I was investigated for viewing child porn when I was 16. AMA
I was investigated for viewing child porn when I was 16. AMA
What the fuck are you doing looking at kiddie porn
I was watching child porn between the ages of 12-16. 16 I slipped and said something on a forum about fucking kids, which I had never done, drugs and lack of sleep led me to doing really stupid shit on the interwebs that night probably, saying I fucked 7 years old wasn't the only that led the investigation teams my way.
Well you dint do anything so nothing to worry about.
Were you caught editing your own videos?
No, I told them that I viewed CP. The went over to my comp asked for password, searched and searched found nothing. I told them that I delete my CP, and the insisted that I show them where CP is, I insisted that I deleted the CP, they said we might have to take your comp and we'd hate to do that because isn't that comp expensive. For some reason they didn't take the comp, instead they took me to the hospital because I said I wanted to kill myself.
How many times did u cum?
well on average 3 times a day. I've been jacking it since the age of 10 and I'm 21 now. So 11 years = 4015 days and 3 times jacking it a day = 12045 times I've cummed probably maybe a little less but I'd say at least 10000 times
So you still watch?
Literally not how this works faggot. If they spend the time and money to investigate you they are taking computer and easily finding deleted stuff
So, you're full of shit and an attention whore. Got it. Kill yourself nigger faggot.
>not posting proof
You're just a faggot who's making up stories again. Shouldn't you be in a loli or trap thread?
You fucking dummy, if they suspect you of child porn they will take fucking everything that can be used to access the Internet and have some computer nerds forensically inspect for evidence. They pull all the information from your ISP to see what sites you have been to. They dont give you options.
look at mr expert over here
Or perhaps there are so many investigations for this, its basically a minor story nowadays, and mostly have no interest unless its someone notable, like a teacher, cop, politician, or just random dipshit they dislike anyway. But a 16 year old kid they could give a shit less because it just costs a ton of money to do all that only for him to get counseling or whatever.
Yeah I'm sure that's how it works.
Was was getting caught part of your plan?
What do you seriously believe the worst that could reasonably happen to a 16 year old for downloading and deleting pizza could be?
you confessed it? and they did nothing? is viewing it legal in your country or - are you bullshitting?
>C. Bane
No one cared who I was until I watched CP.
Do you still watch CP? I don't understand how kids are attractive to pedos, they barely have an ass or tits and look way too underdeveleped. Shit taste but I'm sure your mental illness will give you a reason to be that way.
left guy literally pic related
Not him, but where I live, 10 years in a state penitentiary and a lifetime on the sex offender registry. We just made loli sex dolls illegal.
my old neighbor got caught for downloading cp. he told the new neighbors that it was his son who was downloading it. the son hasn't been living there in years.
what made you decide to look at that shit? its not even good compared to normal double anal fisting double scat style
I wonder how'd he got caught in the first place
why did you watched that shit? are you insane?
>12yo does dumb thing online
>21 still does the same dumb thing
when i was 13 i never thought about “mmm what if i saw cp and said i fuck kids to my comps. yeah that sounds like a great idea. OP is retarded
Wouldn’t a 16 year old looking at CP not be a crime though because they’re also a child technically?
Might as well go out and kill some kindergartners, it's not a crime because they're all kids too, right?
were you on drugs at the time? OP says he was.
Yeah super job on answering my question retard, gold star for you
>hurr durr let’s arrest all the teens with nudes of themselves on their phone
Wow, all I got was three years probation.
doing something illegal is still legal no matter your age
what place makes owning a doll illegal?
and how to they determine what age the doll is?
You’re not an adult though so you can’t get in trouble
Florida, USA.
'childlike features' So I guess 3 feet tall and no tits will get the cops after you.
>You’re not an adult though so you can’t get in trouble
You fucking what?
>You’re not an adult though so you can’t get in trouble
They RARELY go after people for 'viewing', unless it's stupidly obvious and someone sees them viewing it. Like the guy who jerked it to pizza on a plane, or the guy literally watching and printing screencaps at a public library. Other than that, they don't really go after individuals for simply viewing, even though it's illegal.
If anything, it's county LE agencies/task forces that monitor P2P networks for distribution/sharing. From time to time they will bust low hanging fruit for simply viewing as PR stunts. They charge them with just possession.
There's just so much of it going on Feds don't even bother subpoena the dozens if not hundreds of IPs tied to downloading the illicit files. Three letter agencies target mass distributors and creators. I mean when the Feds seize a website, they can see anyone and everyone who ever visited the site and accessed what file, etc. But each individual investigation can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds or thousands of manhours. So they target the up-loaders or the people who simply ran the site.
I'm speaking from the perspective of living here in the states, of course.
>t. worked with LE
what if you were into flat chested midgets?
That isn't how it works, dumbass. Being a kid isn't a literal get out of jail free card.
You would think there would be a little common sense in those laws about if a minor is looking at nudes of another minor close to the same age they wouldn't get branded a sex offender, but that's not how those laws/judges work.
In my state about 6 months ago there was an incident of a 14 year old girl sending nudes to a couple of her male classmates. One of the male's mother found the pictures and flipped her lid. The 14 year old girl got charged with child prostitution and manufacturing cp. The guys all got charged with downloading and viewing cp. Everyone got stuck on the sex offender register for life.
The girl got sent to juvie till she was 18 at which point she gets transfer over to real jail and has to serve a 10 year sentence. The boys are all in juvie till they are 18. Basically all their lifes are ruined now.
The funny part is if the girl had just gone off with those boys and got fucked stupid then everyone's life would have continued on as normal and no crimes would have been committed because of the romeo and juliet laws we have in the state.
Damn that’s pretty fucked, what an actual joke where there are real criminals out there to apprehend
I am a Young, 17, i'm legal? :v