Have you heard of the Rape of Nanking? What do you think of it?

have you heard of the Rape of Nanking? What do you think of it?

Attached: nanking beheading.jpg (193x262, 10K)

Humans perpetrating mass murder. How unusual!

Shamefur dispray!

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Just the same as what americunts did in nam or Afghanistan or Iraq so as the americunts call it collateral damage. That's what I think it is collateral damage cos the rest of the world has to as the americunt leaders say or sanctions, tariffs burn your country to the ground blah blah blah

Fuck you! China propaganda!

>What do you think of it?
I think it probably uses the word "Rape" in a way that you wouldn't recognise

This post is pure nonsense. Jesus fucking Christ. What does Japanese on Chinese violence have to do with America in any conceivable way?

not enough tit pics

sorry but i can't get your point. what do you mean for?

for me personal made me learn more about my surroundings of history instead another. just rambling here so I might not make sense with what I type. I know a Nazi named John Robe also nick named the "Good Nazi" helped the Chinese people from the japanese to am exclusion zone where the japs couldn't get to. John himself went out to exclusion zone and went to help those to people that needed help to bring them into the zone. also he described what the japs did as terrible which is you know is bad when a nazi says what your doing is fucked up. from sources that I heard he saved 100 to 200 thousand Chinese people. kind of like a Chinese Schindler.

also for me I think it's bullshit that the japs think they were quote on quote "victims" during ww2. even had a prostitution system where Chinese women were forced to be sex slaves named "comfort women" to supply the jap soldiers sexual needs. some where underage.

well a bit of an edit and going a bit off topic. I do believe the civilians from the atom bombs were victims but the other things the imperial Japanese did makes them equally as evil as the Nazis. The Japanese government to this day, denies that Rape of Nanking never happened.

Because americans are generally speaking very self righteous about their history while also generally ignoring the shit they've committed themselves.

I’ve heard of rape but not Nanking

for all that I typed just makes me realize how messed the Japanese really were during ww2. one Japanese soldier that was part of the rape of Nanking pretty much brags about talks about his murders like it was nothing. Just something about that got me chills.


Nanking was asking for it

nothing political I can add to it except for minor or brief details from what I read from all the war crimes imperial japan committed during ww2. cannibalism, numerous rapes not just to women but to children also. some including the soldiers forcing the families to rape each other and cut open the kids that weren't developed to have sex with their insides, if I'm correct. Unit 731 pretty much a Chinese holocaust with experimentation with people while they were alive. 2 officers making bets to see who can kill 100 Chinese with samurai sword and got praised in the Japanese news. etc etc you get the pattern.

It reminds me that the asian is a savage barbaric creature.

this in a nutshell. made me hate imperial japan and can't look at anime or hentai without thinking about this so thank you japan. adds new layer to "WTF Japan"

that's I feel looking at this. made us thought skinny japs weren't as tough as they look.

What in murica tard nation makes you think a post on /b has anything to do with muricaaaa