Be me

>be me
>In tech theatre class
>notice the class tard following chick around
>go to see what's happening
>Hear people calling her "his girlfriend"
>he gets pissed and starts barking
>starts saying he's a bloodwolf
>later find out find out hes been pointing imagery guns at people

Should I be worried?

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try to be his friend, maybe he will tell you the date

The U.S. sounds like a terrible place

>The U.S. sounds like a terrible place


It’s is. I don’t know why so many people want to come to our shit whole. Most places in Mexico are better than the us,

they fall for the propaganda, then get stuck in murka trying to live the dream

Anti-American thread.

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>Unironically believing that countries where you're likely to get shot by a barefoot teenager are better than America

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I fought for this country because I love it - and the people in it... save for the lib cities.

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