Within the next 6 months, because of mostly liberal divisiveness, it will be illegal to criticize this Presidency

Within the next 6 months, because of mostly liberal divisiveness, it will be illegal to criticize this Presidency.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

They got you covered user, don't worry your pallid little brain

oh right,so i guess the constitution means nothing anymore.fuck you snowflake,your feelings arent more important then our constitutional rights

It would be a logical next step towards the ultimate goal: dictatorship.

funny how after 8 years of executive orders and bullshit,its donald trump who gets called the dictator.if only trump was black.then he'd get the same praise that obama did

That might be true, but liberals have made it necessary to restrict criticism of this administration.

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During Bush's term, dissent was a civil duty
During Obama's term, dissent was ridiculed
During Trump's term, dissent is a civil duty again.

Make up your fuckin' minds already, eh.

He will try.
He will fail.
He will cry.
He will throw a tantrum.
He will complain on Twitter.
He will lie and say he never tried and call it "fake news".
He will then try the next retarded thing he wants to do and the process begins anew.

You are completely retarded.

can you back yourself up with anything remotely objective? you smell like a russian troll

Liberals in particular have made this administration's goal of a Denuclearized North Korea more difficult to attain. Likewise, our talks with Saudi Arabia and other allies are getting more and more in jeopardy.

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>it will be illegal to criticize this Presidency.
As a Trump supporter, I think that would be awful.

The best way to judge someone is not by their friends, but by their enemies. Trumps enemies make him look better every day.

It depends on whether the president is a fucking piece of braindead criminal shit or not.

Bush > braindead criminal shit.
Obama > not.

obama's executive invocations actually did a lot. Not saying they were good or bad, and the frequency was certainly a transgression.

Trump on the other hand uses executive power like a soccer mom uses hand sanitizer

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>you smell like a russian troll

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user, no need to share your fap folder

OK you could literally be placed in a Patriot Camp for this.

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Liberal Snowflakes have been trying to do away with the Constitutions Bill of Rights or years.
It doesn’t fit their agenda.

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Lay off the meth

name one politician who has made a single motion towards a constitutional convention in the past 50 years.

smoke out you ass

So what?

what part of "no one gives a fuck about america and their shit politics that have no bearing on anyone else in the world" dontcha get there sparky

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The Bottom Line is we need to put on a Unified National Front until the Conflict with Iran has been resolved and liberals are proving to be a security risk.

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Criticism of the Presidency would be an instant 17 week sentence in a Patriot Facility. There you liberals would learn basic civics such as how to manage money and push for lower taxes on the population.

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Hey fiscal conservatism is the shit
I'm on board... good luck with that man
just saying, here in not america we don't give a fuck about Trump. So he's a dick, so what? he doesn't actually do anything. he's no better or worse than the last guy, just another grey distraction for the dumb american masses
sorry friend

Some Muslim bitch
For starters
You loose Asswhipe !

>Trump's a dick

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I get it
he's YOUR dick.... one man's dick is another mans castle or whatever
it's cool!

No man. A 'motion' is not conversation and public debate.
You have to follow strict procedure to begin a convention.
anyone with basic instruction in constitutional law knows this.

>You loose Asswhipe !
I cant wait for all the boomers to die off

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This has got to be a Russian troll thread: Freedom of Speech including the right to criticize the President is fundamental to our Republic. Only somebody from a totalitarian country would suggest this.

>The right to criticize the President is fundamental

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it is. look at how the images are named, and their size. this is not a file organization system a authentic /b poster would use

Half this thread could be put on a list to be placed in a Patriot Facility when they open in 2020.

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This thread is at Page 7. This is unacceptable.
We can do better than this.

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