warming up to me
Zachary Morgan
Aight, I'll try to remember some old shit.
So, well, I was a little kid but somehow I've got to know about sex, though I've got is as "you just lie on top of each other" or something. Anyway, one day a mother's friend with her daughter came to us. That daughter was autistic or something, don't really know the details. We were left in my room and it was at this moment when autistic aura hit me and I took advantage of her condition by asking to lie on top of me on a bed, which she did almost without hesitation. And as she did, the reality crushed me. Or rather, she crushed me, with her weight. After that I've asked her to get out from me and then we proceeded to do nothing, probably, but I don't really remember anymore
I don't even remember being in kindergarten at that time, so I was around five years old.
Joshua Watson
Dont worry, it's a LARPer
Robert James
Right because I'm supposed to keep loving and wasting my time on a 28 year old who still spends 3 hours a day playing video games, daily. Who tells me he is "tired to have sex" if I ask more than twice a week (I have a high libido) who I've been asking to go to the gym for over 8 months, who basically has grown chubbier than when I met him because HEY COMFORT ZONE NOW I HAS A GF AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT.
I'm supposed to lie down in missionary and put up with the boring ass sex for what? 15 minutes? once a week or twice if I'm lucky. When his knees get tired in doggystyle and he can't eat pussy out for SHIT.
I'm supposed to be the trophy GF who spends all day comforting his little boy ego.
Instead when I find an actual guy who takes care of himself, who isn't afraid of me, who isn't afraid of trusting me and doesn't check my phone 24/7. Who fucks me like I'm his goddess and spends every moment with me enjoying his life and mine I'm supposed to NOT cheat?
I'm supposed to watch an opportunity at a better life pass me by because "oh loyaly, oh self awareness" I better "stay with my boyfriend who will most likely never stand the fuck up on his two feet"
Fuck you self righteous pieces of shit for judging me, I'd go back in time and cheat over, and over, and over, and over again because fuck it, it's about time someone told guys that there are standards and you're supposed to rise up.
You love us when we doll up, when we have a "tight body" when we spend hours in the gym and hours shopping for sex ass clothes that make your dick hard, but god fucking forbid we judge you for your own lazy ass stupidity.
If you want to be with a girl like me, you have to earn it. My ex didn't earn it, so I cheated and moved on. Thank you, get fucked.
Asher Miller
This gives me hope that you and your generation can carry the torch brother.
Justin Rodriguez
Aint love beautiful? Make sure its reciprocated tho user
Jacob Foster
Seizure disorder, not genetic. No joke but she did once tell me if we ever got in an argument to make her sit on my lap and she would instantly stop fighting
Jayden Cruz
Christopher Watson
Got my 10 yer old sister to sit on my lap while we were watching TV and I kept gyrating on her ass, I had the biggest boner and pulled it out after a minute, she asked what I was doing and I just said I was searching for a show, I became really horny and pinned her down as I rubbed my cock on her ass, and came on her shorts and shirt
Owen Howard
I'm sure she's well adjusted with wonderful self confidence. lol, she probably thinks of her pussy as an atm.
Michael Phillips
Samuel Wilson
I masturbate to my older sister every day. Pic related.
You could have ended it first, then fucked anyone you wanted without any problem. It's the lying and deceit we have the problem with.
Elijah Nguyen
I gave him a gazilion chances before I broke up. I spoke to him, I fought with him, I told him It's not working, I told him I'm distant, I asked him to change, I did everything I could before I cheated so NO I am not "Entitled with no sense"
I gave him EVERY fucking chance to become better.
Oliver Russell
So if u kno ur a piece of shit...stop watering that toxic flower. When u feel the urge to lash out, just think about how the person on the receiving end is gonna take it. Dont u want ur overall life to just be better and spent having a good time rather than the opposite? Making others happy will make u happier. Try to be the calm one.
Ethan Martin
You do you. A relationship birthed in infidelity will never ever last. You made your camp. Can i come gangbang you?
Anthony Flores
oh shut up. you're just an entitled whore. Yes you should find someone great but you should also work to be great. Fuck off with your self-important bullshit. you're not a goddess. you're just a regular fucking person. Start treating others like one. Insteas of making stuid excuses just own up how shitty you are and vow to handle shit better. Don't cheat and leave your current bf. Be honest with him instead of being a stupid entitled slag
Landon Rogers
Right, because I'm a heartless bitch for not putting up with it for 2 years and waiting for him to change? It's my fucking fault? Oh wow
Jacob Hall
and he didnt but that doesnt mean you have to become a shitty person if it was clear he wasnt going to change, then fucking end it and get someone better
Parker Butler
knocked up my cousin and convinced everyone my uncle raped her. he's still doing time and I'm living my dream life in another country
Owen Miller
Current boyfriend I'm good with. I won't cheat because I don't have to cheat.
Kayden Bennett
Uhhhh that's exactly what I did? lol
Jaxon Lee
You post this picture in every incest or "secret" thread there is. At least switch it up every once in a while, bro.
Samuel Anderson
yes it's your fault stupid. You went out and did something fucked up. That's on you.If he was fucking up and had your patience that tried, you break up with him . It wasn't working out.
Ryder James
Andrew Myers
Don’t really have anything too terrible but I once was interested in fucking a Jehovah’s Witness chick but she said she wouldn’t do it until we started dating, I asked her out a week later, took her virginity a week after that and dumped her, still makes posts online about how I used her and she can’t fall in love anymore. Makes me feel really bad but that’s probably what she wants
Aiden Watson
This is the average american female mentality right here. You didn't have to put up with anything, you could have ended it.
Luis Robinson
You never have to cheat or are you retarded
Carson Foster
Levi Powell
you cheated first which is the problem from the way you put it he never did anything to actively treat you badly like beating you or anything like that, you two just became distant you shouldve broken up and not cheated you fucking whore
I have made every step of this life happen through literal blood sweat and tears. I try to make her happy in general but there is still some dubious bad blood. I shouldn't blame her or fight her when all she wants is civility.
Logan Adams
Gavin Foster
You're basically an untrustworthy selfish whore. It's ok, you're the majority we get it. I'm sure your current guy gets it too, he'll treat you accordingly as time goes on.
Brandon Cruz
James Powell
Yeah, that happens a lot. Sucks that when you did it, it fucked with her more than it would others so you still have that guilt trip. But if you know you deserve it, you're fine. Lesson learned.
Jose White
Jeremiah Long
Daniel Hall
Ive been cheating on my 4 year relationship with one of my old friends, it's been a year and never been caught, can't get to decide who I want to star with, with the girl I cheat with its fucking godlike in the bed, and I have a very good relation with my gf, fml
Mason Ward
You're aware you're wasting your time arguing with kids right? I'm a man, I fully agree with your decision. I go to the gym to keep my body good for my woman, and she doesn't. She, a lot of the time, doesn't wanna fuck when I do. I work hard and earn good money, she doesn't. Guess what? When I'm working away you'd better believe I'm balls deep in local slags. Both sides of a relationship need to tow the line, if one doesn't, then why should the other be miserable? Theres a lot of children in here confusing sex with love. "Waaahhh, how could you cheat, breaking hearts, waaaah." Grow up, life isn't a Disney film. Cheating happens all the time. It's probably happening to you and you don't even know about it.
Cameron Miller
>dont have to cheat Why in the god damn motherFUCK is cheating an option? BREAK. UP. YOU. STUPID. DUMB. BITCH!!!!!!
Gabriel Martinez
ok picture this I dont think you're putting in the work into the relationship, you arent treating me like how i want and ive given you chances to change, so i cheat on you how would that make you feel retard (if you say youd understand youre fucking lying)
Nolan Taylor
I try to be calm, but at the end of the day I'm a fucking tweaker and that's how i get what i get. Im 5'10 at 145 lbs and i eat maybe half a bagel a day on top of lots of adderall and i work my ass off hoping to supplimate the income my gf does not make. Either that or my heart will give out since i was born with a literal hole in the ventrical. Either way really
Jace Reed
>women >retarded Redundant
Angel Morris
I dated a witness girl too, she was not allowed to speak to her family or friends for 1 year because she was caught kissing in public. Fucked her up good, she has no contact with her family now and she was one dirty dirty girl.
Chase Cruz
What exactly is your problem with cheating? I am serious. What is it that makes you hate the cheater? Is it that I broke his "loyalty" or that I "crushed his heart"? Do you understand the reason for cheating to begin with? Incompatibility, he knew it, I knew it, even new guy knew it.
So everyone wins, he is probably with someone in his own lazy ass league now, I'm with new bf, everyone wins. If anything I did him a fucking favor and I am not even trolling.
Eli Flores
God damn thats sexy
Hudson Cox
youre a fucking disgrace
Jackson Rodriguez
Alexander Campbell
can't use their logic against them
Anthony Reyes
Fucking why. Just break up already jesus christ whats wrong with u people
Jeremiah Peterson
come on you guys this is obviously a larp y'all are acting triggered and need to chill
Shit man if a guy spent 2 years telling me to change, to be better, to stop being lazy and I didn't listen, I'd be surprised he didn't cheat earlier.
Landon Green
I wanna chat. You got kik?
Brandon Taylor
You demand loyalty without having any yourself. That being said do you wanna jerk off together over cam? My penis is large and i am white
Nathaniel Carter
BAIT KEKEKEKEK. bet u its the dumb bitch samefagging. Stupid whore
Matthew Reyes
Go on /fit/ bro Get ur cals in Do a push pull leg split Jeff nippard and jeremy ethier have a treasure trove of info on youtube. Also athlean x
Ryder Allen
Nope. Afraid not. Englishfag user here. 30/m/Manchester. Work in Glasgow a lot because muh money. Did 10 years in marines which taught me a lot about how people in long distance relationships really work outside of Disney films. AMA.
Camden Walker
no, it's about your decision making process. Your made the decision to cheat so now you're a lying whore. Your personal self pleasure is all that matters. We're just pointing out we know your type and we just want you to be aware we treat whores like whores. You can't hide from being a whore, you just are one. You selfish whore piece of shit.
Hudson Green
>i'd be surprised he didn't cheat earlier This mentality is not a good one at all. If you're not surprised if someone cheats you really need to reevaluate yourself
Asher Brooks
So ud be ok with the dude cheating on u? Therein lies ur answer u stupid whore. Just declare the relationship an open one, or dont be in one at all. Women should be relegated to holes, stripped of voting power and denied any access to equal opportunity. Nuke this gay earth
Colton Myers
The guy did nothing abusive towards you. He doesnt sound awful at all from what youve said, and if he just didnt meet your standards while not actively abusing you, you are the villain in this situation
Aiden Parker
I have two families and I have been able to fully support both of them thanks to bitcoin
Levi Cooper
I can deadlift 6x6x20' pressure treated lumber like it is nothing. Im in shape, just not "in shape". Also i unironically ride dildos better than my gf no homo
William Fisher
>villain oh my god you are such a BOY
Brody Wilson
It's that it's unnecessary. It's not something to be proud of. If you're incompatible, you end it and then go fuck someone else. How are you going to go through a relationship and make demands and then go out and fuck another guy while still together. While together you remain loyal and once you realize it's not gonna work, you end things. It's a fucked up thing to do to someone. Especially if you were together 2 years and you refuse to give him any fucking respect as a person and at least end things before moving on. Instead you handle things like a whore and approach it with this mentality of an entitled fuck. You DONT deserve it all. You earn it all just the same as the guy. You haven't earned a great long-lasting relationship because you don't know what that takes nor what it is in the first place.You just barrel you're way through wanting it all your way and then blame others when it's not your way.
John Watson
Why do u think cheating is ok???
Jeremiah Howard
Nostradamus IQ
Daniel Perez
fine youre the whore in this situation you fucking cunt
Jayden Morgan
Add me on kik, englishl10n, I wanna talk about cheating with a fellow Cheater.
Juan Flores
Well to be honest I the libido in the relationship it's fucking gone, but it's like everything else it's fine.. I mean your are right but it's just been difficult
Julian Powell
another pump and dump is brewing
Evan Diaz
Hudson Brooks
fucking this, if the guy was abusive id understand but really it just sounds like he wasnt very sex driven
Lincoln Murphy
Grayson King
Sebastian Garcia
So now you've demonstrated it's not the act that bothers you it just depends on the reason. So your argument is pretty much moot at this point. "It's okay to cheat but if the reason isn't good enough then OMG THAT SO BAD"
No. Either it's okay with you or it's not.
Gavin Roberts
And I'm here telling you that that's how it is. If you want the "girl of your dreams" then you have to be kept in line, to rise up to expectations or else.
Stop deluding your self that we don't want you to be a 10/10. we do, we ALL do.
The consequence of not actually wanting to rise up from a 5/10 to a 10/10 is us saying bye bye.
I'm not proud of it, but this is the way of the world. You know it, I know it, and your girlfriend knows it.
I'm doing all your girlfriends a favor by telling you these things. Cheating is on its way if you don't step up.
Elijah Campbell
The libido in my relationship went down for a while as well, but we fucking WORKED at it. Now we have amazing ass sex again, even better now. Honesty and communication bro. But its too late for u now. U need to break up with the girl ur with and go with the whore ur cheating with
Bentley Gray
You're seeing what you want. We're basically saying you're a piece of shit whore.
John Martin
Again, englishl10n here, I agree. But you gotta know it works both ways. If you're not doing all the good shit, so if you're not taking it up the arse, cooking, and letting him go out with his mates, and he's busting his arse for money or to stay fit for you, expect him to be dicking slags.
Nolan Gray
how does this make my argument moot? if the guy is abusive its extremely difficult to get out of a relationship like that at times, so in certain cases i understand
Benjamin Butler
Mate, I'm not her. I'm the user who knows she's right.
Jace Foster
NO U STUPID BITCH. CHEATING IS BAD REGARDLESS OF THE REASON. Get it through ur thick fucking skull. Cheating is betraying the person uve committed to being with, its that simple. Either grow a fucking pair and break up, or WORK AT THE RELATIONSHIP.
Jack Stewart
Jesus your nose must be long by now
Matthew Phillips
Not so much vanity but health and future stability. The whole number system is relative. You care too much about what others perceive. Usually the sign of some dark shameful secret. So tell us, what makes you think people aren't ok to be less than a 10?
Austin Fisher
Brody Evans
Why the fuck cant u break up before cheating? Why is it so hard for u? U just want to be a dirty cum rag dont u? Stupid bitch
Mason Morris
Because cheating is cheating regardless of the circumstances. You're still being unfaithful still being a cunt. I do it myself, I know it, but if I was doing it for a different reason it wouldn't make me any less of a cunt. I just don't care because I believe in my own happiness, and not being naive enough to sacrifice that for a Disney film concept of "True love omg".
Sex and love are two different things. You can fuck someone and not love them, and love someone but not fuck them. Christ, is everyone in here under 16?
Bentley Hall
that's what lurking this place did to me back then
Bentley Campbell
So men are supposed to keep with ur expectations, but not the other way around? Men do all the work and self care while u just sit there and spread ur legs?
Jaxon Scott
It's actually not. You wait for him to leave. Collect the things you need to survive, and disappear.
Zachary Martin
i'm not gonna kik with you out of respect for current bf, you mentioned earlier something about mutual masturbation Thank you but I'm not into that, I understand you're happy in your own relationship(s) and you agree with me.
I agree with you, I go to the gym, I work hard, I do dance lessons, I'm always on my top game even if I'm going to get groceries. I get you, you get me, we're on a different level from all the others here
I cook, let my current do whatever he wants because he's my king, he's earned it and he can do anything but include another girl in the mix.
I KNOW he won't cheat, and I KNOW I won't either. So what I've been trying to say all thread long is FIND COMPATIBILITY.
Jacob Smith
I've fantasized about watching someone seduce and fuck my mom for years. I've snooped everywhere I could access and tried having people message her online
Jacob Evans
Oliver Mitchell
Guess what? I'm gonna keep fucking other women. My woman of 3 years will never find out. I will get my loving fiance who is a good person and tends to me, and on the side I will keep fucking slags when I'm working away.
And you lot will still be miserable, sad kids crying over the concept of true love and wondering why you're miserable. The trick is to just stop being a little bitch who does things because "it's the right thing to do" and your vanity makes you care what other people think. "Oooohhhh I'm so faithful, I must be a good person." Nope, you're still a piece of shit, just one who let's his partner take the piss out of him.
Also englishl10n I added you.
Stay mad, faggots. Xxx
Elijah Hill
I never said I don't do anything in return. I always give my 100% to a guy.
Ryan Edwards
True love doesnt exist for cum dumpsters like you
Asher Brooks
You are a hypocritical dumbass, and if you arent happy then fucking break up, and if that's extremely difficult like in abusive relationships then its understandable. And just cause its understandable doesnt mean i support it, that'd be like me supporting murder if the reason they did it was understandable
William Walker
Mutual masturbation? Nah that was someone else methinks.
Alexander Rodriguez
You don't know that. You hope that.
Carter Butler
Grayson Howard
Inb4 the dumb cunt thinks ur equating murder with cheating
Aaron Howard
Hey faggot, im in a loving relationship and not fucking miserable at all, youre just a shitty person
Jason Harris
Found out that two of my girlfriend's cousin used to fuck her when she was a kid. The guys were few years older than her but she has no regrets that she was fucked. One guy still lives close to her house and visits her quite frequently. It turns me on imagining her cheating on me with that guy.
Daniel James
Oh okay. *tips fedora*
Cameron Butler
this is what Yea Forums is all about man at least it's not a cuck, bbc post
Dylan Wood
No. Murder is murder. You're looking at things subjectively that should be looked at objectively. Also you're clearly inexperienced in relationships and have likely not been with many women. Once you've been with a few, grown a bit, learned a bit, your attitude will change. I used to think like you. Now I look back and think "fuck me I was naive."
Adam Wilson
Bitch i know i got baited but still, if even one lurking cum slut reads this thread, itll have done some good.
Nolan Miller
Levi Lopez
Michael Williams
Jack Ortiz
When I was like idk 7 my 11 year old friend baby sat me because her mom was neglectful as shit. So she was like forcing me to do sexual shit, if I refused she would threaten to lock me in the spider closet under her bed.
Owen Wilson
Jack Ortiz
How did that work? Didn't they ask her to testify / DNA the unborn?
John Harris
Bitch im not equating the two, im just giving an example of something that can be understandable but i wouldnt support it
Ryan Russell
im ded tbh
Juan Robinson
Give up like me user. Soon as i predicted her equating the two i knew it was over. Stupid bitches are incurable
Nathan Phillips
I never said you were equating them. I'm saying you made two examples of looking at things subjectively rather than objectively.
Damn theres some excited kids in here, who start breaking their arms having a wank before realising they're mistaken.
Logan Carter
When I was 17 I took the v of an 11yo girl and were fuck buddies for a while
Dominic Hall
Exclusive inside look at this whore getting ready for the day
objectively i think both are wrong, but that doesnt mean i cant understand the reasons behind it. hell if the guy was abusive id still think it was wrong to cheat
Nathan Wright
Secrets? Sure, my sister and I fucked till we was about 15 starting about 12 years old.
Jaxon Harris
Which is exactly what I've been saying. I chest but I know it's wrong. I just enjoy it. I think a lot here are confusing me for the femanon.
Juan White
The real way to go about shit is to not try to do it, and not want anything out of it. Just like when juggling, thinking " oh shit I want to catch the next ball" is going to get in the way of me actually doing that, so does thinking " i want (x)" going to get in the way of my accomplishing (x). This can be applied to most things in life.
Logan Stewart
>imagine thinking cheating is a superior option to ending a relationship
Adam Green
>knows its wrong but still does it This thinking is why our world is fucked
Nolan White
cont >3 weeks later, i was carrying lots of candy to keep my cousin happy >she already knew to say nothing about it and was happy eating forbidden candy behind her parents back >when the adults go to the living room to talk the kids go to the rest of the house to play >she knows how to get the candy so once her brothers are busy watching tv she tells me she wants her candy so we go to a secluded spot and she gets to the licking >this time i tell her to put it all in and she does >feels so dam hot i'm about to cum >before cumming i gave her 2 candy pieces and she's happy as fuck >she leaves, but her brothers saw the candy and start asking her about it >to keep them from telling her parents, she tells them about the game >now they want candy too >the three come asking for candy, i "got mad" at my female cousin for telling them, but agree to give them all candy if they were willing to both play and tell nobody about it >they all promise to keep the secret >the three cousins close their eyes and begin licking my dick one at a time, but the female used the sucking trick to get more candy >gave her 2, gave the others 1, explained that, next time they ask me how to get two pieces since that's all the candy i have on me >next week, after eating, the girl brings them for another round of candy >turns out she told them how to get more candy and now the 2 older are sucking me, the youngest barely understands that licking gets him candy so he does that >every time it happens i'm about to cum but i have to hold cause i don't want evidence on them > the oldest boy it the best sucker, he's trying to get competitive to get more candy > 3 to 4 weeks later the candy craze fades out for them except for the oldest one, he really got into it >he sucked my dick for candy for almost a year, for a long time he did it with his eyes open knowing to an extent what was he doing and he kept on doing it, mostly for the candy i'd give him
Benjamin King
Okay, I could leave her. Have to sort out getting rid of the house, the dog, all my belongings, getting a new flat, all of which is months of time, effort and money. Plus all the dramas of families and friends. Nightmare.
Or I can just fuck other slags when I'm away then go back to my nice home, sit down with my dog, have my fiance bring me a beer and relax.
It's called "living your life happily.", so yes, being happy and having the best of both worlds is far superior to a load of drama and hassle.
Sebastian Carter
So ur basically admitting u have a psychopathic character devoid of empathy
Evan Gomez
Joshua Murphy
the same thing happened to me as well, and now i have an incest fetish, but not about my sister, or my family in general
Jason Stewart
I have a proof that P=NP
Luke Miller
When i was 14 i teased the sex offender in my neighborhood so he would rape me
Noah Thompson
I'm primarily attracted to kids age 11+
Jacob Ramirez
Holy stupidity. Why get so invested, financially and emotionally, with someone that doesnt satisfy u the way u want? How fucking stupid are u?
Michael Brown
i know dude it's a complete tragedy tbh
Nathaniel Barnes
Julian Rodriguez
This reminds me. The first porn i ever fapped to was incest porn
Jaxson Phillips
I think a lot of this is just jealousy and white knighting. "OH YONDER POOR FAIR MAIDEN BOOHOO CHEATING IS SO CRUEL." Christ, you've had an easy life is the worst thing thats happened to you is your partner has fucked someone else.
Only thing that could happen is she could find out. But I use fake names with all the glaswegian slags and make sure they don't know anyone I do. Foolproof. And what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her. She gets a loving fiance who comes home with a fuck ton of money and is nice to her.
But it is fun while I'm away being the bad guy. Even if she found out she's so nice she would forgive me anyway so who gives a fuck?
Lucas Myers
Kek what happened
Colton Carter
Not stupid enough to believe there's a woman out there who is a solid 10/10 sex addict with a good job, is intelligent, kind, sensitive, interesting with a good career you dumb fuck. My fiance gives me everything but the kickass sex, so I just get it elsewhere, everyone wins. Maximum kek if you're stuck with one bitch who doesn't meet all of that criteria.
Jackson Watson
I'd agree with this, yeah. But I'm okay with it.
Henry Myers
Robert Davis
Why are u giving urself scoliosis in order to justify CHEATING??? Stop trying to absolve urself of moral responsibility for being the shitty cunt u are. Cheating is breaking the trust u have with someone. Holy hell how are u not getting this
Carson Bell
>jealousy and white knighting Not really, its just called being a decent person >its fun being the bad guy See
Brody Watson
I would just show off my body in front of him, used to always catch him watching me go swimming, he would watch me stretching in my shorts, then one day he pushed me down and had his way with me
Asher Wilson
Though one thing I will note, I'm not hypocrite; if she fucked someone else my response would be "Okay." I would genuinely not care. Sex is sex and love is love. I love her, but sex with slags is amazing.
Robert Sanders
If ur partner isnt satisfying u, TELL THEM U DUMB FAGGOT. And if after that they still cant, BREAK UP. It is that simple.
Aiden Perez
I never said I wasnt a cunt. I said i am and I'm okay with it. How are you not getting this?
Isaac Morris
>the reddit spacing the whore was doing earlier holy shit you arent even trying to larp anymore
Carson Cooper
Imagine being retarded enough to break up with someone because of one thing when you can just fuck slags and have a perfect life.
Kayden Ross
Why would you want to be an awful person, holy shit
Charles Peterson
"Reddit spacing", the fuck, nigga?
It's called a paragraph you absolute helmet.
Alexander Cox
>nigger prostitutes himself for years behind the back of his parents >never did anything to break their trust
Connor Bell
>Christ, you've had an easy life is the worst thing thats happened to you is your partner has fucked someone else.
I hate this logic. This shit is the stupidest argument. Clearly it's something that majorly crosses all sorts of lines for people but no you don't want to see it that way so you trivialize it. Don't be a daft asshole if you're gonna be an asshole. It's not the worst thing that ever happened to me. I've lost loved ones close to me but the emotional toll and self-esteem damage this sort of thing causes, especially in long-term relationships is one that lasts and makes a real impact. It's stupid to trivialize because it's a real and tangible pain you cause for almost no reason. It's easily avoidable
Nolan Stewart
Because: Reality.
Heres your cure: Less Naruto and more outside.
Brandon Torres
"My life is so hard boohoo."
Luis Stewart
Ok but why not just be transparent about it. Why hide it? Just put out all the cards on the table BEFORE u do something. Tell her that ur looking to be in an open relationship / polygamous one.
Carson Jenkins
Ok retard
Easton Powell
I can't imagine being so arrogant that I'd believe having people I know die made my life any different from literally any living human being.
Jesus, that's some entitled shit right there.
Eli White
for me, I don't remember what sort of porn was, but for me and my sister it was porn magazines
Jaxon Perez
you just confirmed youre the woman you newfag
Ryan Turner
Why not tell ur partner that u should confide in about the one thing u want? Why are u ok with being indecent?
Eli Powell
James Perez
Jace Richardson
Back in highschool i use to be my friend's sissy toy, every Friday we would meet up at one of our houses and i would dress up like a girl and they would fuck me all night long
Jaxon Turner
after that year, my cousin was like 7 and he refused to suck me for candy. i asked him if he wanted and he said yes but didn't want to play, so i gave him the candy i brought for the occasion for the promise of telling nobody because we all would get in trouble. he promised and to this day we have never spoke about it, but i'm almost sure he remembers that he was my cocksucker for a year, i'm almost sure that if i ask him he'll suck me off again but i don't want to risk it now
Xavier Edwards
Wouldn't get the electric chair for it, but ifthe lady's husband ever found out he would run a few rounds through his boomstick for sure. I was dating a girl for ten minutes my senior year of high school, and her mom took a shine to me. The mother called me about five minutes after her daughter broke up with me. "I know my daughter gave you the heave ho user, but i was going to ask you to do some moving for me". I'll pay you. Sure thing lady. Well, she had me meet her at a mini storage place. It was hot inside and as we went through boxes the sweat dripped off. She took off layers until there was only a tshirt and her bra. The bra came off in that mysterious fashion that only woman know, but it got hotter. She looked at me, with a knowing smile. I don't suppose you would object to seeing my tits, would you?. Like any young gigolo i said "Huh???" She pulled off that tshirt to reveal the most beautiful saggy breasts ever. The sweat dripped down them and i wanted to lick them. Whether she planned this or not i never figured out, what i know is a did start licking that sweat and before i knew it she was sucking my dick to get it hard again, as she was guiding me into her vagina for round 2 she asked if I ever screwed her daughter. Never even saw her naked ma'am. She seemed very pleased. When she said it was time to leave i wanted her again. She said we would definitely be doing this again, tomorrow. I masturbated the whole way home, she stopped once to blow me. After that day she had all kinds of work for me, projects galore, and her husband paid for my time. The daughter figured it out pretty quick, and tried me out too, but thought her mom banging me was funny. It waa the best couple of years i ever had. The lady is 75 now but still has a great figure. I beg her to find a job for me every once in a while but she's too old for clandestine crap anymore.
Lucas Evans
You're saying that like I haven't already. She didnt want an open relationship. I'm not the sort of guy to pussyfoot around and make drama like so many of the kids in here.
If I want something, I make sure I get it in some way or another. And that's why I'm not on here crying out of jealousy of someone who actually has their shit together and has a fucking outstanding life because of it. Only drawback is when the only people who know, complete strangers on Yea Forums, talk about it theyll take moral high grounds to justify their own shitty decisions so out of vanity they can say "Well at least I'm not an cheat!!!1!"
No. You're just a piece of shit for a different reason. Only difference between you and me is I'm not enough of a pussy to deny it.
Kayden Collins
I intionally pit people against each other, by the time im done they hate the fuck out of each other. Ive broken the best of friendships doing this, its almost as good as sex seen my manipulation pay off.
Oliver Rodriguez
I could never get off to a still image, weird but i just cant
Adrian Hill
Alexander Garcia
Jesus christ you're retarded.
Jordan Howard
>that one day when my cousin DIDN'T want me to swallow.
Oliver Green
there is gonna be a lot more drama if she finds out than there would have been if you just ended it in the first place
Thomas Hernandez
So if u both dont want the same thing, why be together my goodness man. Just because im stating the obvious that there is no justification for cheating doesnt mean im taking the moral high ground.
Samuel Jones
not really, you dont know the meme clearly
Jonathan Nelson
i cheated on my abusive ex with someone who i later found out was equally abusive. and i regret it simply because i at least felt a little bit more loved in the previous relationship.
She won't, I assure you. I'm not dumb enough to shit on my own doorstep, or give her my personal phone number, to take my burner phone anywhere near my home or to use my real name.
Tyler Hall
Double dubs noice
Noah Torres
All it is, is she wants less sex. Other than that she's amazing. Full on wife material, which isn't worth sacrificing for some dumb bitch who's a sex pest.
Charles Flores
Kevin James
I don't know a meme. Then fuck me, I just be retarded.
Sebastian Sanders
So then ud be perfectly ok with her getting dicked down by some chad, right?
Adrian Clark
Aaron Price
It's just pussy.
Caleb Smith
Yes u are now fucking massage ur vagina with sandpaper u stupid oxygen thief
Sebastian Watson
I'm not complaining about my life being hard, I'm providing context moron
No one is saying it makes me special or unique or have you no reading comprehension. It's It's putting the nature of the cheating in context.
Aiden Davis
I genuinely wouldn't give a fuck. As long as it was just sex.
Hudson Cooper
I almost fucked a 10 year old when i was in high school
Austin Taylor
Yeah she definitely deserves someone who isnt such a retard
David Long
You’re right, but my dick will remain forever curious.
Dylan Parker
Considering its one of the most well known memes here, you are retarded
Zachary King
i misinterpreted that at first as you saying you were the one that beat your neighbor's daughter and wife
Sebastian Flores
Retarded enough to cheat on her for the past 5 years and get clean away with it for so long.
Luke Sullivan
>not giving a fuck if youre other half gets more satisfaction out of someone else Youre a beta unironically
Isaac Lee
Wow. Just wow.
James Green
Would u be ok her with doing it and not telling u?
Andrew Johnson
>almost Fucking gay faggot
Julian Walker
I wouldn't know, so yes by default.
Owen Gray
Andrew Kelly
Its pretty easy to do that tbh if you have a single ounce of intelligence
Brayden Cruz
If this is true then this is the most metal badass thing I have ever heard. I’d say you would have been justified biting all of it off. I bet if you told your husband he would be pissed at the cousin and not change the way he sees you. It maybe he would be a little more careful with the BJs. I was molested as a kid and never got the chance for revenge.
Xavier Richardson
Nope. If she just wants a fuck that's fine. I think my problem here is I'm dealing with people who've not had enough sex to think that it's some holy divine grace that is life affirming, instead of just two people trying to get off. I'm out. Later tasters, stay mad. I might fuck a glaswegian lass tonight and I'll think of you all when I'm balls deep in her, knowing that when I get home on Thursday my fiance will have my dinner ready for me.
Eli Brown
Wow just fuck it
Jack Cruz
>reddit spacing
We did it here first faggot, you know, when you were still in grade school. Go on back where you belong.
Uve just never had good sex man. Good sex is mind bending and fucking addicting as hell
Henry James
With that "I rape kids" beard? Certain.
Ethan Robinson
you are a heartless whore. You will realize you have no value except for your looks when you get to 35ish. Because you have no personality. I dare you to say that sentence to your boyfriend he will leave your ass so fast.
Benjamin Martinez
this story is horrifying in every single way thank you for sharing and i'm sorry this happened to you.
Angel Russell
Eh, maybe im just not a hornball whose driven by sex anymore, though the first time was fucking great but overtime you get used to it even if its with someone else tho im not really into freaky shit so maybe its just stayed too basic
Jason Murphy
What about my sandnigger cock? Ladies are just repulsed by it huh
There never is a reason for cheating. I hate those cunts saying: "oh but she/he had good reason."
When there's a supposedly reason to cheat, it really is a reason to break up or at least to talk. Anything else is your cunt or dick talking for your brain.