What is the best way to trim kitty's nails?

What is the best way to trim kitty's nails?

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With nail trimmer, ya dingus.


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battle axe

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They have trimmers at the pet store designed for such things, I suggest you get one, though holding the ball of claws and fury still to do it is another matter. Best way I've found is to burrito him in a towel with just the paw you're working on sticking out.

Cat nail trimmer
Get it in a Comfortable position
Hold it’s paw until it trust you
Press on the middle, cars claws come out
Trim make sure it’s not past the white part into the quick (the pink part) it won’t kill the cat but the cat may kill you.

When my two were babies I played with their paws constantly so they grew used to it. Now I can just sit them in my lap and clip their claws on my own. Probably takes less that a minute for each of them, front and back.

This a million times. Kitty needs to trust you to grab his paw, so do that first. Play with the cat and grab his paws once in a while. Give him some treats when you hold him for a long time and he does not pull out.

Cheese grater

pic related is the simplest type. fewest risks. look at the claw to get a feel of where the sensitive part ends, and trim just above. leave some margin to prevent excessive pressure (discomfort) and accidents.

if you don't trim your cat's claws often enough, they may grow too large and start breaking up, that's when trimming becomes harder. keep doing it often and the cat's claw will become healthier. provide lots of things for your cat to sharpen its claws on, it will prevent them from breaking up.

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the guillotine type (pic related) is more efficient, but you need experience to use it safely, because you can easily cut through the sensitive part of the claw with it.

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You dont trim the nails its not needed, it just cause stress. Unless.. you have a problem with the cat scratching things and ruining them I suggest you simply do nothing.


Most vets offer very cheap claw trimming ($5 or $10) and it's often complementary when you come in for a service (checkup, shots) so it might be worth it if you think you might injure your cat. Watch them do it, it will teach you how to handle your cat.

fuck it if your cat doesnt trust you. grab the fucker's paw and press down in the middle to expose claws. clip the very ends. Never had any issues clipping any cat at the clinic or for friends. cats are weak little cunts, anyone who is afraid of their cat attacking them is a pussy

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>Nazi Germany, 1931, colorized

it's true but it takes a lot of time to build trust with a cat, so rustling them with such an operation will make them fearful of you. they might just go hide when they see you take the trimmer out.

you're much better off asking someone else to do it that way.

I've never trimmed my cats claws. They have two cat trees covered in carpet, a few of those cardboard scratching boxes, and they pretty much take care of it themselves.

Every now and then, they get snagged on a blanket or something, but never any health issues with their claws.

probably why cats are shit pets then

This is the best way. Fuck cats

Trim them with your balls and post pics

Just go to the vet and have them removed.

>Fuck cats

This is Yea Forums which stands for Fuck Little "B"oys.


A cat could fuck you up. They're faster than you could ever hope to be, and if they go straight for your eyes, you have zero chance of walking away with your sight.

Don't, they need them to do cat related stuff.

life isnt an anime, boy. I work with cats on a faily basis. they are almost always on edge, defensive postures, hissing, biting. they are pathetic creatures

>work with cats on a daily basis

Is that in between fapping to cuck porn and having your mommy make you tendies?

You unconscionable faggot.

Oh no, someone on Yea Forums has an actual JOB. cry more faggot. im more terrified of the diseases they carry than any harm they themselves could do to me. pet your pathetic shitcat and maybe youll feel better

>thinks having a job is unusual

You truly are the cuckest of them all.

>being this butthurt over a cat

i think we're done here

If you don't have any scratching posts, get some. The cat will take care of most of the work, trim them as they get too sharp.

Nice talking to ya

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>Looks like a cool cat.