Alright Yea Forums, what’s your thoughts on the devils lettuce? Feel free to comment on their fb page and post here

Alright Yea Forums, what’s your thoughts on the devils lettuce? Feel free to comment on their fb page and post here

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i'd probably smoke it more often if i didn't throw up every time i do or work at a high profile company

Been a close friend of mine for about 18 years. As long as you consume responsibly and aren't the lazy, worthless stoner stereotype, then enjoy. I feel bad for whoever got busted with all that grass

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>throwing up from weed
holy fuck you are one giant pussy

I saw a buddy hurl once in high school from a bong rip. Pretty funny

gets me to laugh a lil and forget that i want to fucking kill myself

Waiting for my state to leagilize it might start smoking again if they do.

idk i get nauseous from it, at least i'm not a lazy, worthless stoner stereotype

Weed is for pussies. Chad's do heroine

I have my medical card, so every single one of you can suck cock


Well. I used to smoke daily and heavily. I see nothing wrong with it, as long as you are happy and don't let it interfere with your life.

But I save a lot of money and have more energy. I do miss smoking a bowl and taking my dog on fishing trips. That was such a unique experience.

>take a look at this virgin, he still shoots heroine
real chads shoot pure fent into their nutsacks

My state just went legal. In a few months, I'll be able to go get my script

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>Not slamming meth and jerking off for 8 hours

Fuck off, pleb

>$6,000 / lb

Even in non legal, non medical states thats a gross fabrication.

Fucking pigs cant do math.

Going rate is $2,000-3,000 /lb tops, non legal states, grade AAA cannabis.

Go bust a meth lab, pussies.

>3 pounds (4 to be generous)
who the fuck are these clowns?

Mids in the uk costs about £2k per pound, can’t be much more in america... those fucking liars

>what’s your thoughts on the devils lettuce?
its the most perfect recreational drug mankind has access to.

weeds cool for like the first year you smoke it. then it because routine and kinda a waste of money, time and brain cells. i still smoke from time to time. my advice is moderation

>its the most perfect recreational drug
Found the 13 year old

If you've got another contender, present them.

I'm with you man.
I don't know why people enjoy smoking weed, but maybe I'm just allergic to it.
When I smoke it my heart rate becomes inconsistent, I get extremely nauseous, my temperature sky rockets, I can hardly breath like my throat is swelling shut, and it feels like I'm dying.

It's not for everybody; some people don't enjoy it. However lots of people get great benefits from it, so it shouldn't be illegal.
But weed is like everything else: too much of anything is bad for you.
Some people (like myself) can smoke a little every day and it works for them, some people like to smoke every hour, some every month.
It just depends on what works for you.
But weed is not bad, it's just another way for people to alter their conscious state (something people have always looked to do).

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Literally anything else is better than weed. The only thing weed is good for is listening to music and watching funny shit, hence what gave it away that you're underaged. For anything else weed is pointless.

i used to do this alot fat rip made me yack then i got it out then im good to go