Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

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Obvious bait is obvious

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Because it became popular and like everything else, they infiltrate it and ruin it for everyone.

How is this bait? Liberals absolutely ruined Game of Thrones

they do the same thing to literally everything they touch

How do we stop liberals from ruining other things that normal people like? Especially LOTR because I have a feeling they're going after that next

ITT faggot losers

The only "faggot loser" here is you

Make something yourself that becomes popular and don't sell out to the jew.

Says the faggot loser on Yea Forums crying about his dragon tv show

Great advice, faggot. Because I have millions of dollars and actors on call to star in my fucking TV show. Any other useless advice while you're here?


Kill yourself

Do you need a safe space? You seem extra triggered for some reason

Sure, but you first, deal? :)

Did the guy who wrote the books have millions of dollars and actors on call faggot?

You need to be at least 18 to post

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He didn't write the books with the sole purpose of making a TV show, fag. Is google not too hard for you to use?

Not an argument, snowflake. Try to stay on fucking topic.

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Imagine being SO triggered you have to spam threads you don't like. Someone get a faggot a fucking safe space.

Someone sounds a little upset

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Yes, that someone would be you. Maybe you should head on back to fagbook? They have safe spaces there.

Is this opposite day and no one told me?

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Why are you still here? We don't have safe spaces on Yea Forums. Fagbook will take you in though.

You ok, man?
You seem to have a lot of pent up frustration

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What's wrong, is fagbook down for you? There's always plebbit, plenty of safe spaces for you there.

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Because thats what liberals do?

How did liberals have anything to do with the new GoT seasons being absolute dogshit?

Did you not WATCH the fucking show?

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I did and it was trash
Now explain