Why do you hate black people?

Why do you hate black people?

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Because they hate me.

because their anoying make being in public near them unbearable what less hate tell your ghetto ass cousin to learn some god damn respect and dont be a nigger in public (being loud ect usual nigger behavior)

because they're black

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loud, rude, eat all that hot cheetos at school also like to play the victim role whenever possible

Cause they are racist towards me.

Black people are fine but fuck them niggers.

Because its my right to hate anything I want.
Because freespeech is allowed.

not the people, but the culture. couldn't care what fuckery goes down in africa, but sure as hell hate when they chimp out

Blacks are fine, but niggers are not.

Because they're loud, make grunts like animals, and enunciate their words like a bunch of loud kids with downs syndrome. Anything I can understand from their mouths is stupid and obnoxious.

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Loud, rude, play victim constantly, dress retarded, talk like idiots. When I was younger I didn't really mind blacks and I wasn't raised by a racist family. The more I am exposed to them the more I hate them.

I don't?

trips of truth

trust me, you do
ever been mugged?

Jews are our enemies, not niggers.

I didn't use to hate them. Now i do.

Usually loud and annoying, dumb (i don't see a single black guy in our tech departments), culture is pretty toxic (especially towards each other), usually play the victim (can't say NIGGA LMAO).

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I dont. Any type of negative behavior stems from poverty + culture. It has nothing to do with skin color. I work at a higher end place and any black person I have met has been a good trustworthy person who is fun to work with and competent at their job. Probably what people here are referring to are those that they saw on /pol/ or on youtube.

Now that I think about it, I haven't met a single black person that I would consider smart. I've met many people in different "smart" industries, but so far not one black person is outstanding.

Not really affecting my racism, but it's a noteworthy observation.

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Just dont like em, simple as

>Why do you hate black people?
I don't
I hate people who sexually abuse children and people who abuse animals.

Because they smell like literal garbage. Like, do they ever shower properly, or use deodorant?

im exposed to more than enough niggers at college. They're there to get an education but half of them are barely pulling a 2.0. Competent isn't a word i'd use


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Sandniggers are worse though

I've been deployed, and I can't describe how fucking filthy these sand niggers are. HORRIBLE stench. FILTHY hands. Very respectful, but they're just kissing up to you for something else.

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If true I imagine it still fits with what I had said. I have a feeling you are being disingenuous though. It's possible I have just met the best of them but even when I have met less well off black people they have been more intelligent than what they seem at surface level. Of course that doesn't mean they would work hard but the same could be said about any race.

Work in an ED car in a city. Fuck black people who feel entitled to everything. Refuse to see a primary provider with their free health insurance. ED for everything. And if one child is being seen may as have the whole family check in. No please or thank you. No empathy. Don't even control their spawn. They're too busy yelling at someone over video chat at their child pulls everything off the counter.

My roommate in college is now a PhD in analytical chemistry. Plenty smart

I think it's the fact that my college is recruiting from inner city schools in Philadelphia, and NYC. None of them seem to have any sort of work ethic or seem incredibly articulate. Maybe it's because a bulk of my exposure comes from that but maybe it's just African-American culture and attitudes I don't like idk

That I cant argue with. Inner city/special treatment usually means poverty and I dont respect a thug type culture. It is a response to their situation but I cant endorse it in and of itself. I do think though, if you were to meet a black person in another position, you would be surprised. To contrast I have met some real pieces of shit that were white. Again, they were impoverished and had their own white trash culture to contend with. As an aside, if I had to pick one, I'd pick the white trash culture.

And it is a thug culture. Women opening talk about being a side bitch. They all have multiple children living off SNAP benefits

It's a bad response to their circumstances. I come from an impoverished home and had a lackluster childhood but i'm pulling a 3.8 gpa while by black peers could care less. it's frustrating

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I don’t hate them but I feel like they have had more than enough time and opportunity to live properly and they still don’t. Everyone likes to blame white people for black inequality but they seem incapable of self improvement.

It takes a lot of self control for me to not be racist. But 95% of all the black ppl ive met have been violent, vulgar, trashy ass thieves. I have a good friend whose black and i wish he could be the example for everybody. I was a victim of the "knockout game" but i didnt ger knocked out, just chipped my front tooth and they ran away right after sucker punching me


annoying people, they don't know how to talk. they know how to run the streets, live in apartment they don't live in- tell your polar officer you live here now, live there for a few months for free.

Because I’ve been around them.