Celeb bread- Yea Forums crashed last time I tried this edition
Celeb bread- Yea Forums crashed last time I tried this edition
Other urls found in this thread:
How does one become an under stage leg grabber?
Kill yourself, it is your only way to happinesss.
how does one get more victoria open mouth pics?
That's not his job, he just snuck in there
He's in prison now but he still says it's the best decision he ever made
I want to push VJ'S palm to the edge of that white background
İ was a junıor ın hıghschool ın 6/26/1998
>I want to push VJ'S palm to the edge of that white background
I want to push VJ into the monkey cage
>That's not his job, he just snuck in there
>He's in prison now but he still says it's the best decision he ever made
>İ was a junıor ın hıghschool ın 6/26/1998
>Kill yourself, it is your only way to happinesss.
>I want to push VJ into the monkey cage
You rang?
>how does one get more victoria open mouth pics?
One makes a wish
Worth it tbh
Not sure.
I want to find this damn gay porn spammer and set him on fire
>You rang?
And blows.
>>^ınb4 jaılbaıt^
ınb4 jaılbaıt, "bruh"
That "not falling back into old habits" thing I mentioned would have been a good place to start, I think. I don't know, tho. I'm no expert.
>old habits
:c u weren't supposed to see me like this
work time now, you can enjoy the thread without worry
Kool Ranch is not a life style, mah nigga
Poast moar dicks
I want to push VJ off President Harrison Ford's plane
Everyone has a little slip up now and again, and I'm in a good mood, anyway. I'll just close my eyes and pretend nothing happened.
Where would we be without faith?
I want to push VJ back into a respectable color spectrum
qt pietooty
Better in motion, tbph. It's just not the same when you can't see the jiggles.
Why is my grandmother's couch wearing a blonde wig in the background?
my apologies
now I wanna see the jiggles O.O
I want to push VJ'S facial skin back to expose her mighty mighty cheekbones
holy ...
can I have the front? ... because of scientific interest
*Much* better.
No u
lel I thought that was you
Ok bck
I'm not *actually* trying to hide, or anything. I'm partly being lazy, and partly just enjoying perving from the shadows, so to speak.
Especially u
Kum fir Kloss Kool Katz
Well enjoy that
very appreciated
was hoping for a bit more jiggling tho :/
sry for being so greedy
perving from the shadows ... that does sound like you
>I want to push VJ'S facial skin back to expose her mighty mighty cheekbones
Thats not very kind,
go eat some Natives alive with Melissa-fag, her people were cannibals
I know, right?
I am, and I will. Thank you.
Hey, not in front of everyone.
You were the dick poster, weren't you?
for me is this whore
how could this happen
You love it
I'm just trying to kill some time
And VJ
See, mention of cannibalism & he goes straight for eating cock
Well now I am jealous.
prime fuck meat
Who did you post before?
Kiki do you love me?
>ywn sip orange juice while staring at sexy Barbara's titty crack
Maybe ... ?
Nobody before, only been here a month or two
inb4 rapnuzzle
Jealous? Why's that?
No comment, sweetness.
Natanon stop making me cum on disc so often, I‘m only human.
inb4 jailbait
What time is it?
In ninka-time...
would like to push her shits in
What manner of trickery is this
Define jailbait
That is a very sexy Nina
why is my bus so short?
smells fishy here
breh the wind is sounding real spooky tonight
I'll spook your butthole
girls that look underage but aren't
Whats wrong with that if they are 18+?
It's cold as shit here. What happened to summer?
I know I complained about it being too hot but this isn't what I meant :/
Come visit sometime pls
she was fine ass hell on gotham
pls don't
maybe that was just it, that was the whole summer, gone until next year :c
because I know exactly who's getting smooches from who :P
Why does sexy Nina show her punani to street people?
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
>one off
because sexy nına ıs nınja la femme nıkıta
are underage but look older, or just look so good its trouble..jail, bait
don't baıt me
I like sports because of reasons
somebody punched a cow
Contemplate compassion
typical bong
can't make up his mind
neither summer nor europe
Anons: if i were to get a collection of julia louis-dreyfus pics and post them, would you jerk off to hit? I love seinfeld era julia but shes been a total milf for a long time as well.
I'm sober I lost all my digit collecting powers
No idea but they are still called that
Fffff I remember that pic, came from Rolling Stone, I was in high school and my parents had a subscription
how's your doggos?
why would they do that? Cows are for milking or eating. Not for punching
You're missing out, you know. The weather's lovely down here.
Oh, I see. I thought you might.
nothing wrong with that. faggots gonna fag
probably time I started thinking of going to sleep soon
cows are not for either. go vegan
Actually flawless
I like her ass
Like anyone on this shithole website would listen to that.
is that an official invitation?
I like your ass :3
but I like the taste of either, and it's not like I'm buying it off the supermarket
I have local farmers that I know who provide it to me *slightly* overpriced
that whole vegan movement is just a result of us being able to afford thinking about shit like this, 100 years ago basically everyone would have laughed at you
You constantly seem to underestimate me.
she running away
because she is way to shy for compliments
have a good night :)
I bet those shoes smell good
thanks :3
What was that term you mentioned the other day? Stumpf, or something like that? You're built to be underestimated.
Would you like it to be?
and in 100years it will be too late to go vegan because we killed our planet
I complimented you user ^*^
you are weird
Ay dios mio
go to bed dadfu
k ill go
hmm I don't venture very far south much, would need a very compelling reason
sleep well qt I'll miss u
thanks. I make a lot of sport like her
but this is weirding me out
If you think dadfu is the only footfag in these threads you're going to be really surprised.
Yes :)
Poor bindi :(
Lets see those fat tits
you and your constant flattering. I'd complain if it wouldn't work so damn well on me.
you are probably right, I think the issue is that we are facing a multitude of problems nowadays each of wich could spell our doom if unattended
humanity might be closer to extinction than ever, but if we fail to manage even a single one of these crises ... I'm sorry then we didn't deserve a chance as a species anyways
What kind of a reason could I *possibly* tempt you with? Is the lovely weather not enough?
C go to bed
Need that sitting on my face
not always a bad thing to be different
İt's 8:45am, Monday mornıng ın Japan rıght now.
I'm sad that the odds of seeing her nude is effectively 0%, unless we get lucky enough to have leaks
little ari went to the mall!
first she stopped at seven different clothing
outlets and in each one little Ari found so
many eye hopping items that she liked she
felt her little bum tingle and pop! excuse me,
said an old lady at once while grabbing her
lace handkerchief to wipe her nose of little
Ari'sd bum exhausting lurch! excuse me in
another store, another middle aged lady in a
white flowing gown repeated to Ari's bum
drum drumming as little Ari: "Excuse me;
excuse yourself, little Ari did no wrong!" the
lady, "The nerve," and trounced away in a
huff! proclaiming when morning hits on
Monday's morrow she was going to contact
the city's pollution officials and report on little
Ari's bum puffs! those greenhouse gases and
ozone depletioners make cross label only one
on Miss little Ari from Musician's Praised
Musess to Environmental Terrorist
Maniacist! little Ari watched her intently
depart, and because of all her words in an
accusationist frame so wedded proust her
small lips out flat on her face and made a
curtailing pout! she made two inquisitives to
the store manager to prove her good and
without fault sayed, while saying she is a
giant and muscled bum putter, when she is
excited from the lines and rack of wonder
clothes, and no fault it is of little Ari's bum to
be depletioned in the same mood as little Ari's
swell head, in the same vein excited, and
purpose given to jump to a quick rouse!
sniff sniff sniffing little Ari turned in the next
store and there was an older man who had
bent himself down and was greedily
gumming up little Ari's thrilless bum
rumblings saying, "Beautiful stunning
beguiling and charming; please don't stop
on account of my arousing face!" after which
little Ari took cuttleledge to stop clothing
shopping for her day and provide for herself
and her bone dry mouth a refreshing drink
of some sort!
*whispers* yes?
Why complain when it's true?
Thanks man :)
hmmm... I'll have to give that one a think
out of nowhere barb attack
say what
My penis is hard
most of the time it is pretty bad. like 95%
5% need to be good
and don't be too much different or it will be really really bad
didn't have to spell it out for everyone :P
Oh ... I'm sorry :(
I'm a pervert.
Take your time. I'll ask again later, shall I?
why do you think so? :(
probably you are normal like all
all all all all all all all all all all all
good way to die
Wanna buy sum fug?
All I do is come on celeb threads and abuse myself.
little Ari was in luck! she took ten steps and
there was as if on demand in a apple tree
nooch, a woodpecker's hole, a store called
The Thirst Quencher - Fruit health drinks
served here! here little Ari stepped inside
and there was several men slurping up their
good healthful drinks, which when they spot
on little Ari's small frame seem beglued to
step looking lively on, with their eyes bent,
her bum cheeks! little ari ordered and the
men who wouldn't look away were swayed
into musing knife gaws, rubbernecks, gouge
eyes, bowling expressions of awes with their
gapes! little ari didn't like it! and made a
frowned and angry expression on her face
as she made her way out!
I'm sure I'll have something in mind by then
how are you qt?
I love that qt birth mark.
Little high, little horny, little sleepy
Hbu patooty?
I am not sure I wanne hear what the abuse is.
I will jump over this kind of information and dodge it
did you notice you can see her boobs?
So fuckhuge
it so sexy
one of the better ones I guess D:
what if the answer is yes? :P
Good, good. You'll know where to find me.
lel that sounds like a good combo, I'm lovely thanks :)
I actually didn't :O
I won't say anything more about it. No worries.
Oh fuck, those are massive.
you need to tell her. what happenedededed to her sister?
sometimes less information is better
Makes me happy qt
I haven‘t prepared for a yes and I‘m too high to do it now so I will improvise if it is.
I just want to jerk off, but the image limit is stopping me.
Stop masterbaiting
Fuck man, her curvy body would look so good riding cock