Pennsylvania Bread. Happy Sunday boys

Pennsylvania Bread. Happy Sunday boys

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any 412 fags here?

Used to be for a few years

570 here. Hope this thread stays alive, PA thread seem to die out pretty quick.
Looking for some homies to smoke the devils lettuce with

Wish I had the vid

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What part of 570?

near tunkhannock

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We close

Who’s got the nudes or pics

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wya in 570


Post Quakertown sluts!

im sorry lmao

Any 215 Lower Bucks bros here? Can never find any wins from my area even though it's full of empty headed sluts

what up Yea Forumsros your usual sunday night 717 reporting in

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What part of 717?


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412 fag north hills

what years?


What do you mean what years? Like how long have I lived here?


Where at?

North side you?

do you know her?


Grew up in Northside (observatory hill) I live right off of Brighton rd now in ross

Cool I almost went to that park in observatory hill yesterday to go for a walk. I live across river from the strip.

Riverview is nice I used to go there all the time as a kid, now I take my 1 year old up there. You up in Troy hill by chance?

Anyone know?

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Yooooo 570 my guy

Pretty much

I'm in WB

I used to live on Valentine across from Gardener Field and north catholic

I know exactly where that is very close

outside harrisburg

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Well this is a long shot but do you have anyone named Jackie?

My man, have anybody good?

idts Yea Forumsrother

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724 reporting for duty

Love that smile

same user

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Looking for Kylie G
She has huge tits

current list of girls not traded and unseen

trista amber Dough(er)
Becca Thom(son)
Ashlie Alve(s)
Amy (lom(bardo))
Bailey )hay(d)e)n
heather "a sheet of paper"
Megan (sailwithus) sex videos
cayla (be)tres(s) like dante's inferno

and ton more.

all have videos.

kik 570winning only doing this for the next 2-3 hours. only if you got something worth it.

Initials BB?


Destiny )for(t)e) like the night

Where in 724

How do we talk without doxing one another

No clue lol, we'd have to figure out somewhere to meet on here

814 checking in. Anybody from glendale/mo valley area?

Lie Bold?

Becca, Ashlie, andmegan are all very hot

717 reporting in

Thanks anyway man

Make a junk email.

Is it all zoomers on here now? I haven't been on Yea Forums in many years.

I dont know what a zoomer is... I'm making one now

this is now a FETÖ thread. post your best fetö's

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any skook girls?

GBurg. Kik? I'll say name when I connect. I need it alllllll

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Anybody know a redhead with huge tits from lancaster? Initials m.c

Any 484 Pottstown?

Anna L, Back Mountain
Anyone have anything else from there?

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years from hs

I graduated '11


Anyone recognize?

They all look alike

True haha

I love 717. Such good whores

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724 Cal U whore sends nudes (797) 6164

Fuck off spam nigger


whats up bro

That's a bold move cotton, hope that's a burner phone


it isnt

anybody have West Chester?

Anyone know?

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got kik?

215 reporting in

Any spanish chicks?

Nope but I just listed a new junk email up above

570! 570! 570!

Any Neshaminy, Wood or Villa girls?

Any hits from 717, red lion/dallastown area?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Got kik?


Yes I do. What’s your name? I’ll pm you

Gburg or Fairfield people? Kik tribcumm


yeeee post some titties brah or sell me some weed lmao

She’s west Chester

215 here too


which part?

Any more near Tunkhannock??

724 send me them cocks Yea Forums 797-6164



Truman girlssss

Let's see um!!


Who’s got 610 nudes

wym who I live near Tunk

724 here. Any SJHS sluts?

717 york?

Can you post what you have?

Please post ashlie on here

717 Elizabethtown anyone?

I second that

deleted my stash after i got with my current gf sorry bro


Dont let it die!!

Keep it going

Please keep this thread going

Name? She looks familiar

Anyone from PA get the fuck in here

why? these PA threads die because everyone is stingy af and just asks for shit without posting

never going to happen, i Have vids of her with her bf and masturbation videos from live chat

Devon from PSU?

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Send some screenshots

I mean the more people in here the better, either way.

Anyone got Kara from Hopewell/Aliquippa?

how ab some holly from Tobbyhanna. I know shes got some nudes out there


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Is this chicks name April? Also bump for parkesburg hoes

Initials are RL

Anyone got any from Tunkhannock. Gotta try one more time?


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New Castle user here

Hello fellow 724

I’m at Chippewa, you?

Bumping for more posts

Dont want this to die

570 come on in

you got any lettuce nigga ill meet you in tunk

lower bucks here. where specifically?

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IDK you got nudes?

What’s your kik?


724 checking in

724 text me meet me in cal ill suck you dry 797-6164

Anyone got aubrey 570. Sells pics. I heard vids too

Yo so many requests for 570 but no takers. Wish I could help

Anyone have AS near Tunkhannock. Has a private snap

kik jaagod12 for 215 area , lansdale , montgomery county surrounding some bucks co

ill show you my cock

Lol not what I meant

didnt know there were so many people from Tunkhannock and surrounding area on here. wild



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Agreed lol

Got a pic?

meet me at the tunk walmart ill show you my shaft for some jazz cabbage

Show her naked

@sobemochi on Instagram

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Finally getting somewhere

Doesn’t prove she’s actually naked

Any Ligonier / united girls???

where my 215 at ? kit me up on kik to chat , share, etc . jaagod12

814 here as well but near huntingdon county

Yo we can't let this die!

You know she is.

Get over it. Keep begging.

Serious trades 570winning

Literally anyone post something good

814 Holding it down

Can also show more proof pics on kik if you got a list.

Post one actually nude and I'll hop right in

Where at in the 814

God damn this thread is pathetic. We could be networking, making friends and connections, improving all of our loves. But you are all like zOMg N00dzzzz plz fucking pathetic zoomer faggots

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Any nudes of this slut, I forgot to check back in last bread

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If we could network, we wouldnt be on Yea Forums


True that


anyone near dickson city with good thc carts?

This thread looking weak. Bumping to see who can shake it up a bit

215 and 267 here. Got a lot of weird overlap in my part of Central Bucks

Not begging, just saying facts

Copy that

Got a kik?

Any Wilson

570 let's get in strong

kik jaagod12 for montgomery and bucks county

I agree it sucks, nice trips btw

Aye one last bump up here

Not gonna happen everyone from 570 is a stingy fuck

Not anymore. Also no social media.


Anyone know this swinging slut?

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814 milfs?

717 lanc

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anyone want more ?

724 standing by. Any Latrobe/Derry?


lmao. no. trade only. sorry bud.


Lindsey F from Williamsport/570. Wins?

And to the fag last night who complained about me posting her all the time, you can fuck off.

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Have anyone else I'd know? From the Tunkhannock area


Wavee234 kik Berks

814 here

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I'll go win for win of Waynesboro

Any pussy?

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Any from oxtorara/avon grove charter/ coatesville?

Any full nude?

destiny f-o-rte
nicole c--ha-rn-ey (before babies when she was 20)

Full face or nah?

Second this, been looking for Brielle O from Charter

not that i have , all mine are bra thong and etc.

I know the first girl she has massive tits


Any 814 from somerset?

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Still hot imo


tunk is small. Have tons of scranton to wilkes-barre.

dude, out of 200 total girls, maybe one is hot

"Tunkhannock Area High School declined to 836 pupils in 9th through 12th grade" Wiki pedia.

so that same graduation rate. 18-22 your looking at 4 a total of FOUR semi - actual hot girls.

seriously, get out of Noxen.

You are sexy

Yeah I suppose that's fair. Who might I know elsewhere. Other than ashlie

how should i know? throw some names out there dude...

Sup to all the 570 fellas.

Down in the scranton area

post them bro this shit is dying wtf

kik jaagod12 for her and other 215

Any Lebanon sluts?

Anyone from like prep, Lakeland or surrounding? Or U of S?

No. Good bologna tho

Anybody in Roxborough/Manayunk?

Any butler chicks? Post em upppppp

So many 570 dudes here. From Plymouth myself.

Bumping for 215, someone be a hero and drop Taylor N


Dallas here

You don't have any more

Got any nudes to show?

570 here, any past Hanover grads?

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Show them nudes

Like who?

Unfortunately no but anymore 570 nudes would be great

post a non nude of her so i can see if im thinking of the same brielle

Same girl

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dont be pussies. Y'all said u had Waynesboro so let's get to it

anyone save this? i'd like to see

reporting very close by, faggot. no girls sorry

drop an example homie

Anyone know Tabitha from Penn Hills

Do you know Hannah E?

From 724 Washington Pa. Actually retarded

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SHelby Zimmerm(an) cause i can't stand the girl

from P-tpwn

incoming now people share.

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Finally some good pics

I also have a few videos i have to edit cause.

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Anyone have anything from Kutztown?

brackney whaddup blazin now


believe i have the ashlie / trista/ megan stuff now?

More of the 724 retard

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Yes please

More please. I'd love to shove my dick in her tight little ass.

Please stop

You have them. Post em up

Sure I'd go one for one

Who's got Jade G??

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where in 570?!?!

Who do you have?

Anyone with Irene P - Ambridge 724


This thread is lame.

Any interesting people in the 412 want to talk and possibly meet up? Let's chat.

Got kik? If so post your user. Shits dead here anyway

what part?

any ridley/delco? Looking for Ridley HS classes between 11-14. Cindy M (rhymes with hiller) in particular. Went to WCU as well. Kik is gtgashina


Reporting in about 20 mins from Maryland boarder

Looking for Hanover class of 16

godspeed brother welcome home

We've talked before. Damn

215 philly boys

anyone in 570 wanna meet up and smoke

Message me anyway?

Kelly S wins would be great


Kik wamkat9077 for Waynesboro Chambersburg Hagerstown

Didn’t work


Christy M

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