Fags and sjws are taking over the world, they are pushing their agendas and making homosexuality a norm...

Fags and sjws are taking over the world, they are pushing their agendas and making homosexuality a norm. Especially with this gay pride month which should have never been a thing, how can we stop this? What does Yea Forums feel about this

Attached: fags.gif (623x622, 12K)

some kind of trap bird is telling me that you were rejected, but idk man, just speculation

I couldn't care less. These things are being pushed like a political agenda because correctness is a hype at the moment. 10 years from now gays will just be gays again and bother nobody with it.

man, idfc bout it

dont really care chief
rather make rent this month

Yeah I agree
Just keep telling the truth about it

You do realize this LGBT political agenda has been going on since Reagan right?
This will never go away.

Humans are Humans. Shit like "Gay Pride Month" and "Black History Month" just fucking accentuate the differences between us, so as a Yea Forumstard of 4 years, I'm against it.

i fucking hate gays jews and everyone who is not white and christrian just think of the vererans of ww2 see the usa get ruined by faggots sjws and the normality of gay people if i had full control i would kill every non white or gay people or trans or anybody who isnt straight and white

You'll care when your neighborhood gets overrun with Muhammeds and Pacos.

Too many immigrants stagnates wages, and artificially raises housing prices...
Both Dems and Republicans both want immigration...
Immigration is partly to blame why you aren't making rent, bro. Just think about it

Reddit is ---> that way

Gas em helped with the Jews back in the 40s


You went full retarded

Ikea joined bögpåse

>Pride Month
>In this context, a sense of pride taken from being a member of the GBT community
They constantly preach that homosexuality is not a choice, that one is "born gay." How? I'm white. Should I be proud of that? No. Should I take shame in that? Hell no. Why? Because I was born straight. I did not put in effort to become straight. It is not an accomplishment. In my freshman year of high school, I brought my GPA from a 3.0 to a 3.7 in one quarter. Should I be proud of that? Damn right. I put effort into obtaining that. Some random person is gay. Should they be proud of that? No. Should they take shame in that? No. Why? They were supposedly born gay. They didn't put hard work and effort into being gay. No amount of skill or determination led to that.

Honestly this People who post static gifs are a way bigger problem than sjw's, at least on this board. On twitter it might be the other way around.

>Fags and sjws are taking over the world

Good goyim.

Attached: OyVey.png (500x560, 16K)

>I'm white. Should I be proud of that? No.

It's weird how white people are taught to not have pride in our culture, yet every other culture has pride in itself. You should have pride in continuing the good parts of your culture to make the world a better place. It's your culture that protects you and shelters you and fosters out the best of you (or at least tries to do these things)

Take for example people who make art, or music. Not everyone is a genius in music, but the fact our culture values art and we reward people who create it, is a great thing. Some cultures don't do that.

You shouldn't have pride in being Gay (or any sexual orientation), but a sexual orientation doesn't create anything to be prideful of.

Attached: D5PmtoRWkAAS2vz Whites dont have racial pride or identity yet are somehow the most racist.jpg (1199x1200, 139K)

Promoting anti-christian values and ending family bloodlines and even dragging children into this low key deserves death through firing squad

When will civil war happen?

You sound like you're 12.

>Kill every non white
Start by killing yourself you fucking mutt

Do you blame Jews for your virginity as well?


Idk i live in germany and here it would most likely just be a Islamic coup cause literally every German is a cuck

That's what you get for not supporting Adolf Hitler
Get the fuck out to youtube

Don’t feed in their faggot queer dyke lifestyle or associate to them. On side note they got some faggot with a beard on their poster, so you hear that all ya faggot ass with beards, ya are faggot queers also

Attached: 5EB2FB81-A678-4BFF-9430-7B4DB409200F.png (500x500, 328K)

>white people are taught to not have pride in our culture
I'm proud of my culture, just not the prevalence of melanin in my skin, as the latter is unimportant.

Just throw 1 Molotov cocktail at a building every night before bed

No they aren't. They are pawns. The muslims will take over our countries, and the jews will be their masters. Gays will be the first to go once shit goes down.

Someone please post Honk honk

therefore true statement ahead

Oh ok good
I'm glad you aren't a retard.

So many people don't understand it's not about race, it's about culture.