Be me

>be me
>In tech theatre class
>notice the class tard following chick around
>go to see what's happening
>Hear people calling her "his girlfriend"
>he gets pissed and starts barking
>starts saying he's a bloodwolf
>later find out find out hes been pointing imagery guns at people

Should I be worried?

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try to be his friend, maybe he will tell you the date

The U.S. sounds like a terrible place

>The U.S. sounds like a terrible place


It’s is. I don’t know why so many people want to come to our shit whole. Most places in Mexico are better than the us,

they fall for the propaganda, then get stuck in murka trying to live the dream

Anti-American thread.

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>Unironically believing that countries where you're likely to get shot by a barefoot teenager are better than America

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I fought for this country because I love it - and the people in it... save for the lib cities.

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Report to the FBI and take 's advice

Have you ever seen American slums. The junky towns that reek all over the mid west and even in bigger states such as CA and New York. Have you seen the abnormal amount of homeless people in the large cities of America. Did you notice the price of living becoming unavceptably high for most Americans. Have you even noticed the amount of corruption in our government which divides our country with political parities and stupid controversies such as abortions. All the money they spend out our own pockets to have wars half way around the globe to get oil who then sell the oil back to us at unusually high prices. All the tax breaks they give to the rich and make us pay for. It’s not unusual for young kids to get involved in drugs and murders as young as 15. You rich fuck you haven't seen the real America.

Sorry for shit spelling on mobile.

All due to the massive influx of alien Mexicans and Central Americans.

No the us has always been like this.

Try to be friendly with weirdos, they usually spare the friends.

>Underrated post

Hi. You are incorrect. All slums, ghettos have always been attributed to the minority factions and invaders.

The only thing you should apologize for is being a commie.

Have you ever heard of “white trash” and “rednecks”. Yes some of it is by immigrants and minorités but you would en surprised how many whites are actually in those ghettos. It’s quite obvious you haven’t left your parents house and actually explored the us.

Not commie just needed to rant on rich retard.

Again sorry for shit spelling on mobile.

There's a difference between white trash trailer parks and slums/ghettos.

My pint is the majority of the poor people are white because most of the country is white. Not trying to be one of those “I’m not racist” type people but people assume all ghettos are filled with minorities and that’s simply not true especially in the middle United States. Those poor whites have the same struggle as the poor minoriteis and they both pull down the country and commit horrific crimes.

Only your made up racist differences u stupid fuck

Worst advice you can give. Spergos go for friends first.

We really need to help those in poverty in this country. Their pulling the contry back like cancers. It’s not their fault I would probably a junkie committing crimes if I was in their situation.

The real racist is you since the only difference you can see between them is race, nigger.

One is public housing generally the other is privately rented trailers

One is Urban one is Rural.

The list goes on...

Herp derp I live in a trailer in bumfuck nowhere and it happens to be super cheap but I'm still to lazy to get into the middle class so ill pretend pe....ople of a different race are worse off then me to make myself feel better

You said white trash trailer parks, if they where full of Mexicans u would call it a slum or ghetto, at least that's what I gather from your stupidity

Lady, our problem are illegals and minorities. Clean that utter trash up and Make America Great Again.

No I'd call em a barrio, NEXT

They are like that sometimes, what's your point?

The post literealy said there a difference between WHITE TRASH and ghettos, I don't see ghettos in urban America, I see homeless camps under the freeway and in parks, guess what not minority exclusive

I wrote the post and it literally says trailer parks and ghettos.

I personally consider most trailer parks to be white trash.

>I don't see ghettos in urban America
That's where ghettos/the projects started. Urban housing for minorities. It's in the definition of the very word ghetto.

Lmao I’m a lady?
Anyways my point is (if you even read what I wrote before which you didn’t because you saw that huge wall of text and were too lazy to read it) I was exposing that the gutter you mentioned is filled with both minorities and white people and so the problem to clean our gutter would have to include helping or in your case removing both minorities and whites.

Btw trips get titles and time stamp since I guess I’m a lady.

My fault, brother. You seriously came across as an emotional female. My bad.

How do we help them?