>calling bisexual people "bihets" is harmful and not tru-
Calling bisexual people "bihets" is harmful and not tru-
you sound bitter....perhaps you were turned down?
That's the only argument bishits can ever make?
"waaah a guy i liked wanted to fufill his biological urge to reproduce which appearantly im too mentally ill to not have"
>This just in people like to be in charge of their identity.
Wow, who knew??
But getting bisexual doesn't necessarily mean they like both sexes equally, nor that they intend to have long term rituals with both sexes. Would you be satisfied if there ward a more equal distribution? Or do you think bisexuals need to be in a relationship with both sexes at the same time to be truly bisexual?
>Would you be satisfied if there ward a more equal distribution?
>Or do you think bisexuals need to be in a relationship with both sexes at the same time to be truly bisexual?
Yeah, they would be truebi.
They're lying to themselves.
I dunno fam, I've had friends that were just saying they were bi for attention some were legit actually fucking ladies and dudes. It can depend but yeah so fucking many of these people are just doing it to feel "diverse"
just cause i like dicks doesn't mean i want to spend the rest of my life with one.
Hold on. So 1% of lesbian women are in a committed relationship with men? Are these lesbians hot?
Once they settle down, they officially stop being bisexual. It becames a quirky anecdote.
....I'm inclined to agree with you and I hate it
This just in, honest people stay within the bounds of their monogamous relationships.
Thanks. Bisexuality isn't a real sexuality.
Why do you hate it?
Because I for the most part disagree with the whole "bisexuality isn't a real sexuality" on an ideological level at least. But I do see a ton of people in my life that go the quirky anecdote way pretty quick. So, eh I agree but I don't like it.
i'm 34, have a longterm gf, she's aware of me being bisexual, and i'm still attracted to guys.
The only thing is that i'm only attracted to very good looking guy that i was able to fuck when i was 24, but who turn me down now that i'm 10 years older, balder and fatter. So i stop bothering with guys, i pay an escort maybe twice or thrice a years, and most of the fucking i do is with my gf.
If it was as easy as it used to be 10 years ago, i would still fuck guys on a regular basis. But now all i can find on grindr are old fat guy like me, so i stopped bothering
It really is. You can stick your fingers in your ears and claim bi people don't exist all you want (although… why do you even care?). It's not going to stop bi people from being bi.
>already bald and fat
Why don't you eat better and exersize?
Laziness, i can still fuck girls, i don't care enough about fucking guy to change what i eat and bother with exercising.
That won't cure baldness, and how do you know he isn't already eating well and exercising? Maybe he's just unfortunate with his gut bacteria, or has a low metabolism.
>bisexual people
>honest people
dude -- you're a fucking idiot. why do you care who they fuck?
Jeez, who hurt you?
>mental illness comes in varying degrees
yeah. it is not super hard to figure out what is going on with the dude writing this shit. or maybe he's a troll, idk.
we just call 'em part-time faggots
Are you for real? You actually think diet won't make you lose weight?
Lol, the cognitive dissonance of fat people are hilarious.
Because they refuse to accept that bisexuality it's just a phase. That's why so many of them kill themselves. It serves them right, tho.
Yo, are you hetero or homo?
I think Bisexuality is a phase too and not a real sexual orientation.
(It's simply a fetishization of a gender just like being Gay or Lesbian. Not to mention like 70% of Gay men were molested by Men when they were adolescents)
But this isn't evidence that Bisexuals have a phase.
LGBT Population is only 3.5%
That means for Bisexuals to have a same sex partner, they only have a pool of 3% of the population.
But for an opposite sex partner, they have almost 50% of the population.
So they are WAY more likely to have an opposite sex partner.
9% same sex and 84% opposite sex is about right just numerically speaking
You got a source for that 70% stat? I hadn't seen that before.
>LGBT Population is only 3.5%
LGBT is just jewish global capitalism.
bisexual here i love my gf very much AMA
Do you like to take it in the ass?
yeah but i dont because im in a committed relations
So right and so wrong all at the same time.
So, you're gay, good to know. Poor of your cis gf.
Sure, because my wife and I are both bi, and we bring home partners for each other regularly.
All the benefits of a legal marriage (taxes, health, insurance, etc), and the benefits of an open sexual partnership.
>a heterosexual bisexual couple cucking each other on a regular basis
Yeah, it's called an orgy.
Bi here, uh, sexuality and romance are different. I've never met a man I had romantic feelings for, though I know if I did it would be the sort of older tough guy I'm attracted to homosexually. I would say by amount of partners there's way more men, but by time spent in relationships it's women - and I don't cheat on them, with men or otherwise. Meanwhile I've never been in a sexual relationship with a man where cheating would even be considered to exist, if anything we would inform each other of our homosexual conquests.
Honestly the problem is women are only interested in the highest class of men, the modern woman is turning back into the woman of 50,000 years ago in the absence of serious romantic concepts or social procedures. 50,000 years ago only a few men reproduced, at the beginning of the agricultural age these men owned the land. The fact is women are as much natural whores for status and resources as men are almost mindlessly after pussy. Bisexuality is a relief from this, men understand each other and in the absence of women are sufficient. I like men physically superior and more masculine than myself, older, I suppose I'm a male with an Electra complex.
Also I guess I've become somewhat biggoted, women exist to be held down and fucked, though I want a 57 year old truck driver to rape my boypussy I still think women belong on the bottom if I'm fucking one. Women are so lowly you should put a collar on the, with a bell, so everyone can hear you pound them even if they try to keep quiet.
Yes, it's societies fault you're a creeper who can't get laid by a lady.
Well that's pretty fucking bisexual of you
I'm one of those.
ahahhah what
Sounds like you should've said that. Yep you're hetero no doubt.
Yeah, a real bisexual and not someone who fooled around during collage.
I used to think i was bi.... heres a little story.
>be me
>pretty sure im bi
>meet really cool gurl
>we go on a few dates, start hanging out together
>start to like her but in wierd way
>we cuddle but its always just to be comfy for me.
>we get home one day when i walked her home
>she doesnt know if "bi"
>she takes me up to her apartment so she can show me something
>go up
>she closes the door and immediately pulls out my dick.
>jerks it, sucks it, descides were gonna fuck
>im kinda hard but not much
>we go in her room and she pulls off all her clothes
>immeditly feel sick as shes playing with it. Dick is getting softer
>she spreads it open and it makes a noise and convulses.
>i stick my dick in and immeditly take it out
>felt fucking awful. Only had sex with dudes before
>my dick is strait up shriveled in now.
>i get dressed and leave without saying a word
>she keeps saying shes sorry
>go home and wash the fuck outta my dick
>sleep with a guy to purge the pussy feeling
>realize im gay. Like, really, gay.
And now i have a boyfriend.