since you guys will argue about anything. Who's better a hippie or a stoner?
Since you guys will argue about anything. Who's better a hippie or a stoner?
Whichever one is pro-skub.
Why not both?
The fuck is skub?
Whichever one she is
They both suck. All I will say to indicate my leaning is that I'm sick of every fucking "stoner" out there who thinks all it takes to have a personality is to light up and say cheers every 10 minutes.
>pretending not to know
what a faggot.
Cheers man
then what about hippies?
Acid > Weed
they are both pro skub
Eh, so long as they have some semblance of a personality they're not totally detestable.
so you will conclude with hippies winning?
Hippies are great!
........I really don't want to. Can't there be an option C for christssake?
what would you think as a option C?
Dreadlocks make a good handle, whether you want to face-fuck one or throw it in the garbage
Hepatitis C
i mean personality wise
Sorry, could you rephrase that in a way that makes sense?
the hippie culture. and the typical mindset between most of them
Sorry, not getting what you're trying to say
Hippies are almost always stoners or drug users but a stoner isn't always a hippie. So what are you getting at? Better how? because the terms are somewhat interchangeable
Do i have to fucking choose? Both are delusional but if i have a gun to my head, id choose the extreme; hippies. At least theyre so lost in the world that its funny to watch them ramble about it all making sense to them. Stoners believe themselves as messiahs. If you videotaped a stoner and showed what he says on a regular basis to a sober person, youd be hardpressed not to find someone who would scoff and call the stoner at hand a retard. Hippies can at least pass as mentally handicapped and no one really bats an eye because theres no hope them after doing copious hallucinogenic trips.
I think you're confusing two posters.
by stoner i mean the type of person who sits in his appartment watching netflix, smoking weed, and eating pizza. with hippies they do shit like hitchike, do LSD beside a campfire, sleep in vans, etc
But my man I thought the way it worked was not all stoners are hippies but all hippies are stoners
i worded that wrong so i meant, the hippies that do shit like hitchike, do LSD beside a campfire, sleep in vans, etc
I like the wah wah wah look at my tits hippies, at least the ones that are relatively young and don't smell too bad
That wasnt me, that was this guy
You do realize more than one person can post in a thread, yeah?
That wasn't me
Or, you could stop letting your dick run your life and altogether NOT take the chance of getting hep C. Just a thought.
Jesus fucking christ, read.
I'm safe, I always use a hemp condom for protection and only practice homoepathic sex
kek, so easy to bait
Hey wasn't me fam.
No but legit I missed that earlier post so my bad.
Read OPs original statement
>who's better a hippie or a stoner?
idk tbh I think hippies are kind of gross, and I think stoners are so obsessed with pot thinking it's the second coming of jesus that I find them annoying. You really can't have an intellectual conversation with either group
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck hippies
Always bring some delouser for afterwards
Annnnd this is why ill never surround myself with youthful stoners. Love weed, hate the smokers. They try too hard to troll. They think theyre funny. Theyre unaware of how stupid they are. They damage control EVERYTHING any time theyre wrong. Etc. Etc.
Baiting a stoner thread makes you a stoner?
I cannot answer that question without making broad, blanketed statements at a large group of people. That's just dishonest, disingenuous, and pushes stereotypes. Fuck your question and fuck you OP! What a jackass.
was this you at birth?
The fuck's your deal, man? You're going off about random shit like it even matters. You need to grab some chill before you have an aneurism or some shit.
Are you high?
the dreadlocks makes her a hippie
LOL is that super meatboy's deformed cousin?
no its
You can't be a hippie without weed and that's a fact
whatever this is, it’s pure evil
LOL yeah both comments are mine. Neato pic. Where can I find more?
Nah. There's overlap but you don't have too. I know plenty who actually hate weed because it makes them paranoid and only do acid or MDMA.
that thing is in the middle
>centrism is evil
wrong person
Stoners, hippies are scum
how so?
Aww shes possibly had a surgery on her reproductive system, god speed hippie chick.
Some of them preach about being a good person and loving nature and the animals, then they turn around and do huge lines of drugs that probably have links to child or forced labour, or the new breed of urban hippie wearing sports brands, also the spoils of slave and forced labour.
with stoners they think that they are super healthy because they smoke weed but they dont know the diffrence between thc and cbd
hippies a by long way
The difference between a hippie and a stoner is 60 years
hippies did shit to help the world. stoners sat in their apartments eating pizza