Trap thread

trap thread

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moar for the love of god.....

There are already like 3 faggot threads up already. Goddam we need a containment board for this garbage. You fucks are as bad as mlp niggers

Attached: 1516255900596.jpg (685x474, 77K)

I've seen that word so many fucking times and I have no clue what it means. (ps am newfag)


least we dont like animated horse cock


Attached: 155933245288.jpg (632x1024, 88K)

>faggot who posts post calling faggots who click on trap threads, clicks on thread of traps.


Attached: 1550824987234.webm (640x480, 784K)

You know why there's more than one and new ones go up so quick? Because retarded closeted niggers spambomb them as an excuse to fixate on traps all day without having to admit to themselves they're kind of into it

Thank you kind user

you are a god OP.......let me worship you

Stop spamming cis girls and puke worthy fat degenerates and we will do only one thread

Attached: IMG_20190601_172817.jpg (2048x1157, 165K)

Is that a wig or some kind of hood?

Kinda looks like
They should do a scene together.

what the fuck does 'sauce' mean

Attached: D2wdXiWWsAEd7X2.jpg large.jpg (576x1024, 59K)

lurk more

First time online? Legit? Hey welcome bro, you don't have to type "www." To go to a website abymore either it's crazy...hahaha! Completely crazy. Alright bud chat ya later.

I don't know, probably a wig

Attached: 155933267553.jpg (1300x2160, 297K)

Too bad about the negroid mutt face

user is asking for the source

I'm gonna need sauce

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This is heavily shooped

hello, may i remind you of rule n°2 of Yea Forums ?
>>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
now GTFO

my asssss.

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What's your Kik? Post more :----)

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Don't worry bro, i gotcha covered

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What part does look shopped?

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>What part does look shopped?

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It means “source”, like asking who “she” is. Fucking new fags, Jesus Christ.

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yeah...i would fuck those asses like never before.

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The hips look shooped


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Not Photoshopped

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dont know names sorry

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I think their CB name is emy_ewans_

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Thanks! :D

They just came online to it looks like.

It means: "I'm a fucking loser and i desperately want to fit in so I copy what I see on the internet so people think I'm cool and not an outsider"

poast grils wif small peeps plz

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You got some interesting tastes user, keep posting moar of what gets you off.

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is that a fucking ape

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it's just a fancy way to say that they've already ejaculated

its a albino nigger, like mike jackson

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lurk moar

It means the person using it is a nigger who has no clue that there are half a dozen reverse image search engines where you can find the best quality source of the image.
Just ignore them like you do niggers

why can't you guys move to some more appropriate board? GTFO right now, you are killing Yea Forums. Think about it, you are killing Yea Forums but you can make some other board bloom.

Attached: Kent_Hovind_mug_shot.jpg (293x213, 9K)

Yea Forums is now a porn board

if you want old Yea Forums go to another chan and do some op's like the christ church thing

Attached: D3WCcD7WwAYP4W_.jpg (675x1200, 150K)

Why do I have to be the one to leave? Fine, I'll let cancer win. Bye.

Attached: maybe if you wrote it in a fucking english I could fucking understand it.jpg (782x337, 45K)

You misunderstand, you are killing /b with your uglyness. Spotty fag neets do not make good porn stars. /b wants the best porn not you ugly fags.

WOW. circumcise that ugly dick and she'd be perfect

Femenine buttholes

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (1126x611, 87K)

you want something that doesn't exist anymore and never will.

it was a moment in time and space and cannot be recreated. sorry you wern't there to see it.

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Any Rhi clit pics?

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challenge accepted, faggot

Attached: FAG1.jpg (1018x764, 173K)

go back to your blacked/cuck threads please.

or maybe your in the mood for an andys log/check em thread. coz they are funny as fuck right.

face it, its over guys. post somne boypucci

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funny coz I don't post in any of those cancerous threads and you post in one at least.

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fuck off kike

gross dude

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need sauce


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Cumiko tha god

dude i cannot thank you enough

I wanna see just how long this turboautist can keep it up, keep making trap threads bros, going to sleep, gonna check the archive tomorrow


Is that john Oliver?

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this "meme" belongs in 9gag, you'll be happy there

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who's this little degenerate?

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saddest GET ever


you need to look at the bigger picture

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thanks, user

I sometimes wonder where to find cute traps like this one to breed

wait is this autistic spammer seriously a fucking polack? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH subhuman toilet cleaner

it only gets worse


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Will someone ridicule my pathetic limp clit?

Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=3M6nZH0yVJx82IrB)original_408829061.jpg (575x919, 56K)

Mary mother of Jesus if you applied any more filtering to your face and neck you could hide on the wall.

Love to suck

I wanna frot it

A guy in a dress whose face has dissolved away with acid, this is not a fucking feels thread

tits and timestamp or you can fuck off you old fat fag

Attached: 348_1000.jpg (640x360, 21K)

dont give this subhuman polack anything btw

hes frustrating his parents were raped by Russians so now he has a big daddy fetish, pshek

Attached: 217_100550.jpg (667x1000, 170K)

kys pawel ur whole family sucks german dick for 5 euros

No filters just me

Attached: 2019-05-15-17-02-47-435.jpg (1200x1600, 926K)

Attached: FagTearsYetAgain.jpg (519x423, 51K)

more like polish tears when ur family were killed in skeetshooting by german n russian soldiers in ww2 lol dog

You have to be trolling me.
post everything you have

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thats the face ur grandpa made when russians raped ur whore grandmother in front of him to inseminate her w your mother

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this is the work of Lucifer?

Any trap anal cum gifs or webmds?

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Attached: 2019-02-02-18-53-02-808.jpg (426x1600, 354K)

just imagine to how many people you are annoying as fuck, you cuntless bitch. I'm not the first one complying, am I?


Attached: 2019-01-21-21-00-23-174.jpg (383x1217, 230K)

Looks cute af

i knew u were a subhuman but i didn't expect a caliber of subhuman such as a p*lack

disgusting, u suck russian dick for 100 roubles

It's a type of finger box new friend. Summer is here. Enjoy your time on our board

Is it the old look, or brand new. Saw another one some time ago, I think there were 10 finger holes

Attached: 136.jpg (600x400, 17K)

Any sauce on this


if you only knew how successful I am you loser. Also my country is the fastest developing in Europe now. Give us 10 years and you will be begging me so I let you clean my toilet. With your amazing sissy tongue of course.

Attached: my band.jpg (600x350, 39K)


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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you people suck dick in my country for 3 euros now kys you pathetic shitstain on this continent and this site

"fastest developing" mexico of europe
literally white niggers, go nuke urself pawel
"how successful I am" as he posts on Yea Forums at 2 am or what ever it is in ur shithole on a monday morning

This dude looks almost exactly like one of my profs looked in first year. She was a complete sweetheart but looked like a harpy.


Attached: 2019-02-01-21-41-44-958.jpg (834x1589, 768K)

my grandmother died at war as a hero

and this is yours

Attached: grany.png (334x284, 223K)

Dont stop I'm going to cum

emy_ewans on chaturbate. no twitter or other social media afaik

Attached: Ko (95).jpg (750x1334, 184K)

your grandfather died watching your grandmother get gangraped by germans n russians polish dog, you are the scum of europe go inhale chernobyl, its pretty close for you

cuck country created with rape, no wonder you're such a reppressed homo

id fuck him

who are these fat inbreds?

Cute af

youre right

Attached: ko kitty.jpg (750x1334, 124K)

Science has gone too far this time

Got moar?

You never lose, you are flawless. You will get a proof for that tomorrow, trust me.

Attached: my ylyl.jpg (1751x781, 188K)

yep, big folder, to bad img limit coming

Attached: Ko (181).jpg (2048x2048, 620K)

shut the fuck up poledog go lick my shoes clean like ur ancestors lol

Damn thats a shame, new thread time...


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>Guys I need to stop weed but I can't. I tried to delete all the number but then I got them back anyway. Now I deleted them 4 or 5 times, no shit lol, and now I memorized this number and I will always has the access and fail to stay away from it. Please help guys. Even my dealer says to chill out with it but I can't, I just abuse it to the maximum as soon as I can lol. Please guys seriously. I can't delete the number, it kept me away for 5 months recently but Noow I'm back in that shit and have been smoking for last 2 weeks everyday.
not only a p*le but a fucking stoner with a brain thats turned to mush, this is the guy thats spamming these threads
fucking zombie

ok the only explanation for it is that a moderator of this website is a trap lover or more likely a man with tits himself.
I must have been a true villain if you had to pull that out, thanks.

stop smoking weed, its obviously fucking w your brain, normal people don't act or think like this, its time to stop


yeah I stopped 3 days ago. I feel better now. Thanks for making me realize I need to be more careful in this place. What the actual fuck....

now stop wasting your time in threads you don't like and you're set

btw. normal people don't think how?



10/10 thanks, dif user here btw

I wasn't spamming, I was fighting for a right case. Sometimes I scroll the whole main page and 95% of the threads are porn and weird fetish related which is annoying and demotivating. But yeah, I know I can't win this. Bye, take care.

Damn babygirl, just get your foot out of the way. I'm not a footfag.

Well, God didn't create him that way.

>95% of the threads are porn and weird fetish related which is annoying and demotivating
that's modern Yea Forums, try other boards, my favorite is Yea Forums


when did this change? i distinctly remember doing it as a kid but don't know why you dont have to now


lurk moar tardboy, link to new bread

i could actually go for that

literally the worst opinion I've ever seen. Nothing ruins a cute dick faster than a dry nub and circ scars. Natural is sleek and aesthetic

Yes. Humans are apes

Post link to OPs vid, can't play it on here

diaf iphone fag

>T. obvious newfag
traps are a Yea Forums invention
This is the home of traps
Has been since mid 2000s
Go eat your own asshole, Kevin