How does it feel to know gays will be shoving their pride down your throats for the next month...

how does it feel to know gays will be shoving their pride down your throats for the next month, and you are just gonna sit back and take it like a little bitch

Attached: pride.jpg (513x712, 83K)

Fly off buildings

Honestly, I don't care much. People do what they do, and, as long as it has no effect on my life, I really am not too concerned.

oh no you are gonna take my massive dick down your throat and you are gonna like it, your're not a biggot are you?

No, I'm no bigggot, but I will pass on that. Thanks for the offer.

i wasnt really get on your knees boy

I'm fine with it because 1) they don't "shove their pride" down anyone's throat and 2) you're a jackass.

nigga u gay

Piss off twink

I picture a fat dude wanking while typing this. Makes you wonder who is behind this post.

Don't bother me, I'm the guy shoving it down you throat

Sounds gay but okay

sounds like you've role played this more than once, very OP of you

Fat wanking guys make up the vast majority of Yea Forums

Proud to be part of a nation that allows people to be what they are.

Good guess then -.o

shove your pride down my throat and shoot your pride juice inside

>shoving their pride down your throats
Hmm. Best felt that way. Easy enough to ignore if you don't like it. Didn't even in know there was a month for that.

Why did you double tag? Are you a fucking idiot?
Signs point to yes

>yeah I love pride month finally can show what I'm proud for
>I'm proud of having a (..) collection
>I'm proud of myself for having a good sleep schedule

Shit like this pisses everyone off at campus, just turn pride into pride for anything but gay and it enrages them

not really

Jokes on them, I'm a socially isolated shut in!

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Approach me in public and I'll drop you within seconds faggot

>a ambulance

I don't care.

I do what I want. I let others do what they want.

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Nah. You're making shit up, then raging at your own imagination.

Eh, they're statistically more likely to kill themselves than the default so how "proud" can they really be?

everyone should celebrate

Attached: canadapride.png (720x603, 638K)

The greatest insult is how no one is giving you attention. You fucking nigger.

>pedophiles are what they are. Ain't no one looking out for them

What country? Sorry?

Well considering last night i had 2 random guys off of the internet stay at my house. They both took turns pound my ass and putting their dicks in my mouth. I probly wouldnt complain

Life is hard when your sexuality deviates from the norm.

No feels, don't care, let them be happy and celebrate.

OP, Why are you such a miserable insecure hateful lonely incel?

im gay and i didnt even know this was a thing

Bro, didn't you know? Legally you're only allowed to feel proud this month. You better get on it dude time's running out.

damn i never feel pride thanks for letting me know

>a ambulance
>an ambulance

Well I'm pro-liberty so, good for them.

Honestly I don't care anymore. I walked away from the world a while ago. My only interactions are through this place and family.

This is just more of the same we've come to expect. All degenerates do this. They have a constant need for validation from others in order to soothe their conscience. It's a coping method. They know what they're doing is wrong and they're constantly worried other people know it too and might think badly of them for it.

It's the reason they're so oversensitive and unreasonably hostile. When they go out and parade their degeneracy around they're looking for "acceptance" and when you don't give it too them they get super pissy. How dare you not give them what they want! What they're entitled! Reeeeeee. It's always about the specific degeneracy they indulge in and nothing more. For fags it's faggotry, for niggers it's niggatry, for theists it's theism, for women it's feminism etc. It's a weakness that is easily exploited. The only people who don't have this issue are white people which is why an artificial guilt has been placed on them.

No reason to stay connected to a world that encourages this sought of behaviour. It's sick and very embarrassing. I suggest you all stop caring about and contributing to this shitmess of a society as well or at least keep your interactions too a minimum.

I 100% agree with this. If you think this way please cut yourself off from society.

Sort of true, sort of not.

In the early 1900's women fought for their suffrage, and they behaved somewhat similarly to the gays marching. They didn't act out quite as much in terms of violence or degenerate behavior, but they were still called degenerates and some women's marches were actually attacked and turned violent.

Today we view their movement as a victory, and choose not to remember the bad parts of it. I wonder if history will treat homosexuals the same way.

But really it's the pedophile movement that makes me wonder. It's coming up on the heels of this "sexual revolution" that the gays are championing. Even though gays are trying to distance themselves from it, many of the points the homosexual community are making (born that way, not hurting anyone, etc) are being used the same way by it.

It’s real easy to support lgbtq+ folks and not pedophiles and to not even conflate the two at all.

I would disagree.

Homosexuals say "We're born this way."
Pedos say the same thing, and it's true.

Homosexuals say, "We're not hurting anyone."
Pedos can argue the same, there are plenty of kids who've engaged in sexual relations with older people who are just fine.

Homosexuals say, "We're contributing members of society."
Pedos are the same.

Homos were hated on for years as the worst sort of abominable filth.
Pedos are getting that now.

Homos had to deal with, "Don't ask, don't tell." (In other words, it's ok that you're gay, as long as you're not being.. you know, gay."
Pedos get the same shit.

The correlations go on and on, it's the same fight really.

Also, don't forget that for many years homosexuals and pedophiles were literally viewed as the same thing. If you said you were a homosexual, people assumed you were gonna rape their little boys.

In many ways, homos and pedos are fighting the same fight.

Lots of people are outcasts and 'outside the norm' and their suicide rates are far lower. The suicide rates are high because these people have a mental illness. Same suicide rate as people with BPD and other mental disorders.

Knowing that half white and half asian children have at least double the risk for mental illness makes me shy away from asian women entirely. It's not that they're bad, they're just not a good mix for me.

Because they are the same thing. Sexual deviants tend to have extreme sexual predilections.

Sure I mean, you could say all of the same thing about heteros except don’t ask don’t tell which was imposed by restrictive societies. Drawing similarities doesn’t change the fact that you need two consenting adults to have sex.

You're correct, but the argument then turns to how you define consent. Just because the government says it's illegal isn't stopping people (teens, and even younger kids) from having sex. Personally I'm of the opinion that the government should stay out of our sex lives.

I'm just saying that most of the points the lgbtq community is making go hand in hand with pedophiles also. It's mighty hypocritical of the lgbtq+ community to say "sexual freedom for us and everything we do" and then turn around and tell the pedos, "nothing for you because we hate you."

Either you support sexual freedom, or you don't.


It’s not hypocritical because having sex with underage children who can’t consent is abuse. Two consenting adult men having sex isn’t abusive in the least. There’s a very very easy line to draw there and it’s not hypocritical to say let’s go this far and stop at child abuse.

OMG JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!