A couple weeks back, I stumbled across a DMT thread on here, and I shared my only experience with DMT. Long story short...

A couple weeks back, I stumbled across a DMT thread on here, and I shared my only experience with DMT. Long story short, the stuff I had was a bit off (I don't think it was cleaned properly) and I had a terrible experience. Someone in the thread suggested I do my own extraction, and I figured fuck it, why not.

So I ran my first extraction today. It was both easier, and infinitely more frustrating, than I expected. Lots of minor shit went wrong. The large mixing jar I bought turned out to have a shitty seal that refused to stay on. Lots of leakage to be maintained, and adding naptha before each pull meant spending 5 minutes trying to finagle that fucking rubber ring back into place (as my gloved hands were dripping with MHRB muck).

It's also worth noting that a 10ml LL-tip syringe is not the best for siphoning out the naptha. I made it work, but goddamn if it didn't take a lot of trial and error. The worst part is the syringe plunger started acting up after several draws, so I had to have a glass of warm water to flush the syringe every now and then (which was only moderately effective). My neighbors probably heard me scream "FUCK" every time the rubber tip of the plunger popped off halfway through a draw.

This pic is right after initial setup, after everything is mixed, before any draws were done. I used a modified version of Norman's Tek, using more lye and slightly less naptha than he called for. I also did not hesitate to shake that motherfucker during pulls. I've read threads with people declaring much higher yields from shaking, and denying Norman's warnings. The first pull, I went Norman's route and did not shake. The second pull, I shook that bitch like a polaroid. The naptha was not any easier or harder to siphon from the second pull.

Attached: [1] Setup.jpg (1000x750, 677K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here is my delightful mix of sludge. I took this pic after the four pulls, then added more naptha and pushed it to the corner. After I harvest some of my yield, I'll run a second set of pulls on the jar. Got plenty of naptha and time, so fuck it.

Attached: [2] Mixing Jar.jpg (1000x750, 584K)

Did you put it in your ass

NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!! NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Jar #1 (the first pull) after ~3 hours in the freezer. I'm assuming the white shit is good, yes?

This being my first extraction attempt, I'm obviously super paranoid about having wasted the MHRB (and the cost of the rest of the materials) on a failed extraction. However, the white shit that began quickly covering my jars is a bit reassuring.

Attached: [3] Jar #1.jpg (1000x1333, 690K)

Here is Jar #2 (the second pull) after ~2 hours in the freezer (there was a bit of a delay between the first and second pulls). This is the first one I shook like a crying baby

Attached: [4] Jar #2.jpg (1000x750, 407K)

And here is Jar #4 (the fourth and final draw) after ~30 minutes in the freezer. No precip yet -- just using this to show what the others looked like before the white shit began to form.

Attached: [5] Jar #4.jpg (1000x750, 368K)

Not yet, but I promise I'll post pics when I do

-- -- -- -- --

And here are my four snowglobes, nestled in the freezer. I've got them in the front for the pic, but I currently have them pushed all the way to the back, and the freezer set to the second-highest setting.

Anybody else here ever done a MHRB extraction? How am I looking?

Attached: [6] Jars in Freezer.jpg (1000x750, 432K)

How long should I leave them in the freezer? Norman says "go to bed" (which I assume means 8 hours), but I've seen other people say 12-48 hours.

I don't want to be impatient, but I also don't want to wait two days.

I Dont know anything about extracting DMT but this is interesting, thanks for sharing.
How much was the cost of everything?

50g Mimosa Hostilis root bark = $45
Large mixing jar = $8
4 collection jars = $6
Lye = $15
Naptha = $12 (iirc)

And then all the little random shit: gloves, mask, goggles, vinegar (for lye clean-up)

It probably came out around $100 total, for pretty much everything needed, and should hopefully yield somewhere between 200-400mg.

Bumping for interest

For salt tek I think it's 48 hours no idea about normans

user please tell me you're from chicago so we can cook DMT together

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Looking forward to freebasing a bit, and then making some changa.

How hard are oil-burning pipes to find in local shops?

Bumping for more info on dmt and dmt extraction

I move around a lot, but I'm very rarely more than 3 hours from the city

Whatchu tryna know, young blud?

So you're from Illinois?

Just get a fuckin toad

Don't they secret 5-MeO-DMT instead of N,N-DMT?

Look at you asking questions like I ain't posting about committing a crime lmao

I made the thread you talk about. Do you have kik or something, I'd like to talk to you more.


Sorry bro already tracked your IPV4 you should scape ASAP
Iam comming with my gang to steal your shit
Also you need a pseudo bro find yourself a name like... Heisenberg ;)

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Aw shit nigga

I don't have a kik but I could look into that, I s'pose. Seems to be all the rage these days.

Starting to feel my age. Everybody talking about kik and I'm still trying to hand out my disposable email addresses lmao

Attached: I Lift Bro.png (445x492, 214K)

How is dmt used? If smoked, is it normal weed bowl, oil burners, ect. What should you expect that first hit and use, and how long does the highs last? I've smoked weed and done shrooms before, that's my only background info going in

Any method of communication works. Social media or anything.

If you wanna talk about ilegal shit use wickr or another encrypted app and you will be safe
Also you selling that shit or its for personal use?.
Dont use kik or any social media bro

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snort it pussy

I don't get it, are you making your own custom drain-O or something?

I've only done it once (technically twice), so this will mostly be second-hand info.

>How is DMT used?
It can be freebased, and it can also be taken orally with an MAOI

>If smoked, is it normal weed bowl, oil burners, etc?
You don't want to actually "smoke" it (trust me), but rather vaporize (or "freebase") it, as you would with crack or meth. This is best done in an oil burner (which I need to get my hands on). The time I tried it, I rigged a makeshift apparatus from an empty 2 liter and some foil (much like I would do for crack). I won't try that method again. Didn't work well. Not only was the DMT a bit dirty, but I also managed to burn some of it. It was like inhaling tire smoke.

There's also a way to add it to your favorite smoking herb, called "Changa". I don't know much about the Changa prep, but I do intend on lacing some bud with some of my yield.

>What should you expect that first hit and use?
I doubt there's anything anyone could tell you that would adequately prepare you for that first hit. Mine might have been fucked up, but the shit worked, and I was not fully prepared to watch the room melt and vanish entirely, only seconds after hitting it. And I've got nearly a decade of experience with pretty much every drug you could name. None of them prepped me for this.

>How long does the highs last?
Common consensus is 5-10 minutes. It's a psychedelic, so time will be meaningless. I wasn't able to keep track during my experiences, due to the violent retching, but I do remember coming around and feeling like I'd been lying there for ages.

Aside from posting in the YouTube comments, I don't have any form of social media. Let me find an email I feel comfortable posting in open board

Personal use only. Can't charge what it's worth to me.
And no social media ever.


>The time I tried it, I rigged a makeshift apparatus from an empty 2 liter and some foil (much like I would do for crack)
I meant 1 liter, and 1/3 of it was cut off at the bottom. The "much like I would do for crack" was just referencing the foil part.

What I learned: crack is easier


Thanks for the great info on the topic man, but I want a little more info. When you say the room fell away, do you mean as real as if you where there? The shrooms I've done have just altered my perception of things, never made me see the world melt, but man does it sound crazy! Does your mind get hazy, or do you get confused? Did your experiences improve with future uses and did you want to do it again right away? Any other trip stories? Sorry fo the wall of text mate

There's no way that any lye could have made it into the naptha, right? Even if it did, it wouldn't reform in the jars like the white spots in the pics, right?

Lemme know when you get an email.

I really want to do this but don't have a stove or fridge I could use

It's not like other psychedelics (when smoked). I've heard people describe it as being like an acid trip compressed into 5 minutes, but I'm not sure about that. It's a tryptamine, so it feels very similar to LSD, but the two experiences really can't be compared.

When I hit it, there was this immense rushing feeling like I was being ripped away. Within seconds, the visuals kicked it. It was like going from 0 to peaking on a few hundred mics of LSD, ***in seconds*** (there's no way to prep for that). Then I shut my eyes (as my goal was to breakthrough anyways) and sort of forced myself into the void (I've got a lot of Salvia experience, and have spent a good amount of time in The Void).

By "fell away", I just mean that I stopped perceiving it. It's not that your mind gets hazy or confused... it's really hard to explain. It's so overwhelming that you don't even have a chance to think.

My second attempt was nicer, but only because I think I burned up the impurities on the first go. I rehit the foil I had used, and got a decent hit, without the god-awful taste. Unfortunately, it was a much lighter hit. I got very mild visual distortions, and that "I'm kind of tripping" feeling you get from low doses of other psychedelics.

I wouldn't describe this one as "fun". In fact, I'm absolutely terrified of doing it again, but it's for personal religious observances, so... buy the ticket, take the ride, I guess.

I did exactly this process on the regular a few years ago

can relate very hard to the syringe fucking up
god damn naphtha swells the rubber part of the plunger

godspeed op

Attached: VOID_SHAMAN_s.jpg (1200x1304, 527K)

muh secrets from long ago:

1. recrystallize the crude orange/yellow product twice with heptane, filtering the first time.
2. combine distilled water and glacial acetic acid.
3. add the fairly clean dmt.
4. add an excess of zinc powder.
5. reflux for an hour or so.
6. cool and filter.
7. STB the acidic solution and extract dmt freebase with heptane.
8. freeze crash or slow evap depending on desired crystal size.

the zinc treatment converts the n-oxide into nice, non oily, clear dmt. if done right, this process yields an absolutely clear product.

skipping this zinc process but instead just doing heptane reX yields something like the image with this post.

Attached: SANY0472s.jpg (2387x1790, 1.56M)

hmu at [email protected]

Yeah, that's what held me up for the longest time. Gotta have a good freezer. Stove isn't as necessary, depending on the extraction. I've heard you get better yields from heated naptha, but I really didn't feel like accidentally blowing myself up today


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Get proper lab gear.
Sep funnel etc
It’s worth it

dont talk to any of these people. just read the nexus. everything you need has been discussed to death there.

you overpaid dumdum the root is cheaper to be shipped from brazil.

tho worth noting, this is largely unneeded if you are using actual mhrb and not one of the other oily rb variants. or if you are not trying to push 25g/kg yields since that tends to yield a messier initial product.

this user knows

Attached: 1555725804509.jpg (720x732, 37K)

Nothing like getting 3/4s up the draw and having the plunger catch... knowing that if you keep pulling it's going to jump and bring up all the muck.

I'm definitely doing that for my next go-around. I wanted to for this one, but I was in a rush grabbing supplies and figured I'd go the cheap-ass route.

I know, but I wanted to try my hand with a small batch from a US-based vendor. Unfortunately, that means retarded pricing.

For anyone who hasn't looked into this: $45 for 50g is a bit steep. You can get it cheaper than that

I really appreciate the advice, but that looks like more trouble than I'll need to go through for a small batch like this. I'm really hoping they come out of the precip jars relatively clean.

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Completely forgot about those forums. I registered about a year ago (the first time I was going to run an extraction), and then never logged back in. I'm gonna go see if my account is still alive.

yea tbh i wrote that before i read how little you were working with.

the jars look like they will yield a clean product if you can maged to get it all off the glass. just know that it takes way way longer for a heavy solvent like naphtha to fully evap than you will think it does. fucking ages.

i mean its probably 100% a honeytrap at this point so just read if you can. no pix, no sources, no details.

I'm a bit fuzzy on the harvesting process. Norman's tek says to run the naptha through coffee filters, and then store the naptha for reuse or discard. But then I've read threads with people talking about just letting the naptha evaporate.

So here's what I'm thinking: I'll run the naptha through coffee filters to catch any loose crystals, and then let the naptha evaporate on a pan or something? I don't want to discard it if I can get some use out of it.

Yeah, I'm wary of Nexus/Shroomery/GrassCity/Bluelight/etc -- the big drug forums have all been infiltrated, I'm sure

sigh. these are decade old memories for me. when it was 70 a kilo for a 2-4% yield.

the mystical culture surrounding dmt is bullshit. cling to the techies, not the hyperspace drones.

and be responsible. i did it with everyone i introduced to it and more for my own enjoyment. prob 300 -500 times over 3 or 4 years. it turned me off of doing all psychs which was probably a good thing in the end.

All this sounds like a lot of work to just destroy your brain. Why not just get a good nights sleep and keep your pineal gland decalcified? Drug addicts are so stupid.

>when it was 70 a kilo for a 2-4% yield
pic related

>cling to the techies, not the hyperspace drones
I'm about as "spiritual shamanism" as they come, but this is science. I agree with you: I want the techies teaching me to extract.

>be responsible
I'm too old for that shit lol. This is all personal use, for a religious purposes.

Attached: Suffer.png (1018x919, 128K)

Can you drop the link were you bought the bark

>Why not just get a good nights sleep and keep your pineal gland decalcified?
My pineal gland began throbbing indignantly at that statement

Attached: Bad Vibes.png (494x367, 161K)

Absolutely not.

But I'll tell you that it was not hard to find using a little basic detective work.

Like, not hard at all. You could probably even find it if you were feeling lucky.

>I said it so it happened

My guides have led me back to DMT, after I swore it off many months ago. I had come to the conclusion that uncontrolled interdimensional travel was a bad idea.

However, my "Doubting Thomas" tendencies did like they are oft wont to do, and I was more or less given a green light for another experimentation.

I'm a crazy person. You won't win this.


No offense but that looks like shit.

Couple tips,
Use a taller/skinnier mixing container
Use a large flat pyrex dish for crystallization
Never shake it after u let the naphtha separate, your product should be white as snow, yours isn't cause you contaminated it by either shaking it or doing terrible naphtha pulls

Also, why are you making so much at one time

Who are you talking to here?

Do not just let the naphtha evaporate unless you plan on washing the Crystal's.

So just running it through a coffee filter will be sufficient? I won't be losing anything in the naptha?

Probably a dumb question... but how does one dispose of naptha?

OP or the other guy?

Bumping again, cause I gotta know who
is talking about

I recommend going to 420chan /psy/ theyre a lot more knowledgeable

There are 4 d's, disarm

Good call. Thanks man
